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Sichuan “sky-high“ school challenge, primary to high school to pay 400,000

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/8 10:29:56 Browse times: 175 Comment times: 0

Sichuan “sky-high“ school challenge, primary to high school to pay 400,000(四川“天价”学校引质疑,小学到高中需交40万)

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Sichuan "sky-high" schools question the primary to high school to pay 400,000 | | Sichuan _ sky-high school news
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In recent years, Guangyuan, education has always been a "strange" phenomenon, many parents prefer to send their children to distant, Chengdu, Mianyang, Nanchong, studying, rather than in the local school. In order to solve education problems last year, Guangyuan vigorously the introduction of Guangyuan and Wanda Tianli international school secondary school, brings vitality to local education.

But in recent days, members of the public through a Web site of the province "in politics, Sichuan" platform to question the Guangyuan Tianli international school fees, said the first day new charges for 28000 Yuan/year, finished three years of junior secondary will have to pay around 80000 Yuan, plus living costs require more than 100,000 yuan. In this regard, the parents beset by doubts: "there are compulsory, such charges justified? Price audit did allow this? Several students read it start? ”

A few days ago, this huaxi city reading of the investigation the journalist.

  School prices

  Elementary school junior high school spend more than more than 20,000 yuan a year

On July 6, the reporter went to Guangyuan city, located in the free state region on the pond near the village of Guangyuan Tianli international school. In the Admissions Office, told this reporter, a staff member of the school's admissions policy. In addition to the primary one students, students from other schools must be subject to stringent tests, are eligible only after studying. "We plan one by one at the beginning of this year has enrolled 12 classes, each class of 42 people, up to 45 persons. "The staff briefed reporters on the enrollment of the first plan.

Meanwhile, the staff member brought reporters a copy of the Guangyuan 2016 Tianli international school admission for special publication, set out above the payment standard, elementary school, middle school tuition is 20000 Yuan/year, accommodation 1200 RMB/period living 2500 RMB/period, administration fee of 600 Yuan per issue. And high school tuition for 0-22000 Yuan/year, accommodation 1200 RMB/period, the cost of living for punch consumption, administration fee of 600 Yuan per issue.

That day happened to be the school summer holidays, one to take the child's parents told reporters that he is Jian who, his son's school in the second grade, a year, paid in money, including tuition and living expenses, accommodation costs, management fees, uniforms and other expenses added up to no less than 30,000 yuan. He gave reporters an account, from elementary school to high school, studied at the school for 12 years, altogether may be more than 400,000. The parents said, costs are really high, ordinary families cannot afford.

  Competent authorities

  Tuition accommodation has been approved

  Approved tuition 18000 Yuan/year

With parents questioned, Guangyuan city, reporters consulted the national development and Reform Commission of China, charging management section, an official told reporters that the Guangyuan Tianli international school in Guangyuan city, prices charged by the tuition and accommodation fees have been approved, but for living expenses and other costs, not audits, due to living expenses and other expenses not within the price range the Government, accounted for according to the actual consumption by the students by the school. In accordance with the standards approved by the price Department, Guangyuan Tianli international school tuition fees should be charged at the standard as elementary, Middle 18000 per annum meta, accommodation fees for 1200 RMB/period. This reporter has learned, price Department of the approved costs 18000/year charge 20000 Yuan/school year, price Department will investigate.

Meanwhile, Education Bureau said Yang Songlin, Guangyuan city, he is also seen questions about Guangyuan Tianli international school fees. He said fees is governed by strict standards, in accordance with national standards in public schools, and private schools should charge in accordance with the standards approved by the price Department, education authorities on the charges in accordance with the provisions of regulation right. Guangyuan Tianli international school exists for acts of violation charges, he was sent in conjunction with the price control Department to the school to investigate.

  School response

  Lower than that of similar schools around

  18000 is the first approved price

For parents high fees, Guangyuan Tianli international school principal Huang Yonggui gives its own interpretation. Huang Yonggui said school fees after the price Department of the national development and Reform Commission of China, Guangyuan city, Chengdu, Mianyang and Yibin and other similar school fee is much higher than the fees charged for their school. In view of the school had just started, in order to attract more students, school tuition set at 20000 Yuan/year.

"Due to the nature of the school belongs to the privately-run schools, primarily in order to meet the quality needs of students, the school environment is very good teacher outside Sichuan province is very good, so that school fees are relatively high. "Huang Yonggui said, for parents to consider, some excellent student if you do think schools can apply special education fund and scholarships schools can help them.

For price control Department said the approved tuition for 18000 Yuan/year, Huang Yonggui said, "this is the first time the approved prices. At China's national development and Reform Commission led the Department for school research, said in a document approved by the price of 23000 RMB/year, but we still only 20000 RMB/year. ”

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Sky-high school, Sichuan

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper
四川“天价”学校引质疑 小学到高中需交40万|天价学校|四川_新闻资讯






  7 月 6 日,记者来到位于广元市利州区莲花池村附近的广元天立国际学校。在招生处,一位工作人员向记者介绍了学校的招生政策。除了小学一年级学生外,其他学校的学生必须经严格的考试、合格后才有资格在该校就读。“我们计划今年初一一共招收12个班,每个班一般42人,最多不超过45人。”该工作人员向记者介绍了初一计划招生的情况。

  同时,这名工作人员给记者拿来一本《广元天立国际学校2016年秋季招生特刊》,上面列明缴费标准,小学、初中学费均为 20000 元/年,住宿费1200 元/期,生活费 2500 元/期,代管费600元/期。而高中学费为0-22000元/年,住宿费1200元/期,生活费为打卡消费,代管费600元/期。










  对于家长反映收费高的说法,广元天立国际学校校长黄永贵给出了自己的解释。黄永贵表示,学校的收费都是经过广元市中国国家发展改革委员会物价部门审核的,成都、绵阳、宜宾等地同类学校收费远高于他们学校所收取的费用。鉴于学校刚刚创办,为了能够吸引更多的学生,学校将学费定在 20000元/年。


  对于物价部门所说核定的学费为 18000 元/年的说法,黄永贵表示,“这只是第一次核定的价格。在中国国家发展改革委员会带领相关部门对学校进行调研后,又在一份材料中表示核定的价格为 23000 元/年,但我们仍然只执行的是20000元/年。”

责任编辑:张淳 SN182

天价学校 四川


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