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Government response to dumping reservoir for many years, a town in Guangdong Province

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/10 9:21:50 Browse times: 148 Comment times: 0

Government response to dumping reservoir for many years, a town in Guangdong Province(广东一镇政府回应多年垃圾倾倒水库边)

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A town government response to years of dumping reservoir, Guangdong: garbage _ news by forced |

Plastic boxes, pesticide bottles, medical infusion sets ... ... Numerous lives and medical waste, years to draw forward in huazhou, Guangdong hengjiang beside the reservoir.

Yoshimitsu town, where the reservoir, is the major dumping of garbage. Reservoir, residents of nearby villages to discourage foreign garbage, put up a sign at the entrance, warning not to dump rubbish. Yoshimitsu town government in charge explained to the media, because there is no incinerator in huazhou, is forced to choose hengjiang Reservoir Hill piled up garbage; the town is no longer here to transport garbage; currently being actively developed corrective measures, prepared all the garbage transported to the waste incineration plant in Maoming.

  Reservoir next to all kinds of garbage filling the hills

Beautiful HJ reservoir was built in 1958, is a good town, the main source of irrigation, drinking water also comes from this village near the people. "Medium goods vehicle filled with rubbish every day, twice a day. "Liang Guang Zhen ya road 57 villagers Lv Meiying's family lives next to the reservoir at the foot of 19 years, in his impression that the garbage truck behind his house yellow Ridge dumping waste for at least 7 years old. Dump site before is still relatively far from his home, and later with the spam more and more, has spread to only a few meters away from his home place.

"Wind blows, stink eat, can't sleep, especially flies, densely sprinkled. "Lv Meiying said his home in front of the House there is a well, originally the family water on this well, then dump the time, Wells began to have strange taste, was eventually abandoned.

South reporter in good light yellow green at the foot of the town see "garbage mountain" towers, covered most of the Hill, about a football field area, the wind blowing, disgusting stench floating. On the other side of the mountain, is HJ res, garbage only more than 10 meters from the water's edge, without any protective measures, dump all the year round flowing water of a mountain of black viscous liquid, between the mountains of rubbish and reservoir rushed out of a thin gully road.

Villager licensing legislation warned the Government not to take out the trash

"Surface water pollution, pollution of groundwater. "Yellow Ridge less than 3 kilometers from ya DAO Cun village, mostly around the village, farmlands, forests, James DAO Cun said one village, mountains of dumped rubbish is mainly the town government. Most are garbage, but there are bottles, syringes and other medical waste.

Villagers before the ecological environment there is no concept of assumption by a garbage truck and a car and a truck to transport the garbage, slowly accustomed. In recent years, some villagers ' awareness of environmental protection of the outside world, that waste water and soil, destruction of the ecological environment around the village, and urged the village acted to prevent the garbage.

Village officials said some villagers call the excavators will dig the only road into the mountains of rubbish off but soon wanted to dig, to reclaim the road continue to transport waste. In April this year, some of the villagers clubbed together spontaneously, in yellow green must put up a billboard on the road, warned outsiders not to toward the garbage here, to protect water resources and eco-environment.

"Mainly on the watch town government, other people's garbage trucks, villagers can also be blocked. "Ya road, people in the village of Chiang Ching-kuo said that villagers foot vertical, affirmed the importance of garbage mountain hazards and HJ res, hoping to alert the town government.

Government response:

Removed garbage mountain to restore ecological

On July 8, Yoshimitsu Chief confirmed to the South of the town, and garbage on the road near the village green and yellow skin, is indeed the town Government has dumped into trash here are some nearby streets and villages.

"No incinerators, huazhou, here used to be used as landfill. "The official said, but this landfill is not official documents formalizing, or around the ground and there is no leakage, and other professional ...

The official said although it was an objective of frustration, but this treatment is inappropriate. He was to serve in the town of Liang Guang, rectification has ordered related departments, and stakeholders consultations, prepare all destined for the garbage incineration plant in Maoming. Yellow green improvement projects, efforts to restore ecological.

For the problem of refuse dumped along the reservoir, Liang Guang Zhen Wang in charge of sanitation are also interviewed. Mr Wang said, mainly because of the good town of junk nowhere, so it fell to the Green and yellow skin.


Previously no waste incineration plant in Maoming city, where

Reporter: what yellow Ling previously used for?

Town officials: rubber.

Reporter: how later the garbage in there?

Town officials: the land is our town government, James DAO Cun Wei Hui, pulling dozens of cars litter every year in the past, a nearby village. Previously no waste incineration plant in Maoming city, where the town government now incineration plant in Maoming city, will not go down.

Reporter: transport, disposal of rubbish, landfill has a professional practice, mass transit in and around measures to prevent leakage or at least do it?

Town officials: Yoshimitsu town without local landfills, not just our Governments, like many other village is there; now we Government all went to Maoming.

Reporter: villagers said some time ago you were still there.

Town officials: village they are pulled over more than 30 cars in the new year there.

National public awareness should be stronger than the ordinary people

Reporter: vertical green signs you are going?

Villagers in Chiang Kai-shek: Yes.

Reporter: why not other more direct ways, such as to the superior government departments reflecting?

Mr Chiang Ching-kuo: voted to report the letter to many government departments, such as the waste disposal authorities in huazhou city construction Bureau, but you see, mountains of rubbish was piled there every day, has not changed.

Reporter: town officials said, Huang Ling huazhou garbage is because there is no incinerator, a real objective reason.

Mr Chiang Ching-kuo: there is another big problem, should not damage the ecological environment to change.

Reporter: town officials say all your village?

Mr Chiang Ching-kuo: this is the first time I heard it. But in any case, national environmental awareness of public officials should be stronger than ordinary people, they should be blocked, rather than lead.

Interview: the South reporter

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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The Southern Metropolis daily


  水库所在地的良光镇政府,正是垃圾的主要倾倒者。水库附近村民为劝阻外来垃圾运进,在入口处竖起一个个告示牌,警示勿往此处倾倒垃圾。良光镇镇政府主要负责人向媒体这 样解释,化州市因为没有垃圾焚烧厂,被逼无奈选择横江水库边的山头堆放生活垃圾;该镇现已不再往这里运倒垃圾;目前正积极制定整改措施,准备把垃圾全部运往茂名垃圾焚烧厂处理。


  风景秀美的横江水库建于1958年,是良光镇农田灌溉的主要 水源地,附近村庄百姓生活饮用水也多来自于此。“每天都有装满垃圾的中型货车过来,一般一天倒两次。”57岁的良光镇雅道村村民吕梅英一家住在水库旁边的 山脚下已有19年,在他的印象中,垃圾车往他家屋后的黄皮岭倾倒垃圾至少已有7年历史了。以前垃圾堆放的地点离他家还比较远,后来随着垃圾越来越多,已经 蔓延到距离他家仅几米远的地方。


  南 都记者在良光镇黄皮岭山脚看到,“垃圾山”高高耸立,覆盖了大部分山头,约有一个足球场面积大,风吹过,阵阵令人作呕的臭味飘来。山的另一边,是横江水 库,垃圾堆距水边只有十余米,中间没有任何防护措施,山上垃圾堆常年流淌的黑色黏稠液体,在垃圾山与水库之间冲出了一道道细细的沟壑。







  运走垃圾山 努力恢复生态

























责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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