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United States deployed anti-ship missiles in a saying in the South China Sea Island: fighters took turns on duty

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/10 9:22:45 Browse times: 176 Comment times: 0

United States deployed anti-ship missiles in a saying in the South China Sea Island: fighters took turns on duty(美国称中国在南海岛礁部署反舰导弹:战机轮流值守)

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United States deployed anti-ship missiles in a saying in the South China Sea Island: fighters took turns on duty

Reference news, July 9, foreign media, said a senior Pentagon official said on 7th, China has in its claim of sovereignty over disputed areas of the South China Sea anti-ship missiles are deployed on the island, this is the United States Government publicly confirmed for the first time for such activities.

According to the Kyodo News Agency reported on July 8, Deputy Assistant to China's Minister in charge of East Asian Affairs yabolahan·dengmake said at a congressional hearing that China "has deployed radar systems, surface-to-air missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles, and fighters took turns on duty."

Reports that mark did not specify which parts of China in disputed waters deployed anti-ship cruise missile, but he accused Beijing of "unilaterally change the strategic landscape in the South China Sea." He told the House Armed Services Committee's sea power and force projection Subcommittee said: "once completed and get equipment, these facilities will greatly improve China's implementation of its maritime and territorial claims, as well as to places further away from the Chinese coast's ability to deliver power. ”

Reported that he said shows United States resolved "to international law allows any local flight, navigation and operations" part of us, "Ronald Reagan" aircraft carrier will carry out routine operations in the South China Sea this summer.

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-07-10 08:18:05
Reference news

  参考消息网7月9日报道 外媒称,五角大楼一位高级官员7日称,中国已在其声称拥有主权的南中国海争议区域的岛礁上部署了反舰导弹,这是美国政府对此类活动的首次公开证实。




(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-07-10 08:18:05

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