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Hainan is “teen mom“: the smallest mothers under the age of 14

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Hainan is “teen mom“: the smallest mothers under the age of 14(海南现“少女妈妈”村:最小产妇未满14岁)

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Hainan is "teen mom" village: youngest maternal age of 14 | teenage | Hainan _ news

Original title: Hainan "teen mom" perspective: the smallest mothers under the age of 14

Xinhua News Agency, Haikou, July 12-title: Hainan "teen mom" perspective: the smallest mothers under the age of 14

Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jinhong Deng Huaning

Generations live in fishing villages, not of legal age "marriage" is normal, the youngest was 14 years old when her mother, 30 years old grandmother or Grandma ... ... Reporter fishing village in lingao County, Hainan, and to survey parts of teen pregnancy and childbearing is widespread. "Teen mom" after childbirth security risks faced, separated after the birth is also increasing, resulting in a series of social problems.

World population day on July 11 this year was the 27th, the theme for the United Nations Population Fund "investing in adolescent girls", advocated investment in the health and education of girls State Health Commission, National Union of the China campaign theme was identified as "concerned women happy, care for the health of women and children", however, practices in some areas but left a large risk.

   Youngest maternal age of 14 "teen mom" non-isolated

16 Pan Hong was 5 months pregnant, she's holding a TV remote control to change from time to time looking for their favorite entertainment, on the one hand and gently pat his back crying daughter less than two years old.

She is 17 years old husband followed her father-in-law boat works, she and her 40 year old mother-in-law at home with the kids. She described her day: "eat, feed the baby, watching TV, feeding the baby ... ..." Pan Hong, 16 years old have a second child does not "unusual". Lingao County, Hainan Province, which is Xinying town, the town of diao Lou story is happening to most of the village children.

Journalists in the town of diao Lou beauty of good hospitals "maternal maternity book" see, from July 9, 2015 until May 9, 2016 at 10 months, the hospital has 108 maternal reproductive, 19 of them women aged under 20 years of age. These "teen mom" 15 people were born in, their one-child small child-bearing age.

Reporters then went to interview lingao County people's Hospital, after many setbacks get maternity records of obstetrics and gynaecology at the hospital. May 2015 to February 2016, at the county people's hospital birth age of 16 underage mothers in 20 cases, the equivalent of two or three minors a month maternity. Among them, 14 maternal 5, 15 women 6. Tsui village, Xinying town is the smallest maternal GUI, her date of birth was October 10, 2001, born in 2015 when the child has not yet reached the age of 14.

   Terre stereotypes regulatory penalties in escrow

Reporters found that in the eyes of local fishermen, "teen mom" is a normal thing. They share a common cause: for an extra left-behind adolescence, under the influence of custom, part of the shotgun after the puppy love.

--Traditional practices, early marriage and early pregnancy into practice. Many fishermen told reporters that the fishermen risk, need to advance the "carry on", the custom of early marriage and early pregnancy has become over the years. Xinying town middle school a teacher present, some fishermen's children at school, parents ran to the gate of the school to observe a woman student, and saw a door to the doll. "The girl so much, nice girl is taken up by others later. "A fisherman said.

--Puppy Love leads to early marriage and childbearing. Reporters found that tacitly condoned by parents objectively on the village children played a catalytic role of puppy love. Xinying town high school guidance director Chen Jideng said the fishermen's children as "a State of left-behind" parents year round fishing, most children living with grandparents, middle school love is common.

Chen Jideng said that despite ban school gathered in the playground, boys and girls after class, a series of coercive measures, but to little effect. At school, sex is nothing new.

--Look down on education, lack of cultural construction. In 2015, the per capita disposable income of rural residents of lingao 8833 Yuan, and per capita disposable income of fishermen is 1. It's $ 50,000. Some fishermen believe that reading fishing than earning more, for children's learning, and even dropped out, parents disagree.

Xin Ying Zhen long Kun Wei Hui said one village, village culture construction in these two years behind, can often see a group of 66-year-olds drink got together to play cards, a network.

--Penalty accrues legal awareness. Lingao County population and family planning, a Council official, government departments have work-related laws, but to little effect. "Only by fine most of the time."

Reporter learned that, in 2015, Xinying town had only 210 with a replacement certificate. As none of these marriages legal procedures, including government departments, to collecting the young marriage of real data.

  "Teen mom" problem kept hidden Afterburner care women need

Unmarried, "" teenage mothers ", psychological and physiological diseases... ... Today, our care for minors, women's and children's rights had made considerable progress, but in some remote and backward areas, still have marriage, fertility "dead ends".

"Teen mom" problem brought about a series of social problems of teenage births also face security risks.

Diao Lou town hospitals Vice President Wang Chenghui said that motherhood itself is not mature, endocrine hormone level is still not up to the requirements and therefore are particularly prone to bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, the girls pregnant children prone to deformity, is not good for children.

Liao Hui, President of the Hainan lawyer Association believes that early marriage and childbearing will bring a series of social harm: a violation of law, undermine the solemnity of the law; if you get pregnant, is not conducive to the fetus is not conducive to maternal health; reduced population growth cycle, early marriage age unable to deal with family conflict, family instability and risks which may trigger social conflict.

Socialism, Hainan Province, Shi Yaozhong, Dean believes that these fishing villages early marriage, although parents are the instigators, but from the Legal Department, law publicity is not in place; from the Department of education, education administration flexible enough; from the women's Federation, women's rights did not do; there are cadres at township level snubs and other issues.

In addition to its own concept of love and marriage, these young mothers are more in need of psychological and physical health education and correct guidance. Some experts say, hope the relevant government departments, social groups, which are targeted to this group in the emotional guidance and education on cultural life and help provide them with health and mental health counseling, education and health services.

"Minor maternal care issues, not the responsibilities and obligations of a party, but parties ' stereoscopic ' humanism. "Liao Hui, who recommends, in this context, but also in-depth legal publicity and education, the home, women's federations, family planning group, the village cadre can even intervene directly in early marriages, early discovery, early guidance.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Teenage mothers in Hainan

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  新华社海口7月12日电 题:海南“少女妈妈”村问题透视:最小产妇未满14岁

  新华社记者 李金红 邓华宁



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责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

少女妈妈 海南


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