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Sea results upcoming arbitration, which countries supported China’s position

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Sea results upcoming arbitration, which countries supported China’s position(南海仲裁结果即将出炉,哪些国家支持中国立场)

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Nanhai arbitration results forthcoming which countries support China's Nanhai arbitration | | territorial sovereignty _ news

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III processing arbitration cases in the South seas, and its results will be released tomorrow. Although the United States, and Japan, such as mixing active arbitration case, some Western countries are also "gongs", but according to incomplete statistics, there are at least 66 countries, by heads of State, Prime Ministers, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Minister or Defense Minister's comments, clearly support the position of China in the South China Sea, far more buzz than each other. This also proves that China from the side "just cause enjoys abundant support", China's Foreign Ministry had repeatedly said that "wrongs".

Dense stand of the first round in April. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has been to Russia to attend China-Russia-India Foreign Ministers ' 14th meeting, visits to ASEAN countries, and then to attend the CICA Foreign Ministers ' meeting, towards Russia, and India, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, the Gambia, Poland, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan, 11 countries have endorsed the South stand. Among them, Russia, India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan as "AsiaInfo" Member States. Fiji, Kazakhstan will soon support.

A second wave of expansion to the West. On May 12, at the Doha Ministerial meeting of the Sino-Arab cooperation forum at its seventh session the adoption of the Doha Declaration. The Declaration stressed that Arab countries under bilateral agreements with relevant countries and regions, China supports the consensus through friendly consultations and negotiations, the peaceful settlement of territorial and maritime disputes; stressed the need to respect the sovereignty of States and the United Nations Convention on the law of the State party enjoy the right to free choice of dispute resolution.

Arab League countries amounted to 22, in addition to countries in Western Asia, including Egypt, and Algeria, the Sudan, Djibouti, Libya, Mauritania, Somalia, the Comoros and other African countries. Algeria, Sudan, Lebanon, and Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, Comoros and other countries also support.

On May 18, Togo, Afghanistan, are proceeding.

On May 19, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced that Mozambique, Burundi and Slovenia also joined the China team.

On May 25, the SCO meeting, the Ministers agreed, all disputes shall be settled amicably by the parties through negotiations and a negotiated peace settlement, against the forces of internationalization and external interference. To this end, the Ministers called for adherence to the above-mentioned conventions, the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, and implementation of the follow-up to the Declaration of a pointer to all of the terms. The SCO, in addition to China, and has said Russia, and Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan, but also includes Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Third wave is dominated by other African countries. Including Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, the Niger, Uganda, Eritrea, Sierra Leone, Togo, Algeria, the Sudan, Gabon and other countries.

On June 22, the South Africa Government Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement, supported China's stand on the issue of the South China Sea.

June China XI Jinping visits Serbia during signed the Joint Declaration on the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership, statements made clear that both sides agreed, in the South China Sea issue should be based on bilateral agreements and the provisions of the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, by the immediate parties through friendly consultations and negotiations, peaceful resolution of the territorial and maritime disputes.

On June 29, Ecuador leinei·lamileisi, Minister of higher education said the dispute need to be resolved peacefully through direct dialogue between the parties, this is the only way to resolve the territorial waters dispute. He agreed with China's position and think that Philip the dispute in the International Court of arbitration in the Hague does not have jurisdiction.

Uruguay's ruling broad front, El Salvador Marti front, the ruling party's Central Committee, political party representatives, are also considered in the South China Sea issue, "the Chinese Government chose the right path."

According to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated July 8, latest news, recently endorsed China's Central, Madagascar, Guinea-Bissau, Zimbabwe, Angola, Liberia and other African countries.

Just today on the Chinese Foreign Ministry's regular press conference, and added the list of Papua New Guinea and Senegal.

The AU, the Arab League and cooperation is explicitly endorsed by international intergovernmental organizations.

Party supports China in some European countries, including the Czech House of representatives Deputy Speaker and Chairman of the Communist Party of Czech and Moravia, as well as Bulgaria's largest progress for European citizens ' Party Deputy President of the party.

Germany social democratic Deputy Chairman junbeier said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua the 7th of this month, the key to solve the South China Sea issue is dialogue and consultation, "we support through bilateral and multilateral negotiations to seek ways to resolve the dispute. …… Any refusal to understand each other, the reluctance to pursue negotiation approach is not desirable. ”

This is in line with China's opposition refuses to negotiate, position of unilateral arbitration in the Philippines.

