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Chinese Embassy in response to Nepal to sell China donated rice: don’t donate

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/7 13:49:51 Browse times: 142 Comment times: 0

Chinese Embassy in response to Nepal to sell China donated rice: don’t donate(中国大使馆回应尼泊尔出售中国捐赠大米:就没捐过)

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Chinese Embassy in response to Nepal to sell China donated rice: never donate | Nepal | rice _ news

[Global times Ni Hao Wang Pan-Pan] Agence France-Presse reported on the 6th, Nepal will be "China and donated it to earthquake victims in Bangladesh rice" sold by humanitarian groups warn. However, the 7th, the Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Embassy staff member told the global Times newspaper said, last year, Nepal earthquake, China to Nepal to provide relief goods and there is no rice, China nor Nepal donated rice. "Mainly in Bangladesh and India the rice donation is more, because these two countries to Nepal more convenient transport conditions, and China to Nepal donor materials were transported by air in the past, it does not contain rice. ”

It is reported that on April 25, 2015, Nepal a 7.9-magnitude earthquake. Two weeks after the 7.3-magnitude earthquake in the country again. Earthquake killed about 9000 people were killed and 22,000 wounded. Agence France-Presse, said world food program initially estimated, said Nepal about 1.4 million people in urgent need of food aid. According to the Nepal food Corporation (NFC) messages, Dhaka and Beijing to its donors a total of 11,000 tons of rice, only 20% were issued to residents of the quake. Humanitarian agencies on Nepal to sell donated rice warned, noting that earthquake-affected residents may also suffer the pangs of starvation.

Agence France-Presse quoted Nepal national food companies on behalf of BAWAN? AJ? kalkan as saying: "rice has been stored in a warehouse for 10 months. Now, donate more rice in Bangladesh, we have no place to store it. "He added:" therefore, we have started to sell the rice last month, revenues will be incorporated into the Government's Fund. ”

April 2015 Nepal after the earthquake, China's Ministry of commerce site has issued a news release saying, expressing the Chinese Government and the people of Nepal firm support to earthquake relief, the Chinese Government decided to Nepal Government to provide 20 million yuan of emergency humanitarian aid, including tents, blankets, generators and other urgently needed supplies in the disaster area.

Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Embassy staff told Agence France-Presse reported do not know, "Nepal how to dispose of them receive relief supplies, China does not understand. ”

Public information displays, in a charity Information Center published on May 13, 2015 the 4.25 Nepal earthquake donation report shows that as of May 12, 2015, China-Nepal earthquake donation of more than 238 million Yuan. Mostly donation, about 170 million Yuan, accounting for 72.2% of the total donations. Material donations worth about 60 million Yuan, accounting for 27.4% of the total donations.

Source: global times

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Nepal rice

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  [环球时报记者 倪浩 王盼盼] 法新社6日报道称,尼泊尔将“中国与孟加拉国捐献给其用于地震后灾民的大米”卖掉,遭到人道组织的警告。不过,7日,中国驻尼泊尔大使馆商务处的一位工作人员告诉《环球时报》记者说,去年尼泊尔地震时,中国向尼泊尔提供的赈灾物资中并没有大米,之前中国也未向尼泊尔捐赠过大米。“主要是孟加拉国和印度捐赠的大米比较多,因为这两个国家向尼泊尔的运输条件比较便利,而中国向尼泊尔捐赠的物资基本上都是空运过去的,其中并不包含大米。”

  据悉,2015年4月25日,尼泊尔发生7.9级地震。两周后,该国再次发生了7.3级强 地震。地震造成约9000人死亡,2.2万人受伤。法新社称,世界粮食计划署最初估算称,尼泊尔约140万人急需粮食援助。据尼泊尔国家粮食公司 (NFC)消息,达卡和北京方面共向其捐助了1.1万吨的大米,只有其中的20%被发放给了地震受灾居民。人道主义机构对尼泊尔出售捐献大米发出警告,并 指出地震受灾的居民们可能还在承受着饥饿的折磨。




  公开信息显示,中民慈善捐助信息中心2015年5月13日发布《4.25尼泊尔地 震捐赠报告》显示,截至2015年5月12日,中国为尼泊尔地震捐赠逾2.38亿元。其中大部分为资金捐赠,约为1.7亿元,占捐赠总额的72.2%。物 资捐赠价值约0.6亿元,占捐赠总额的27.4%。


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

尼泊尔 大米


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