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China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the South China Sea today released the results of arbitration: do not affect established policies

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/12 6:15:32 Browse times: 169 Comment times: 0

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the South China Sea today released the results of arbitration: do not affect established policies(中国外交部回应南海仲裁结果今出炉:不影响既定政策)

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China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the South China Sea today released the results of arbitration: do not affect established policies

"Global network comprehensive report" on July 12, 2016, People's Republic of China Foreign Ministry spokesperson landing Kang a regular press briefing the same day.

Q: arbitration result unilaterally proposed by the Philippines in the South China Sea today, how do you feel about such an outcome. Such arbitration will have any impact on peace and stability in the South China Sea? Next step will be how to deal with China?

Answer: I said when answering reporters ' questions the New York Times yesterday, China unilaterally proposed by the former Government of the Philippines to the illegal position of the Arbitration Tribunal, in fact, we may already know three years ago. From beginning to end on the establishment of the Arbitration Tribunal in the Philippines on malpractice and the illegal demands on the basis of its existence does not have legitimacy, all the decisions are made it invalid, not binding. If effect, as it may intensify the contradiction between parties in the region, it would seriously undermine the political foundation of regional peace and stability.

As Builder of the international order and the maintenance of regional peace, China will continue to adhere to the basis of international law, through direct negotiation by the parties to resolve disputes peacefully; upholding States shall enjoy freedom of navigation and overflight; insist on full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, and within this framework to promote "South China Sea code of conduct" the process of consultation.

As far as impact on China, I don't see such a member of the majority of the international community are against, in violation of international law things how this will affect China's established policy. Did this, China will firmly maintain the "double thinking" response.

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-07-12 16:55:55
China economic NET

  【环球网综合报道】2016年7月12日,中华人民共和国 中国外交部发言人陆慷主持当天的例行记者会。





(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-07-12 16:55:55

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