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Poisoning case in Yunnan province claimed the men do, Yunnan Provincial higher court hearings

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/8 10:29:53 Browse times: 155 Comment times: 0

Poisoning case in Yunnan province claimed the men do, Yunnan Provincial higher court hearings(云南投毒案蒙冤者索赔千万,云南省高级法院开听证会)

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Poisoning case in Yunnan province claimed the men millions of Yunnan Provincial higher court superior court hearings | | | Qian Renfeng hearing _ news

Original title: Yunnan Provincial higher court hearings held Qian Ren wind State compensation case (photo)

Qian Ren Feng filed into Yunnan province High Court. Wang Yanlong photography

CNS, Kunming, July 8 (reporter Wang Yanlong)-8th afternoon, Yunnan Provincial higher people's Court held Qian Ren wind to apply for State compensation cases hearing, retrial hearing the case of Qian Renfeng revision of innocence to apply for State compensation. Qian Renfeng and lawyer with Yunnan Provincial higher courts, the compensation committee hearings on compensation matters.

Yang Zhu Qian Ren feng's lawyer said earlier, before their meeting with the head of Yunnan Provincial higher court in the course of national compensation amount should reflect the specific circumstances of each case and humanity, but also to promote the institutionalization of national compensation for shouyuan building. Meanwhile, hope that the joint fact-finding Group investigation as soon as possible to catch a murderer, ren Feng innocence, total money. Interested parties, never cover up the real killer.

Qian Ren feng, also known as Qian Renfeng, Qian Renyan, female, in 1984, the Han nationality, primary school, qiaojia County of Yunnan province people, farmers, Aboriginal qiaojia County of Yunnan province village of Chong-XI Xiang Nan beams.

On July 22, 2002, zhaotong city, Yunnan province, the people's Procuratorate to Qian Renfeng suspects put on the dangerous substances crimes to prosecute the zhaotong intermediate people's Court. Zhaotong intermediate people's Court on September 3, 2002 criminal conviction, concluded that Xin Hua Zhen Zhu Qian Renfeng in September 2001 in qiaojia County, run by a "baby star Rui Park" work. During the work, Qian Renfeng believe Zhu was bad for her, and evil thoughts of revenge. February 22, 2002 at 12 o'clock, Qian Renfeng brought from home it rat poison into the kindergarten in some foods, and put rat poison in food to the Park, part of the children's food, which died after waiting a poisoning, Tan Mou, where poisoning after saving cure. According to this, the release of dangerous substances crimes, sentenced Qian Renfeng to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life.

Qian Renfeng at the hearing. Wang Yanlong photography

After the verdict, Qian Renfeng refuses, an appeal. Yunnan province High Court on December 5, 2002 criminal ruling, dismissed the appeal and upheld the. Following the legal effect of the above-mentioned decisions, Qian Renfeng delivered in Yunnan province women's prison to serve his sentence.

During the service, Qian Ren winds complaints, Yunnan Provincial higher court 2011 also dismissed the complaint. Subsequently, the High Court in Yunnan province, Yunnan Provincial people's Procuratorate proposed a retrial of the case. Decision of the High Court in May 2015, Yunnan province, the Yunnan Provincial higher court instance shall form a collegial panel to conduct the retrial.

September 29, 2015, Yunnan Provincial higher court review the case. On December 21 of that year, Yunnan province High Court ruling found that Qian Renfeng put in danger the material facts of the crime committed is unclear, evidence, sentencing retrial Qian Renfeng innocence.

On June 1 this year, Qian Ren Yunnan Provincial High Court for compensation for wind, seeks compensation for the obligation to pay the State compensation of victims of 9553043.65 Yuan. Among them, the compensation for damages for violations of the freedom of the country 5846699; compensation for spiritual damages compensation of 2046344.65 Yuan; compensation for nearly 14 years their cost of 1660000 Yuan.

Yunnan Provincial higher court on that day received its State compensation application and related materials. Review by the Yunnan Provincial higher court, submitted its application for State compensation procedures in line with the State compensation law and the regulations on the work of the Supreme People's Court on State compensation cases, on June 3, 2016 to Qian Ren feng of national application for registration according to law, and the immediate initiation of national compensation program. In accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned State compensation cases, Yunnan province High Court on June 6, 2016 to claimant Qian Renfeng served notice of the case. (End)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
High Court hearing Qian Renfeng

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图为钱仁风排队进入云南省高级法院。 王艳龙 摄

  中新网昆明7月8日电 (王艳龙)8日下午,云南省高级人民法院召开钱仁风申请国家赔偿案听证会,就再审改判钱仁风无罪申请国家赔偿一案举行听证会。钱仁风及其代理律师与云南省高级法院组成的赔偿委员会就赔偿等事宜进行听证。




图为钱仁风在听证会上。 王艳龙 摄







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