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College tuition increases in many places in China, saying substantial increase in the cost of education

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/10 9:21:23 Browse times: 135 Comment times: 0

College tuition increases in many places in China, saying substantial increase in the cost of education(中国很多地方高校学费上涨,均称教育成本大幅提高)

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College tuition increases in many places of China said increased college | | tuition _ cost of education news

Original title: | college tuition as much political solutions are called substantial increase in the cost of education

Beijing News News (Xinhua Zhao Shi) Beijing News reporter has learned, universities in Jiangxi and Guangdong have been identified this year's implementation of the new fees, and Hainan has held hearings and through Inner Mongolia University price adjustment programmes.

In 2014, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Tianjin, more than 10 provinces have been adjusted more than public university tuition fees. After two years, or for a new round of tuition increases.

  How do students and parents see prices?

Specifically, Guangdong Province, after adjusting for college tuition, South China University of technology first announced on July 8, the latest fees: liberal arts majors 6060 Yuan per year, science and engineering professional 6850 Yuan per year, respectively up 1500 RMB yuan and 1690.

Officials at the school said in an interview with the Beijing News 8th, the new standards only for 2016 undergraduate freshmen, before 2015 and is not involved in school.

Determine the price include Jiangxi, average tuition prices for 4000 Yuan per year, than the current 3910 2.3%, has a master's, doctoral qualified undergraduate tuition can be adjusted on the standard and floating 10% and 20%.

Prices for tuition fees, a student at South China University of technology said, after rising tuition costs, if the dormitory conditions and improve the teaching environment, is also acceptable. Some parents believe that "tuition increases, for a normal family, did not increase too much burden for poor families, but also is a lot of pressure. "A parent thinks, while school tuition, subsidies for poor students should also be intensified.

  Why the price of college tuition?

It is understood that the provinces of this adjusting tuition, tuition has carried out more than 10 years previously.

Department of education of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, said 2012-2014, of public undergraduate education cost on each college student, about 18,000 yuan a year, while tuition is only more than more than 3,000 yuan, local financial commitment of more than 15,000 yuan.

Education Department of Hainan Province, in the 14 years of the implementation of existing fees, price index increasing spending on schools, public expenditures, depreciation charge of fixed assets is also growing, cultivation costs has increased significantly.

China's national development and Reform Commission of Guangdong Province also explained: before the fees established in 2000, has carried out 16 years, this adjustment is considered economic development, financial investment, price level, residents ' affordability and other factors identified under the premise.

However, experts point out that university students accounting for all school funding flat, it would not be reasonable, it should be made clear which expenditure can cost, Government, schools, students, and other parties to share? These should be referred to third party accounts.

  Tuition is generally spent in what way?

Is a financial official told the Beijing News reporter, on tuition fees are typically used in schools, "in order to ensure the students ' learning experience, the school invested huge, such as classroom delivery multimedia, renovating student apartments, buy laboratory equipment, as well as poor students tuition, living allowances, and so on. ”

The official also said the Education Department for tuition management in colleges and universities are very strict, public University's starting point is not to make money, students ' learning and life is the starting point of running, "Student tuition to buy teaching services, tuition rises, services will also increase. ”

Some of the economic pressure in local colleges, and racked up huge debts, some have queried whether tuition was to pay off debts. In this regard, the local education authority has a clear mandate. For example, Guangdong Province, China's national development and Reform Commission said, raising increased tuition revenue, cannot be used to pay off past debts, universities should use an account, and also compress three funds to ensure that tuition revenue spent on students.

Editor: Yu Ya Shi Liu 喆

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
College tuition

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中国很多地方高校学费上涨 均称教育成本大幅提高|高校|学费_新闻资讯

  原标题:政解|多地高校涨学费 均称教育成本大幅提高


















  编辑:余亚仕 刘喆

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

高校 学费


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