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Chinese new year is a leap year amounted to 384 days, 29 more than the snake day

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/1 2:06:38 Browse times: 255 Comment times: 0

Chinese new year is a leap year amounted to 384 days, 29 more than the snake day(农历马年是闰年共计384天,比蛇年多29天)

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Chinese new year is a leap year amounted to 384 days than snake | 29 day leap year | new | horse _ news

Xinhuanet, Tianjin, January 31 (reporter Zhou Runjian)-January 31, new year's day, the Sino-Japanese war horse. A total of how many days the horse? China Astronomical Society and member of the Astronomical Society of Tianjin Shi Zhicheng said that contrast with decyl last lunar new year, lunar new year Sino-Japanese war horse is a leap year, a total of 384 days, 29 days more than the snake.

Shi Zhicheng said that lunar new year is a common year, starting February 10, 2013, ending January 30, 2014, a total of 355 days and lunar new year starting from January 31, 2014, until February 18, 2015, a total of 384 days.

Fixed for the calendar year of 365 days or 366 days with Yang difference is Chinese new lunar month is in accordance with the changes of the Moon cycle (about 29.5 days) to arrange, 1 year 12 months 11 days or so than Gregorian young.

In order to coordinate between the Gregorian and lunar calendar days, the ancients used "19 leap" approach, that of the 19 Chinese new year plus 7 leap years. Chinese Lunar leap year, because of a leap month, 383-385 days a year or so, and Lunar-355-day common year has 353 days.

"Lunar new year Sino-Japanese war as leap year of the horse in September, 384 days. The view was expressed that the horse was 383, or 385 days, possibly because the former forget this day, January 31, at the computation time, which may be the mistake Gregorian February 29 days. "Shi Zhicheng stressed that the first day was the beginning of calendar year, were born between January 31, 2014--kid is a horse.

(Edit: SN054)

January 31, 2014 The website


农历马年是闰年共计384天 比蛇年多29天|闰年|农历|马年_新闻资讯

  新华网天津1月31日电(记者 周润健)1月31日,农历正月初一,甲午马年正式到来。马年一共有多少天?中国天文学会会员、天津市天文学会理事史志成表示,与刚刚过去的农历癸巳蛇年不同,农历甲午马年是闰年,共计384天,比蛇年多29天。









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