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Wang Yi on Sade systems Korea: Peninsula far beyond defence requirements

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/9 8:02:05 Browse times: 223 Comment times: 0

Wang Yi on Sade systems Korea: Peninsula far beyond defence requirements(王毅谈萨德系统部署韩国:远远超出半岛防卫需求)

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Wang Yi on Sade systems Korea: Wang Yi, far beyond the defence requirements of the peninsula | | Thad system _ news

Original title: Wang Yi on the United States in the Korean deployment of Thad system

Xinhua News Agency, Colombo Sri, July 9-Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, 9th in Colombo, said in an interview with reporters, regarding the United States prepared to Korea deployment of Thad missile system, has clarified the principled stand of the Chinese side. We believe that the deployment of Thad system goes far beyond the defence requirements of the peninsula. In this regard, any excuse is pale. We have every reason to, has the right to question the real plot behind the move. We urge the US side not to own the security established in other countries on the basis of security, should not use security threats as an excuse to undermine the legitimate security interests of other countries. We also hope that Korea's friends think, whether the deployment of Thad system truly helps Korea's security is really conducive to the realization of peace and stability on the peninsula, really help to solve the nuclear issue on the peninsula. Interested parties must be cautious, avoid making a terrible mistake. (End)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

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Wang Sade system

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Xinhua News Agency


  新华社科伦坡7月9日电 中国外交部长王毅9日在科伦坡接受记者采访时表示,关于美国准备在韩国部署萨德导弹系统事,中方已阐明了严正立场。我们认为,部署萨德系统远远超出半岛的防卫需求。对此,任何的辩解都是苍白的。我们完全有理由、有权利质疑这一举动背后的真正图谋。我们要求美方不要把自己的安全建立在别国不安全基础上,更不能以所谓安全威胁为借口损害其他国家的正当安全利益。我们也希望韩国的朋友们冷静思考,部署萨德系统是否真正有利于韩国的安全,是否真正有利于实现半岛的和平稳定,是否真正有助于解决半岛的核问题。有关方面务必慎重行事,避免铸成大错。(完)


王毅 萨德系统


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