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Wang Yi: times change, the norms governing international relations can not be changed

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Wang Yi: times change, the norms governing international relations can not be changed(王毅:时代再怎么变,国际关系准则不能变)

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Wang: the times how the norms of international relations cannot change | Wang _ news

Wang Yi: times change, the norms governing international relations can not be changed

On July 7, 2016, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing after talks with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon met with reporters.

In answering questions about how to view the current international turmoil, address the governance deficit problems, Wang said, the international community is undergoing biggest changes since the founding of the United Nations. How to change from chaos rule, China believes there are three aspects are important.

First of all, to foster a sense of community. In the face of global threats and challenges, States should be shared responsibilities, shared benefits. Own business is not the way, working together is the right option. Countries in particular, to take responsibility, reflecting the play, demonstrate commitment to global cooperation and political will, displays the confidence and ability to meet challenges.

Second is to establish win-win cooperation objectives. Xenophobia, economic security and strengthen the practice of the military alliance, not only outdated, but hurts others. States are also to help each other, and to overcome difficulties in the political, economic, security, cultural and other fields to strengthen collaboration.

Third, we must give full play to the role of the United Nations. World chaos, and not because of the purposes and principles of the Charter on the way out, but rather is due to the effective implementation of those purposes and principles. No matter how times change, sovereignty and territorial integrity, not interference in internal affairs, peaceful settlement of disputes and other basic norms governing international relations have not changed. Getting lost, breaking bones. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China will unswervingly safeguard the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, continued to strengthen the authority and status of the United Nations, consistently supports the United Nations playing a leading role in international affairs.

  Wang Yi: arbitration case against the rule, should be subject to boycott

On July 7, 2016, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing, with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon met the press here.

On the issue of the South China Sea, Wang said, the dispute resolved through dialogue in a peaceful manner, is the consistent position of the Chinese Government has always adhered. On the contrary, that refuse dialogue, without the parties agree unilaterally to promote so-called mandatory arbitration practices contrary to the spirit of the rule of law, distorting the purposes of the United Nations Convention, is not conducive to the peaceful settlement of disputes, could further exacerbate tensions, deserve justice of all States and peoples to resist.

  Wang Yi: striving to build a more effective and efficient United Nations

On July 7, 2016, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing, with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon met the press here.

Wang said that this year, Mr Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General working life drawing to a successful close. For 10 years, the Secretary-General to lead the United Nations facing the complex situation, overcame the threat of all kinds of challenges, the United Nations development to new heights, reaching the Paris agreement on climate change, by the year 2030 the sustainable development agenda, these are the latest achievements of the United Nations, but also embodies the efforts of the Secretary-General. Is a qualified and excellent Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Wang said that the end of this year, the United Nations will have a new boss. I've received in Beijing presented 7 candidates running for Secretary-General. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China is fully aware of the important responsibility, in a fair and responsible attitude to push elected a staunch Charter, the position of Justice balance, able to strive for the best person. I believe that this is the international community and look forward to the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Wang Yi said that in our "global village" more and more small, global challenges have become more prominent. Control of the "global village", which requires concerted, United Nations coordination efforts are needed. Looks forward to increasing of the parties to the United Nations, the United Nations also continues to rise. States should work together to build a more effective and efficient United Nations.

  He talks with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

On July 7, 2016, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

Wang Yi said that China attaches great importance to and welcomes the Secretary-General to visit China again, for you 10 years of unremitting commitment to advancing the cause of the United Nations fully affirmed. President XI Jinping's visit to the United Nations last year and attended a series of 70 anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Summit success, promote China's cooperation with the United Nations to achieve the best levels in history, indicates that China's relations with the United Nations opened a new chapter. China is actively promoting the implementation of the outcomes of the Summit, will continue to fulfil the commitments made in such areas as peacekeeping, development, and make its due contribution to world peace, global development.

Ban Ki-moon said, this is my 10th visit to the United Nations Secretary-General, almost as many times and my visit to their homeland. Thanked the Chinese side for me over the years and the strong support of the work of the United Nations. China's contribution to and support for the work of the United Nations and the cause of world peace and development is essential. Learning visits last year to the General Assembly of the United Nations and China's cooperation to a new level. China highly appreciates the United Nations UN peacekeeping cause of sacrifices and contributions, welcomes China's commitment to multilateralism, with China in peacekeeping, climate change, sustainable development, further strengthen cooperation in such areas, expect China to play a key leadership role in international peace and development.

On China's cooperation with the United Nations, the Korean peninsula situation in Syria, and Afghanistan and exchanged views on hot issues in Africa.

  Wang Yi: China is the maintenance of the international order

On July 7, 2016, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing, with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon met the press here.

Wang said that I just now with Mr Ban Ki-moon on the current international and regional hot-spot issues, China's cooperation with the United Nations an in-depth exchange of views and reached broad consensus.

This year marks the return to the 45 anniversary of the organization. For 45 years, China has always been a strong supporter of the cause of the United Nations, has always been active agents of multilateralism, has always been the staunch defenders of the United Nations as the core of the international order. In the five permanent members of the Council, Chinese peacekeepers are the most populous country in developing countries, and China is the payment of contributions to the United Nations than any other country; in the States members of the United Nations, China was the first to achieve the Millennium development goals, poverty reduction the most populous country. This "first", there are many others.

