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Multinational publicly supported China Sea stance

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Multinational publicly supported China Sea stance(多国公开表态支持中方南海立场)

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Multinational publicly supported the Chinese position | Sea South China Sea _ news

Nanhai arbitration case brought by Aquino of the Philippines Government final due out today.

Yesterday, land generous at a regular press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said that recently many countries openly supported China's stand on the issue of the South China Sea. China simply do not recognize and would never accept an illegal, completely contrary to international law, known as the arbitration case. After the pending the outcome of arbitration, will continue to show that the position of the Chinese side.


Arbitration after the results are announced we will stand unchanged

Yesterday, a reporter asked, Philippine Sea after arbitration the arbitral tribunal to make a final decision, how will China respond?

In response, Lu Kang said China's stand on this issue without actually (results). China simply do not recognize and would never accept an illegal, completely contrary to international law, a unilateral lift known as the arbitration case. After arbitration, the Chinese side will continue to take a stand.

Lu Kang said recently, the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and international cooperation issued a statement, saying arbitration in the dispute between the Philippines and ASEAN as a whole has nothing to do. Cambodia will not take part in any action that results published common positions about arbitration cases. "As you may know, it is already time to the Government of Cambodia in less than a month for the third time articulated in the South China Sea on the fair and equitable position. ”

Lu Kang said that Cambodia's statement defended China and ten ASEAN countries signed the Declaration on conduct of parties in the South China Sea, and the dignity and authority of international law, maintaining the common interests between China and ASEAN, and contribute to the maintenance of peace, stability, security and prosperity of the region.

Recently many countries openly supported China's stand on the issue of the South China Sea, only in July, for example, less than 10 days, with the exception of Cambodia, Angola, Liberia, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, they expressed understanding and support for China South China Sea stance. More and more countries to uphold justice, spoke, and prove the wrongs.

Land Kang said, face increasingly more of national support China of position, support directly parties party through bilateral negotiations solution dispute, support sovereignty national independent select solution dispute of way, in such of a facts before, individual still in tries to took so-called arbitration case smear China of national has hard again to international social itself, has hard again to international law spokesman itself, has hard again said China is so-called self isolated has. Who respect and uphold international law, who wrong, violation of international law, the fact that judge, most of the members have indicated that the attitude of the international community.

 Know this question 6, read the arbitration case

1 Philippine Sea comes the arbitration case?

January 22, 2013, Philippines the Philippines on the South China Sea, "maritime jurisdiction" instituted mandatory arbitration of disputes, and claims that it is based on the United Nations Convention on the law of the relevant provisions.

On December 7, 2014, raised the South China Sea by the Chinese Government on the Philippine position on the question of the jurisdiction of arbitration case files, comprehensively expounded the Chinese do not accept, does not participate in arbitration and the arbitral tribunal clearly has no jurisdiction in this case position and justifications, future decision making, also does not acknowledge, does.

 2 Philippine arbitration where wrong?

First, it is against the spirit of the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea. In 2002, China and ASEAN signed the fourth article of the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea made it clear that, "by the sovereign States directly concerned through friendly consultations and negotiations in a peaceful way to resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes. "While the Philippines in breach of its commitments under the Declaration. Second, it violated has long been the understanding reached between China and the Philippines. This understanding is their disagreements on handling the South China Sea through friendly consultation. Third, it violated the principles of the United Nations Convention on the law of the relevant, that is subject to arbitration, it is all political and diplomatic means must be exhausted, and on South China Sea issues between China and the Philippines have maintained communication. Without any communication with the Chinese in the Philippines, was handed a lawsuit to Court of arbitration, an ulterior motive.

 3 whether China does not recognise a violation of international law?

China does not accept, don't participate, it is according to law. The issue consists of two levels of dispute: the first is sovereignty and territorial disputes, secondly, maritime rights disputes, and the United Nations Convention on the law of the latter has the right to rule. China in 2006, excluding declarations under the Convention will deal with maritime delimitation disputes be excluded from the provisions of the Convention in terms of third-party dispute settlement procedures. In other words, have no jurisdiction over International Court of arbitration of the dispute. Alleged Chinese violations of international law, proved unfounded. On March 8, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said: "the Chinese Government does not accept the arbitration case of South China Sea, is totally acting according to law. ”

 4 adverse decision affecting territorial sovereignty?

South China Sea arbitration case will clearly have a negative impact on regional security and stability. But whatever arbitral award, will not change China's sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands and their adjacent waters of history and facts, not shake China's determination to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests and the will, nor does it affect resolving the dispute through direct negotiations, China, as well as with countries in the region to jointly safeguard peace and stability of the South China Sea policies and positions. This is a comprehensive strength and the will to battle, relating to territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests I had no room for compromise.

  5 arbitration case to hide the United States what intent?

From 2013 the Philippines unilaterally to initiate an arbitration, United States just go hand in hand. Beautiful hard play "out-of-court arbitrator", in fact, have ulterior motives. First of all, negative in the South China Sea, China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. United States in the South China Sea "cliques" contribute ideas, suggesting ideas, described as "step, but Homer". Secondly, to expand the effect of the arbitration, to produce a demonstration effect. Third, strengthening the regional Alliance. American desire closer relations with regional allies, and to deploy more advanced warships to the Asia-Pacific region, the full implementation of "regional balance" strategy, serving its interests and "ownership" for the containment of China, check China's development with justice coats.

 6th want to play what role in the South China Sea?

In addition to United States, Japan rather than being part of the South China Sea "onlooker". Japan officials on many occasions explicitly supported the Philippine side in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the law of the dispute through international arbitration. Japan also deliberately with the Philippines and other countries on maritime security policy coordination, and taking into account the provision of naval equipment.

