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Beijing check pool water: chlorine generally low urea high

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/11 12:06:46 Browse times: 175 Comment times: 0

Beijing check pool water: chlorine generally low urea high(北京抽查泳池水质:普遍余氯低尿素高)

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Beijing check pool water: chlorine generally low high urea urea _ | | swimming pool news

On July 6, Beijing Chaoyang Park, Chaoyang district health authority inspectors to check the open swimming pool water quality.

Can be obtained by scanning QR real-time water quality monitoring data.

With the approach of summer, temperatures rising, sentiment overwhelmed major swimming venues in Beijing. However, whether you really like to see in front of a pool of green water so clean? Recently, this reporter followed the city health authority staff, testing water quality in a number of outdoor swimming pools, found by detecting residual chlorine of swimming pool water quality there are low, urea is high, and so on.

According to the city health authority public health monitoring section chief Liu introduced in accordance with national standards, swimming pool water quality testing focuses on five health indicators (water temperature, residual chlorine, PH, turbidity, ORP value). Among them, the chlorine concentration is too low to water will not effect, bacteria and pathogenic micro-organisms in the water may be too much to reproduce so as to cause the spread of disease and high to human eyes mucous membranes, skin, mucous membranes, oral mucosa irritation, especially for sensitive populations such as children, women and the elderly will be more obvious. In addition, the swimming pools there are also generally higher urea problems, equally harmful to the human body.

After visits from journalists and understand that swimming pool water quality standards for operators to cut corners to save money.


Just added disinfectant residual chlorine is still below the national standard

July 6 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, journalists, health authority staff to Beijing tuanjiehu Park beach paradise. Reporters on the scene, many people were swimming in the pool play.

Subsequently, the municipal health authority staff went to a swimming pool next to remove water from the swimming pool, with detection of residual chlorine test strip for testing. After about 1 minute, residual chlorine value is 0.1mg/L test data. Subsequently, the staff and go to another pool, allowing visitors to Central swimming pool and pulled out a small bottle of water for testing, tests showed chlorine for 0.2mg/L.

Reporter learned that, in order to keep pool water sanitation to kill pathogenic micro-organisms in the water, swimming in a circular filter pond water while adding a dose of chlorine-containing disinfectants, resulting in free residual chlorine. National standard of swimming pool water chlorine residual is 0.3-0.5mg/L, however, in this examination, the swimming pool chlorine is lower than national standard. The swimming pool to the municipal health authority, a principal staff member acknowledged that swimming pool just to join the swimming pool chlorine-containing disinfectants for less than 1 hour.

Liu Ying introduces residual chlorine concentration is too low to water will not effect, the water bacteria and pathogenic micro-organisms may breed too much so as to cause the spread of disease and high to human eyes mucous membranes, skin, mucous membranes, oral mucosa irritation, especially for sensitive populations such as children, women and the elderly will be more obvious. In addition, high summer temperatures in the Sun strong, to decompose the chlorine, so the chlorine consumption is particularly great in the summer. Fill enough residual chlorine or not would be very dangerous.

Apart from the Marina Park,, city health authority of Chaoyang Park beach theme park were detected, several points of chlorine is detected, one point of residual chlorine data were also slightly lower.

  Swimming-pool urea source of excessive perspiration and urination

According to the national standards, swimming pool water quality of urea should be less than or equal to 3.5mg/L. However, according to data of previous years, pool urea overweight problems are common.

Liu said that when high levels of urea, ammonia in urea with chlorine to form chloramine-containing substance, so swimmers produced disgust, stimulate the scalp skin, corneas, corrosion and so on.

Liu said that many swimming pool overflow-type filtering, the idea is to pool overflowing of water collected in the water tank, then pumping the water circulating pump to a sand filter back into the pool again after. Although the hair and other impurities are filtered out, but bacteria could not be reduced, and must renew the water can reduce the content of urea. Urea recycling equipment is removed by filtration is not out of every day, someone on the inside to keep swimming, sweating or urination, urea is increasing, so swimming pool managers need new water rates.

"At present we are also through other methods do not change water to urea removed. Is separation of urea through technology, break down organic matter. But the technology requires higher costs, only individual swimming pool. "Liu said.

It is understood that the urea in the swimming pool, on the one hand people are kept in the swimming and perspiration, on the other hand is small in the pool.


To save money by cleaning processes "Jerry-built"

Reporters learned that Beijing has many swimming pool overflow-type filtering, to save money, some pools don't even open only at night or open circulatory system. But do not change the water for a long time, the circulatory system does not open, and to keep the water clear, swimming pool is large and repeated use of poly aluminum chloride precipitant adsorption of suspended matter in the water. Seems clear to the naked eye, actually waters rich in aluminum, damage to human eyes in particular.

In addition, some swimming pool disinfection there, "Jerry-built". Insiders said that, generally speaking, a 1000 cubic meters of swimming pool disinfectant, precipitating agent such as disinfection of materials, cost about 10,000 yuan a month. Uneven quality of various disinfectants on the market and prices, to save money, the managers on the selection of inexpensive disinfectants, disinfection efficacy is difficult to control.


Real-time monitoring system for water quality watch

To cope with the coming peak of swimming, and now, the city last month hundreds of swimming pools start "brushed myself a swimming pool, I know." Public swimming pools from the obvious can phone to scan this QR code, before swimming for the first time about the pool's chlorine, turbidity, pH value, such as numeric. If found not to meet the public through the public health service complaint hotline 12320 found problems.

The reporter learns, city hygiene supervision 100 swimming pool installed real-time monitoring systems, selected mostly outdoors, people, school, community, and some domestic and international major events, which account for about 80% of all swimming.

