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Chinese peace-keeping soldiers sacrifice, his wife told five children: there is war there at the expense

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/12 6:15:42 Browse times: 146 Comment times: 0

Chinese peace-keeping soldiers sacrifice, his wife told five children: there is war there at the expense(中国维和战士牺牲,其妻告诉五岁儿:有打仗就有牺牲)

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Chinese peace-keeping soldiers to sacrifice his wife told five children: there is war there sacrificing | peacekeeping _ news

Yang Shupeng's wife and son.

Yang Shupeng honors.

Yang Shupeng sacrifice, his wife sent him information.

Zou Lina chats with the instructor records.

Network of qilu laiwu, July 12 (Xinhua Kong Guanjun Zhang shuai) local time on July 10, the South Sudan Government forces exchanged fire with the rebels in Juba, the capital. China to South Sudan 1 armoured infantry camp in the United Nations peacekeeping operations are located in South Sudan's capital Juba of South Sioux when mission headquarters camp camp guard duties, was suddenly a shell attack. 9:24 July 11, was injured in the attack, Shandong fighter Yang Shupeng rescue invalid sacrifice.

Gangcheng district laiwu city, Shandong province, Yang Shupeng's hometown--BA da Zhuang village, Qi shan national forest park, sad news spread all over the village. Qilu network reporter for the first time, rushed to the scene, interview to the hero's family.

 "I have never believed that he wake up to"

Yang Shupeng's home a humble place in the village, military glory sign on stands at the door.

At home in the North of the House, relatives had put up a simple coffin for him, old mother cries of grief coming from the back room from time to time. "At that time that he was in a coma, I want my husband to wake up and see the information I sent him the first time. "Yang Shupeng's wife told reporters that at noon on the 10th, forces to Yang Shupeng's father on the phone, saying he was injured. Then Zou Lina sent information to all comrades, but there was no reply. Until 11 o'clock, instructor responded to messages, only a few words: my sister-in-law, I'm sorry.

Yesterday around 4:30 P.M., Zou Lina knows her husband from the Internet at the expense of news, "I do not believe that, but he wakes up." She then used QQ to Yang Shupeng sent a message: "honey, did you really don't? "" Husband are you wounded did not sacrifice? Is a lie, right? "" Honey, I miss you. ”

 "Most want to take him back, wants to see him again"

Zou Lina Yang Shupeng met for the last time in December 2015, Yang Shupeng before heading to Sudan, he only spent two nights at home.

"He's family, work carefully, clothes were folded neatly. Each home, cooking, washing up, playing with his son. "Recall briefly spending time with her husband, Zou Lina and wipe up the tears. In 2006, Zou Lina awareness through introduction and Yang Shupeng, November 2008 in force permit, in 2009, Yang Shupeng home was held after the ceremony.

 "I have to set an example, are raising their kids grow up"

Going out to work, perform tasks, Yang Shupeng rarely mentioned, just let the family trust. Because the signal is not good, Zou Lina mainly by QQ and micro-contact with her husband, 8th Yang Shupeng Wei and Zou Lina exchanged a few words on the letter home, race was the final goodbye. Now, my son is 5 years old, father's sacrifice, he had no concept. "I told him that the war on TV when there is war there at the expense, your father died. ”

Although up to now, still does not believe her husband's message of sacrifice, but Zou Lina played very strong. "He is the only son of the family, he's gone, I have to set an example, are raising their kids grow up."

 Character information:

Yang Shupeng, male, born in September 1983, gangcheng district laiwu city, Shandong province, Qi shan national forest park of eight village men, a high school education, Communist Party members.

November 2001 by the army, participating in the 2003 flood in lankao, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake disaster relief, has been awarded the second order of merit again, a collective of three order of merit again. In December 2015, to African peacekeeping operations in South Sudan, for one year.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Peacekeeping operations

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中国维和战士牺牲 其妻告诉五岁儿:有打仗就有牺牲|维和_新闻资讯





  齐鲁网莱芜7月12日讯(记者 孔冠军 张帅)当地时间7月10日,南苏丹政府军与反政府军持续在首都朱巴交火。中国赴南苏丹维和步兵营1辆装甲车在联合国设在南苏丹首都朱巴的联南苏团总部营地执行难民营警戒任务时,突遭一发炮弹袭击。7月11日9点24分,遇袭事件中受伤的山东战士杨树朋抢救无效牺牲。















责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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