Japan's plan, will complicate the situation in the South China Sea to contain China effort to facilitate its operations in the East China Sea. Japan to assume obligations for the United States. In recent years, the United States promoting Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy, spending was huge, can't ask allies to help share the responsibility. Answered the call to keep up with the pace of the United States on issues such as the South China Sea.


Ex parte filed arbitration cases in the South China Sea in the Philippines jurisdiction and the composition of the Arbitration Tribunal, the question of non-good faith use or abuse of international law. Unilaterally by the Government of Corazon Aquino of the Philippines called the South China Sea brought the arbitration case, can be said to be abusing international law, at least not in good faith use of international law.

The Tribunal did not properly understand the law, there is no proper analysis of the intention of the Philippines to initiate an arbitration. Current in the practice of international law, international dispute settlement body growing risk of abusing international law, expanding jurisdiction trend prevails. At present, more and more countries in the South China Sea the neutrality of the members of the arbitral tribunal and questioned the independence of, in this case the arbitral tribunal on the appointment of members of the obvious lack of, which it is difficult to guarantee the legitimacy of the Constitution of the arbitral.

--Engaged in research on international law professor at Xiamen University, Germany, Humboldt University visiting scholar Cai Congyan

Former Philippine Government between China and ASEAN countries, including the Philippines, signed the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, unilaterally to initiate an arbitration, is only the immediate narrow interests of the wrongful act, was passed out negative signals on the neighbourly. Philippine Government's unilateral action was ' catastrophic ' misdeeds, can only lead to protracted conflict,

Bilateral negotiations are the best way to resolve the conflict, and any third parties involved, and will only create new problems and trouble. Because third parties is not intended to resolve the conflict, but only in order to gain

Philippines and China sat down to negotiations to solve the problem more common sense, but if you go it alone, rejected bilateral negotiations, it will make a big mistake.

--Serbia Kadima member of the Bureau, members of the National Assembly Milo Djukanovic

General News Agency and CCTV

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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The South China Sea

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  近 期又有很多国家公开表态支持中国在南海问题上的立场,仅仅以7月份为例,不到10天,除柬埔寨外,就有安哥拉、利比里亚、马达加斯加、巴布亚新几内亚、塞 内加尔,这些国家表达了对中方南海立场的理解和支持。越来越多的国家能够主持正义、公开发声,充分证明了公道自在人心。

  陆慷称,面 对越来越多的国家支持中方的立场,支持直接当事方通过双边谈判解决争议,支持主权国家自主选择解决争端的方式,在这样的一个事实面前,个别仍在试图拿所谓 仲裁案抹黑中国的国家已经很难再以国际社会自居,已经很难再以国际法代言人自居,已经很难再称中国是所谓自我孤立了。是谁在遵守和维护国际法,谁在曲解、 践踏国际法,事实自有公论,国际社会多数成员已表明了态度。






  第 一,它违反了《南海各方行为宣言》精神。2002年,中国和东盟十国签署的《南海各方行为宣言》第四条明确指出,“由直接有关的主权国家通过友好磋商和谈 判,以和平方式解决它们的领土和管辖权争议。”而菲律宾违反其在《宣言》中所作承诺。第二,它违反了长期以来中国和菲律宾政府之间达成的谅解。这个谅解就 是双方要通过友好协商来处理南海分歧。第三,它违反了《联合国海洋法公约》中的相关原则,即进行仲裁的前提,是必须穷尽所有的政治和外交手段,而实际上中 菲之间在南海问题上曾保持着沟通。菲律宾事先没跟中国有任何沟通,就一纸诉状递到仲裁庭,这是别有用心。


  中 国不接受、不参与,恰恰是依法行事。南海问题包含两个层面的争议:一是主权和领土争端,二是海洋权利争端,而《联合国海洋法公约》只对后者有裁决权。中国 已于2006年根据《公约》作出排除性声明,将涉及海洋划界等方面的争议排除在《公约》规定的第三方争端解决程序之外。换句话说,国际仲裁庭对南海争议无 管辖权。所谓中国违反国际法的说法,不攻自破。3月8日,中国外交部部长王毅表示:“中国政府不接受南海仲裁案,完全是在依法行事。”


  南 海仲裁案显然会给地区安全稳定带来负面影响。但无论仲裁庭作出什么裁决,都不会改变中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有主权的历史和事实,不会动摇中国维护国 家主权和海洋权益的决心和意志,也不会影响中国通过直接谈判解决有关争议,以及与本地区国家共同维护南海和平稳定的政策和立场。这是一场综合实力和意志的 较量,涉及我领土主权和海洋权益的事没有妥协空间。


  从2013年菲律宾单方面 提起仲裁,美国就如影随形。美卖力扮演“庭外仲裁员”,实为别有用心。首先,否定中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益。美国在南海“拉帮结派”,为菲出谋划 策、指点支招,可谓“司马昭之心,路人皆知”。其次,把此次仲裁的效果做大,使其产生示范效应。其三,强化地区同盟关系。美意欲进一步拉近与地区盟友的关 系,将更多先进舰机部署到亚太地区,全面推行“亚太再平衡”战略,服务其利益和“地区主导权”,为围堵中国、牵制中国发展披上正义的外衣。






  仲 裁庭没有恰当地理解法律,也没有恰当地分析菲方提起仲裁的意图。在目前的国际法实践中,国际争端解决机构滥用国际法的风险越来越大,扩大管辖权的趋势普遍 存在。目前,越来越多的国家对南海仲裁庭成员的中立性与独立性提出质疑,本案在仲裁庭成员的选任上明显存在缺失,这就难以保证仲裁庭组成的正当性。







责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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