Previously, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Philippines for a long time engaged in marine Maritime Center of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, former Secretary-General aerbotuo·enkemienda said, during the Aquino administration, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Philippines dozens of rounds of talks but failed to resolve the dispute, had filed for arbitration. This is the Chinese Foreign Ministry was lying, because he was responsible for work in this area, the context it is clear that China has tried to negotiate with the Philippines, but the Philippine side has not responded.

He also pointed out that the United States, and Japan are trying to force China to abide by the so-called arbitral decision is entirely due to geo-political calculations. United States over the years played a very great influence on the South China Sea arbitration cases.

Worth noting is that important Western countries also have significant changes. During Merkel's visit to China last year, she also talk about conflicts in the South China Sea sovereignty dispute was serious, suggested that China through multilateral settlement of disputes. But this year, Ms Merkel remained silent on the issue of South China Sea.

At the G7 Summit, United States, and Japan tried to raise China's tone in the Declaration, United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron also echoed that China "must respect the decision of the Arbitration Court." But not with Germany unified position, in the final Declaration, just on the East China Sea and South China Sea express "concern".

With more than 60 countries unequivocally supports China's position, even without the support of China in many Western countries, but there is no station in the Philippines, or ask China to accept the outcome of arbitration. Australia cautiously neutral.

Some people on the foreign support, think small poor country, no point. For this issue, some Western media with their own "perfect" answer.

In mid-June, when dozens of countries had endorsed China, Western media such as the Wall Street Journal, deliberately turn a blind eye, claiming that truly support only 8 countries.

Hua Chunying, said: "we know that individual Western media sometimes portray white as black, now know they have something even simple counting and addition and subtraction problems. ”

If States support does not make sense, some people in the West why misrepresent facts? They can't wait to lie, pros and cons to shoot their own "shidaoguazhu" position.

(Chen Xuan Fu/observer network)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Arbitration of South China Sea territorial sovereignty

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南海仲裁结果即将出炉 哪些国家支持中国立场|南海仲裁|领土主权_新闻资讯

  菲律宾前总统阿基诺三世炮制的南海仲裁案,其结果即将于明日出炉。虽然美国、日本等积极掺和仲裁案,部分西方国家也在“敲边鼓”,但据不完全统计,目前已 经有至少66个国家,通过国家元首、总理、中国外交部、外长或防长等的表态,明确支持中国在南海的立场,声势远远超过对方。这也从侧面证明中国“得道多助”, 中国外交部此前多次表示,“公道自在人心”。

  密集表态的第一波在4月。中国外交部长王毅先后赴俄罗斯出席中俄印外长第十四次会晤 、访问东盟三国、再回国参加亚信外长会议,争取到俄罗斯、印度、文莱、柬埔寨、老挝、冈比亚、波兰、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、白俄罗斯、吉尔吉斯斯坦等11国 相继表态支持中国南海立场。其中,俄、印、柬埔寨、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、吉尔吉斯斯坦为“亚信”成员国。斐济、哈萨克斯坦也很快表态支持。

  第二波则向西扩展。5月12日,在多哈举行的中阿合作论坛第七届部长级会议通过《多哈宣言》。《宣言》强调,阿拉伯国家支持中国同相关国家根据双边协议和 地区有关共识,通过友好磋商和谈判,和平解决领土和海洋争议问题;强调应尊重主权国家及《联合国海洋法公约》缔约国享有的自主选择争端解决方式的权利。




  5月25日,上合组织会议上,各国外长一致确认,所有有关争议均应由当事方通过友好谈判和协商和平解决,反对国际化和外部势力干涉。为此,外长们呼吁恪守 上述公约、《南海各方行为宣言》及落实宣言后续行动指针全部条款。上合组织除中国,以及已经表态的俄罗斯、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦外,还包括塔吉克斯坦 和乌兹别克斯坦。












  此前,长期在菲律宾中国外交部从事海洋工作的菲律宾中国外交部海事中心前秘书长阿尔伯托·恩科米恩达表示,阿基诺政府时期的中国外交部称,中菲进行了数十次谈判但未能 解决争端,只得提起仲裁。这是中国外交部在撒谎,因为当年正是他负责这方面的工作,对来龙去脉很清楚,中方一直试图与菲方谈判,但菲方一直没有回应。









  (文/ 观察者网 陈轩甫)

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

南海仲裁 领土主权


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