Currently, Beijing swimming e-regulation command center construction completed, real time five key health indicators for monitoring swimming water quality (water temperature, residual chlorine, PH, turbidity, ORP value), and 5 minutes to the 7.5 update a set of data. When it comes to early warning line, police immediately, the supervisor will immediately rushed to the scene to deal with. Experience hot weather, health supervision Department will strengthen supervision and inspection of an outdoor swimming pool.

"To guarantee water, city health supervision sector future will on swimming venues, especially problem swimming pool increased check frequency", Liu Ying said, city health supervision by will special supervision check focus solution public by concern of water turbidity and urea content exceeded of problem, levels health supervision institutions will through training and guide, way urged swimming venues operators strengthening itself management, while on violations law give administrative punishment.


Swimmer how to determine and maintain quality?

1. To the site needs to look at the current situation of water quality in General, GB standards for turbidity current is 5 to 5 of the word is really muddy and unreadable. So end of basically is very clear that you can see with the naked eye, it must be in the context of national standards.

2. Standing next to the swimming pool smell is there chlorine smell, it is best to have a slight chlorine smell, not too thick or not smell. Is too strong that excessive chlorine, will harm on humans, too few residual chlorine smell description, does not produce any disinfection effects.

3. As the PH or turbidity may see in the real-time monitoring system data and field status to make a preliminary determination of the senses.

4. Because men's dander, ladies cosmetics, to the water dissolved organic matter in General is not easy to remove, must pass strong oxidizing agents break down. It is recommended that our swimmers develop habits such as shower before swimming.

The national standards

Water temperature: 22-26

Chlorine: 0.3mg/l-0.5mg/l

PH value 6.5-8.5

Turbidity: 0-5


Urea <3.5mg/l

Jinghua times, Wang Haixin photography

Beijing Times reporter Ma Jinfeng

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Swimming-pool urea

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  据 市卫生监督所公共场所卫生监督科副科长刘颖介绍,按照国家标准,游泳场馆水质检测主要针对五项卫生指标(水温、余氯、PH值、浊度、ORP)。其中,余氯 浓度过低对池水起不到消毒效果,池水里的细菌及致病微生物就可能会过多地繁殖,从而引起疾病传播;而过高则可能对人体的眼黏膜、皮肤黏膜及口腔黏膜等产生 刺激作用,特别是对儿童、妇女和老年人等敏感人群会更明显。另外,泳池还普遍存在尿素较高的问题,同样对人体有害。






  记 者了解到,为了保持游泳池水的卫生,杀灭池水中的致病微生物,各游泳场馆在循环过滤池水的同时会加入一定剂量的含氯消毒药剂,从而产生游离性余氯。游泳池 水余氯浓度的国家标准为0.3-0.5mg/L,然而,在本次检查中,该泳池余氯比国家标准低。而该游泳馆一名负责人向市卫生监督所工作人员承认,游泳馆 刚对泳池加入含氯消毒药剂不到1个小时。

  刘颖介绍,余氯浓度过低对池水起不到消毒效果,池水里的细菌及致病微生物就可能会过多地繁 殖从而引起疾病传播;而过高则可能对人体的眼黏膜、皮肤黏膜及口腔黏膜等产生刺激作用,特别是对儿童、妇女和老年人等敏感人群会更明显。另外,夏季气温高 阳光照射强烈,会对余氯进行分解,因此,夏季余氯消耗会特别大。余氯补得不够或者没有的话会非常危险。





  刘 颖说,现在不少游泳池采取溢流式循环过滤,其原理是将泳池溢出来的水收集到水箱中,再用循环泵把水抽到沙缸里进行过滤之后重新放回游泳池。虽然毛发等杂质 会被过滤掉,但细菌含量等无法降低,而尿素必须换新水才能降低含量。尿素通过过滤循环设备是去除不掉的,每天有人在里面不停地游、排汗或者排尿,尿素会越 来越高,所以泳池管理方需要即时补充新水。





  记 者了解到,北京有不少游泳池采取溢流式循环过滤,为了省钱,有些游泳池甚至不开或者只在夜间开启循环系统。但长期不换水、循环系统不开,而为保持水体清 澈,一些游泳馆就大量、反复使用聚合氯化铝沉淀剂,吸附水中悬浮物。肉眼看上去清澈透明,实际上水体富含大量铝离子,会对人体尤其是眼睛带来损害。




  为 应对即将到来的游泳高峰期,目前,全市百家泳池已于上月启动“扫一扫泳池水质我知晓”活动。市民在游泳馆明显处可通过手机扫描此二维码,在游泳前第一时间 了解该泳池的余氯、浊度、pH值等数值。如果发现不达标的情况,公众可以通过公共卫生服务热线12320对发现的问题进行投诉。


  目 前,北京市游泳场馆电子监管指挥中心建设完毕,实时监测游泳场馆水质的五项主要卫生指标(水温、余氯、PH值、浊度、ORP),并在5分钟到7分半钟更新 一组数据。一旦触及预警线,会立刻报警,监督员会立即赶赴现场进行处理。遇到高温天气,卫生监督部门将加强对室外泳池的监督检查。

  “为 了保证水质,市卫生监督部门今后会对游泳场馆,特别是问题游泳馆加大检查频率”,刘颖说,市卫生监督所将专项监督检查重点解决市民所关注的池水浑浊和尿素 含量超标的问题,各级卫生监督机构将通过培训和指导等方式督促游泳场馆经营者加强自身管理,同时对违法行为依法给予行政处罚。
















责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

泳池 尿素


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