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Foreign: China-made large aircraft operating successfully, technical capabilities only the United States and Russia

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/7 13:50:00 Browse times: 143 Comment times: 0

Foreign: China-made large aircraft operating successfully, technical capabilities only the United States and Russia(外媒:中国中国国产大型运输机成功服役,技术能力仅次美俄)

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Foreign: China-made large aircraft successfully serving technology ability only the United States and Russia _ serving | news

Original title: foreign media: China-made large aircraft successfully serving technology Russia, America, second in capacity only

[World Wide Web Reporter Zhou Jiying] according to the United Kingdom on July 6, the financial times, China's biggest ever military aircraft transported-20 entered service on July 6, which can transport troops and tanks around the world. The financial times pointed out that, in 2015, China issued a white paper on national defense of the Chinese military strategy has stressed that China must break the traditional thinking of land light sea, attaches great importance to the ocean economy, maintenance of sea power, implied-20 which is the embodiment of this idea.

Equipped with Russian engines "fat chicks" transport-20 load 66 tons, is currently China's largest military transport, which China became Russia and the United States third after domestic heavy military transport aircraft the State, China has the ability to research and development.

Reports said transport service-20 success indicates that China's military strategy readjustment, China will gradually perform tasks in areas farther away from the border. For example, last November, China established overseas bases in Djibouti. This will help China 2000 soldiers for peacekeeping missions in Africa, and help China in the India Ocean region to combat piracy.

Media description, transport-20 aircraft is the air force strategic and symbolic, leading equipment, is China's independent research and development of a new generation of heavy military transport aircraft, is a 200-ton large, multipurpose transport aircraft. According to the previous introduction, the captain of 47 meters and a wingspan of 45 meters, 15 meters high, 920 km/h maximum speed, maximum range over 7800 km, service ceiling of 13,000 meters, maximum load 66 tons, the maximum takeoff weight of 220 tons. Source: global times

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

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外媒:中国中国国产大型运输机成功服役 技术能力仅次美俄|服役_新闻资讯

  原标题:外媒:中国中国国产大型运输机成功服役 技术能力仅次美俄

  [环球网报道 记者 周骥滢]据英国《金融时报》7月6日报道,中国有史以来最大的军用飞机运-20于7月6日开始服役,其可在世界范围内运输部队和坦克。《金融时报》指出,中国2015年发表的国防白皮书《中国的军事战略》曾强调中国必须突破重陆轻海的传统思维,高度重视经略海洋、维护海权,暗示运-20这是这种思想的体现。



  媒体描述,运-20飞机是空军战略性、标志性、引领性装备,是中国自主研发的新一代重型军用运输机,是一种200吨级大型、多用途运输机。据此前介绍,该机长47米,翼展45米,机高15米,最大速度920公里/小时,最大航程超过7800公里,实用升限1.3万米,最大载重量66吨,最大起飞重量220吨。 来源:环球时报

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123



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