Last year, the Chinese President attended the 70 anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Summit, proposed to create human destiny, building win-win cooperation as the core of the new international relations and other major claims, announced that China would support a series of important and pioneering initiatives of the United Nations. At present, the follow-up work has made significant progress. -China peace development fund funds have also been allocated the first batch of the United Nations peacekeeping operations standing on police training, 8000 people standby peacekeeping force plan is perfect, "6 100" promoting South-South cooperation projects. We will continue to take concrete actions to show that China will go.

  Wang: strengthening the justice power against reinstating

On July 7, 2016, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

Wang Yi said that July 7 is a historic day. 79 years ago today, not far from here in the Marco Polo Bridge opened the prelude to Chinese people against foreign aggression. Sons and daughters won a comprehensive victory in the war, and make a great contribution to the victory of the world anti-fascist war, as well as lay a solid foundation for the establishment of the United Nations. In those years, China in a variety of ways to support the Korean nation to fight for independence and liberation.

Wang said that those years on we are not far away, but once a generation. Reviewing the past, we not only remember those who spilled the blood of martyrs for national independence, liberation, cherish peace in the world, should continue to grow the power of Justice to curb any attempt to turn back.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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Yi Wang

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王毅:时代再怎么变 国际关系准则不能变|王毅_新闻资讯






  第三要充分发挥联合国作用。当今世界乱象丛生,不是因为宪章宗旨和原则过时了,而恰恰是由于这些宗旨和原则没有得到有效履行。时代再怎么变化, 主权和领土完整、不干涉内政、和平解决争端等国际关系基本准则都不能变。变了就丢了根本,伤了筋骨。作为安理会常任理事国,中国将始终不渝维护联合国宪章 宗旨和原则,始终不渝强化联合国的权威和地位,始终不渝支持联合国在国际事务中发挥引领作用。



  关于南海问题,王毅表示,通过对话以和平方式解决有关争议,是中国政府始终坚持的一贯立场。与此相反,那种拒绝对话、不经当事国同意单方面推进 所谓强制仲裁的做法恰恰违反了法治精神,扭曲了《联合国海洋法公约》宗旨,不仅不利于和平解决争端,还会进一步激化紧张局势,理应受到一切主持正义的国家 和人民的共同抵制。



  王毅表示,今年,潘基文先生的秘书长工作生涯将画上一个圆满的句号。10年来,秘书长先生带领联合国面对纷繁复杂的形势变化,克服了各种各样的 威胁挑战,将联合国事业发展到新的高度,达成了气候变化《巴黎协定》,通过了2030年可持续发展议程,这些都是联合国的最新成果,也凝聚了秘书长本人的 心血。潘基文先生是一位合格和优秀的秘书长。

  王毅说,今年底,联合国将有一位新的掌门人。我已经在北京接待了提出竞选秘书 长的7位候选人。作为安理会常任理事国,中国充分认识到肩负的重要责任,将本着公正负责态度,推动选出一位坚定维护宪章、立场公正平衡、能力出众、锐意进 取的最佳人选。我相信,这也是国际社会和潘基文秘书长的共同期待。




  王毅表示,中方重视并欢迎秘书长先生再次访华,对你10年来不懈致力于推进联合国事业表示充分肯定。去年习近平主席访问联合国并出席联合国成立 70周年系列峰会,取得圆满成功,推动中国同联合国合作达到历史最好水平,标志着中国同联合国的关系翻开了崭新篇章。中国正积极推动落实系列峰会各项成 果,将继续履行在维和、发展等领域作出的各项承诺,为世界和平、全球发展作出应有贡献。

  潘基文表示,这是我任联合国秘书长以来第10次访华,几乎和我访问自己祖国的次数一样多。感谢中方多年来对我及联合国工作的大力支持。中国的贡 献和支持对于联合国工作及世界和平发展事业至关重要。习主席去年访问联大将联合国与中国的合作提升到了新水平。联合国方面高度赞赏中国对联合国维和事业所 做的牺牲和贡献,欢迎中国对多边主义的承诺,希望与中国在维和、气候变化、可持续发展等领域进一步加强合作,期待中国为国际和平与发展事业发挥更重要领导 作用。





  今年是中国重返联合国45周年。45年来,中国始终是联合国事业的坚定支持者,始终是多边主义的积极推动者,始终是以联合国为核心的国际秩序的 坚决维护者。在安理会五常中,中国是派出维和人员最多的国家;在发展中国家中,中国是缴纳联合国会费最多的国家;在联合国会员国中,中国是率先实现千年发 展目标、消减贫困人口最多的国家。这样的“第一”还有很多。

  去年,习近平主席出席了联合国成立70周年系列峰会,提出了打造人类命运共同体、构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系等重大主张,宣布了中国支 持联合国的一系列重大和开创性举措。目前,后续落实工作已经取得重要进展。中国—联合国和平发展基金首批资金也已拨付,维和常备警队即将进行训 练,8000人维和待命部队方案正在完善,“6个100”南南合作项目全面推进。我们将继续以实际行动表明,中国言出必行。


  2016年7月7日 ,中国外交部长王毅在北京钓鱼台国宾馆同联合国秘书长潘基文举行会谈。

  王毅表示,7月7日是个具有历史意义的日子。79年前的今天,就在离这里不远的卢沟桥掀开了中国人民反击外来侵略的序幕。中华儿女最终赢得抗日 战争全面胜利,为世界反法西斯战争的胜利做出巨大贡献,同时也为联合国的成立奠定了坚实基础。在那些岁月里,中国也以各种方式支持了朝鲜民族争取独立和解 放的事业。


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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