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Former richest man to borrow from State-owned enterprises in Shaanxi Province over 600 million overdue 1 year

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/7 13:50:02 Browse times: 153 Comment times: 0

Former richest man to borrow from State-owned enterprises in Shaanxi Province over 600 million overdue 1 year(陕西前首富向国有企业借款超6亿,逾期1年未还)

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Former richest man to borrow from State-owned enterprises in Shaanxi Province over 600 million overdue 1 year | old | high _ Lai news

After each reporter Li junming

Spread a network of coal-producing County in Shaanxi Province, Fugu County Government--to the former richest man in Shaanxi Province high is the name the company borrow 600 million Yuan contract, attracted wide attention.

The daily economic news reporters, Fugu assets operation of State-owned limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as fugu-the State-owned asset companies) 2015 report confirmed that as of December 31, 2015, the Gao Nai name two companies to fugu company borrowing totals 653 million yuan of State assets.

Previously, the daily economic news reported, the two companies who actually controls and high property has been seized and has entered the assessment process. Gao Nai exposure to government borrowing and repayment extension is certainly worthy of attention.

  653 million lend high is the name the company

Network spread the loan contract signed on July 23, 2014, Fugu parties for assets operation of State-owned limited liability company magnesium with the Shaanxi STARBRIGHT Jurassic coal industry (Group) company limited (hereinafter referred to as STARBRIGHT Jurassic).

Fugu fugu-the sole shareholder of the company of State-owned assets to the Government, and STARBRIGHT Jurassic is Gao Nai personal holding company. Worth noting is that the company is Gao Nai companies owned by the de facto control of the company.

STARBRIGHT Jurassic to fugu company borrow 600 million yuan of State assets, as the latter revolving, agreed to loan for a period of 6 months, starting July 23, 2014, until January 22, 2015. The two sides also agreed, borrowing rates to fugu-the State-owned assets companies get the cost of 600 million yuan in interest rate calculation.

Reporter for the daily news notes that the spread of fugu corporate State-owned assets in the loan contract, "Zhang Jun liang" and STARBRIGHT Jurassic legal representative "and high" signature and the imprint of a seal.

Press enquiries in fugu State-owned property company in 2015, confirms the above contract is true. As of December 31, 2015, the company's accounts receivable column, Gao Nai Fu Gu company of State-owned assets, the two companies owe a total of 653 million Yuan.

One is Jurassic xingmao, amounts to 600 million Yuan, the nature of the loans, and borrowings and loans were consistent with the said contract. Another loan company – fugu coal industry group limited is a Gao Nai coal company as a major shareholder, the company's State-owned assets companies borrow from fugu 53.1 million Yuan.

Gao Nai companies under his name to fugu company to borrow $ 653 million yuan of State assets, a reporter to more departments and persons associated with such borrowing to verify, but are reluctant to respond to the above questions too much.

The daily economic news reporter called fugu State-owned property company, an Office employee said: "very clearly, leadership is not. "STARBRIGHT Jurassic Office is not a related person to talk about this matter:" I don't know. ”

Fugu County Government confirmed to reporters that the loan from the side by a staff member, he said: "this matter (fugu) Bureau in charge. "But the Finance Bureau of fugu phone went unanswered.

Afterward, the reporter called them several times when he Xin Yaofeng, Fugu County, but the phone went unanswered.

Loans overdue 1 year

Shuli lawyer Yang told reporters in Shaanxi Province, in General, between the enterprise and the enterprise cannot have direct borrowing unless lenders have a financial license.

Reporters noted that the fugu on April 15, 2009, the State-owned assets management limited liability company asset management of operations shows that the "referred to operations management refers to operating companies investment leasing license, foreign lending", in accordance with the measures referred to, lend money at the fugu-within the scope of State-owned property company. According to the methods mentioned above, foreign lending attention to the risks, implementing measures to guarantee, mortgage, pledge, such as the guarantee, for bad debts in time.

This means that the lending State funds regulation is lax, resulting in loss of State-owned assets. In fact, the daily economic news reporters learned that prior to the above contract signing, Gao Nai owned more of the company's shares have been pledged. In addition, the fugu-Jurassic 600 million yuan in State-owned asset companies lend STARBRIGHT due date is January 22, 2015, however according to the fugu-the State-owned assets companies annual report as of December 31, 2015, the money has not been returned.

In addition, the daily economic news reporter in a "in XI ' an city intermediate people's Court of the Executive orders," noted Gao Naize and its shares of fugu coal industry group, all assets were seized by the Court, and has entered the assessment process.

This reporter has learned, as a top coal-producing counties, Fugu is known for fast development of private enterprises, more, money lending between individuals, between companies is common, but as coal prices continued to slide, coal economy troubled, difficult to schedule repayment occur frequently.

Gao Nai STARBRIGHT Jurassic fugu is the largest of its enterprises. Now, however, the financial situation of high distress may be the aforesaid loans successfully cashed by "stumbling blocks".

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Old Lai Gaonai

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Daily economic news
陕西前首富向国有企业借款超6亿 逾期1年未还|老赖|高乃则_新闻资讯

  ◎每经记者 李俊明

















  记 者注意到,2009年4月15日出台的《府谷县国有资产运营有限责任公司资产运营管理办法》显示,该“办法所称运营管理是指运营公司对外投资;对外出租企 业经营权,对外出借资金”,依照该办法所述,出借资金在府谷国有资产公司经营范围内。上述《办法》称,对外出借资金注意防范风险,落实担保、抵押、质押等 反担保措施,对不良债务及时预警。

  这就是说,外借国有资金监管不严,造成的损失便属于国有资产流失。事实上,《每日经济新闻》记者了解到, 在上述借款合同签订之前,高乃则旗下多个公司股权均已被质押。此外,府谷国有资产公司借给兴茂侏罗纪的6亿元到期时间是2015年1月22日,然而依照上 述府谷国有资产公司年报显示,截至2015年12月31日,这笔钱尚未归还。




责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

老赖 高乃则


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