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Hefei polygraph anti-corruption officials confident prosecutors used to lie was asked to crash

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Hefei polygraph anti-corruption officials confident prosecutors used to lie was asked to crash(合肥检方用测谎仪反腐 贪官自信来测谎被问崩溃)

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Hefei polygraph anti-corruption officials confident prosecutors used to spot deception lie was asked to crash | | | corrupt officials to fight corruption _ news

A few days ago, feidong County of Hefei city prosecutor's Office began using polygraph and prosecuted criminal cases, and three official crime cases had been detected and more than 10 pieces of non-investigation of criminal cases, test accuracy rate of up to 100%. What kind of people can accept the lie detector test? If you suspect won't say what? Liar seems to look dignified, but mental activity? Beijing Youth daily reporter visited the Procuratorate of Hefei city, unlock the secrets lie detector.

 Mental activity has betrayed you

Hefei city prosecutor Mr. Hong Jun, Director of the Technology Department of public prosecutions told the Beijing Youth daily, lie detector to help solve a few cases effect. He said, nationwide currently has more than 2000 employees using lie detectors of cases detected, using success rate 98%.

"Your mind has betrayed you, hide nothing. Test subjects wearing connecting wire clip, you can record measured people's breathing, blood pressure, pulse and other comprehensive changes of various biological reactions. Object is tested had lied, this portion of the neural response data for reasons of human instinct, polygraph oscillographic dramatic swings in the curves on the screen, you can learn that measured man going through complex mental activity, direction for case investigation. "Director Ang told reporters that at present, there are two types of people cannot participate in the testing, a trained agent of the first kind, second is not to eat, hungry, sensitivity to cold, human blood is not completely clear, can also affect survey results.

Netizens have questioned if suspect's silence, I'm never say? Hung explained the Director, reflected on the screen of the volatility is the nerve of the human body's natural reaction to physical phenomena, some agents specially trained, can escape the polygraph, the man in the street is for some of us to try lark. Also, lie detector now with the brain waves, the suspect refused to answer the questions, can also be tested. "You (unrelated people) put on the ' cover ' (data collection helmet), lay silent but fierce struggle in the brain has been reflected on the lie detector as shown in the screen, it means that there is an important story."

If the suspect does not recognize investigators, of course, there's no way, because the lie detector test results cannot be used as evidence, except for the procuratorial organs indicates a direction, saving a large amount of manpower and time. "Whether he confesses or not, can only count as confession, prosecutors need to find physical evidence found physical evidence, zero affidavit also could give him that sentence, explanation does not account for just his attitude problem. "Big Chief said.

Chat lie before all of a sudden turn

Director revealed the Ang of polygraph questioning tips. How do you break down the psychological line of it? Question does not have direct access to the detection on themes, rather than talk to chat. "We play a game OK? From 1 to 10 I give you 10 numbers, you pick one, the technicians then proceeded in numerical questions one by one, ' you say is 7? ' Suspects answered ' not ', but measuring lie instrument shows wave screen has displayed he of physiological data curve occurred dramatic changes, test has two or three round Hou, investigation personnel Caine said ' you said of is 7, you lie has ', they (suspects) about on crash has, he will figured, I preset of a small digital are was found has, that I concealed of those situation will was measured to? Measured the human heart to waver. "Big Chief said.

Chat, play games to make measured relaxed, then turn sharply cut to the Chase, will test people off guard. Hung Director, was a shopping mall with stolen gold counters in Hefei before prosecutors suspected Mole. Office for crime suspects to carry out polygraph, "is your security? Do you on duty that day? "After being measured calm answer, detectors showed normal physiological data measured people. When the investigators ask: "do you walk through the fire escape? "Lie detector as shown in the wave curves on the screen swings, investigators quickly asked, finally locked into a criminal.

Duplicity of corrupt officials before the polygraph pleaded guilty

North Green newspaper reporter hung told the Director, now lie detector applied to "exclusive" and "found" case. Such as exclusive, Hefei city prosecutor's Office had received a report on public funds account for a flat in the city do not, running out of 180,000 yuan, the whistleblower of suspected corruption in accounting, but was denied the parties never discusses. Later passed polygraph tests, investigators do around accounting money at this point, designed several sets of "question" asking many rounds of tests, the normal physiological indices of the woman. Public security authorities have ruled out her suspicion, but did not stop her investigations.

Hung said, finding that Prosecutor's Office identified the suspect's criminal facts of the case, but the evidence slightly thin, the suspects vehemently denied all allegations. In early July this year, the public prosecutor's Office received a reported bribery and suspect Liu polygraph, mentioned having sent the cash as polygraph choppy. Later, investigators asked casually, send anything? Send don't send auto and real estate? Lie detector and reacts violently. It is quite beyond the imagination of civilian police. Investigators are along this trail, this briber who subsequently investigated the missing property and vehicles found physical evidence.

Director Mr. Hong Jun told reporters that Liu was doing when he was despicable lie detector, and volunteered to take the test. After the game was guessing numbers, Liu started sweating, investigators back to the point, lie detector reacted strongly. Tests one told Liu, you lied about some things, you didn't pass the polygraph test. Resignation at this time Liu has no confidence before the polygraph, a preset line has collapsed, he muttered: "so be it, I can do nothing, how can you love what it's doing. "The next day, Liu take account of the situation of real estate, cars, investigators also mastered him at this time.

Problem help-lie detector

Director hung told the North Green newspaper reporter, a lot of people question the polygraph: do, also includes his own at first. Colleagues do not believe in the unit hung units new to the East China University of political science and law and Director of the intern representative field polygraph experience, accurate site to watch people in an uproar. After the polygraph results convincing, he reported on the Attorney-General, convene a cadre meeting, "more than 300,000 of the polygraph, and bought two more units, there are four".

Instruments developed by Institute of information Engineering Center, is purely domestic. Formerly used United States manufacturing, and later the United States embargo. Back in 1989, Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed its own polygraph, put into use very good. Director Ang joked: "now when prosecutors can't detected in individual cases, it reminds us, you (journalists) If you don't believe me, I'll show you do an experiment, you complain. ”

Director Ang, combined with the polygraph deterrence, feidong County Prosecutor's Office carried out part of the Prevention Department of the court related legal advocacy. "We want to send a signal, criminal hands don't stretch, reach will be arrested. ”

Text/Trainee journalist Zhang Xiao

(Original title: duplicity of corrupt officials reveal before the polygraph)

(Edit: SN069)November 13, 2013 The Beijing Youth daily(合肥检方用测谎仪反腐 贪官自信来测谎被问崩溃|测谎|反腐|贪官_新闻资讯







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