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China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the United States express strong dissatisfaction with government officials in contact with Tsai

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China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the United States express strong dissatisfaction with government officials in contact with Tsai(中国外交部:对美国政府官员与蔡英文接触表示强烈不满)

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China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the United States express strong dissatisfaction with government officials in contact with Tsai | Kim | _ human rights news
July 7, 2016, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference

Agreed to by both sides, Premier Li keqiang in Beijing on July 12 to 13th with European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commission Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker to co-chair the 18th China-EU leaders ' meeting. President XI Jinping will meet with the Chairmen of the EU institutions.

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, China's Foreign Minister mangela·samalaweila invited Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will be held from July 8 to 10th official visit to Sri Lanka.

  Q: Philippines Sea Arbitration Tribunal will make a final decision in a few days. Does the ruling on China in the South China Sea sovereignty and maritime rights and interests affected?

A: China's position is clear and consistent, that is accepted, does not recognize the unilateral request of the Philippines to establish any arbitral award. The so-called "ruling" will not affect China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea.

I would like to point out is that China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands and their adjacent waters, it is the consistent position of the Chinese Government. Based on the long history of the Chinese people and the Chinese Government practices and the consistent position of the Chinese Government, in accordance with the 1958 People's Republic of China Government statement on territorial waters, the 1992 People's Republic of China territorial waters and contiguous zone Act, 1998, the People's Republic of China's exclusive economic zone and the Continental Shelf Act in 1996 and of the People's Republic of China Standing Committee of the national people's Congress on approving the < United Nations Convention > decisions and other legal documents, Under international law, including the United Nations Convention, South China Sea Islands are Chinese territory, according to the South China Sea Islands have the appropriate maritime rights and interests, China also has historic rights in the South China Sea. In the South China Sea sovereignty and maritime rights and interests has sufficient historical and legal basis of doubt.

  Q: can you introduce the China-EU leaders ' meeting on the arrangements? The Chinese side what do you think the development of China-EU relations?

A: Prime Minister Li keqiang and European leaders will co-chair the 18th China-EU leaders ' meeting and to attend the China-EU Business Summit. European leaders during his stay in Beijing, the Chinese President will be met.

China-EU leaders ' meeting is the EU-China dialogue mechanism at the highest level, play an important guiding role in China-EU relations. Leaders of the two sides will make further guidance on the future development of China-EU relations and planning, and exchange views on the agenda and major international issues of common concern.

At present, China-EU relations are increasingly mature, in-depth, peace, growth, change, civilized construction of four partnerships to promote. The 17th China-EU leaders ' meeting last year decided to butt "along the way" initiatives and European investment plan, construction of Central Investment Fund, interconnection, digital, Legal Affairs, dialogue and cooperation platform for facilitating personnel exchanges five. Positive progress in the current five platforms. Both sides also maintained close communication and cooperation in international and regional affairs. The Chinese side attaches great importance to developing China-EU relations, and is willing to take the 18th Summit as an opportunity to constantly blaze new trails, enhance mutual understanding, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and promote the development of China-EU relations to a new level.

  Q: the United States on the grounds of human rights issues for the first time sanctions against North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-UN. Have any comments on this? Sanctions will impact China?

A: China has always advocated that on the basis of equality and mutual respect, through constructive dialogue and cooperation on human rights issues, opposing public pressure and confrontational approach against a State under its domestic law for unilateral sanctions against another State, and hurt the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of other countries. The current complex and sensitive situation on the Korean peninsula, all parties concerned should refrain from stimulating each other, exacerbating tensions and do more things conducive to peace and stability on the peninsula.

  Asked: it is reported that the United Kingdom Government-appointed Iraq war Inquiry Commission report noted that United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair's Government was based on false intelligence to join with United States-led invasion of Iraq war. British Prime Minister David Cameron has said should learn a lesson. United States is not correct in all things. Corbin British Labour leader, said war without United Nations authorization was dangerous, Iraq war spreading terrorism in the Middle East. How do you comment on this?

A: we have taken note of the British about the report and related statements. On the Iraq war and its aftermath on the merits is not news. This report once again shows that any act of a State, any of the Government's major foreign policy, should respect and abide by the basic norms governing international relations, respect for and observance of international law, rather than with real violations of international law in the name of international law, not for personal gain, the name of the so-called international rules of nomenclature disturb regional peace and stability, and let the peoples of the region and the international community to pay.

  Question: it was reported that the former Chinese State Councilor Dai bingguo met with United States Assistant to the President for national security affairs Condoleezza Rice. Whether the two sides talked about the South China Sea arbitration-related topic? Turning to the programme after the arbitration case?

A: on the former Chinese State Councilor Dai bingguo visited the United States and talks with Condoleezza Rice, Assistant of the situation I have not mastered.

I would like to reiterate that United States not parties to the South China Sea issue, should abide by the commitments does not stand on the issue in the South China Sea dispute. The United States should be careful, damage China's sovereignty and security interests are not taken action to stop sending ships with its front part Nansha sea air space, stop in the South China Sea around, take concrete actions to maintain China and United States relations and regional peace and stability.

  Q: it is reported that Tsai recently "transit" United States period, for all forms of contact with a number of us lawmakers and officials from relevant departments of the United States, Congressional leaders spoke by telephone. Do you have any comment?

A: we always adhere to the one-China principle to address foreign exchange issues, is firmly opposed to countries having diplomatic relations with the Taiwan area to conduct official exchanges and contacts. To the US Government officials, members of Congress contact with Tsai expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition, has already made solemn representations to the US side. We urge the US side to abide by the one-China policy, China and the United States principles of the three joint communiques and oppose "Taiwan independence" commitments, prudently and properly handle Taiwan-related issues, stop with the Taiwan area for any form of official contacts, not to "Taiwan independence" forces send any wrong signals, so as not to undermine China and United States relations.

  Question: Please describe the Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to Sri Lanka to the arrangement. China is expecting to visit? In the current relationship between what?

Answer: during the visit, Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Wickremesinghe, held talks with Foreign Minister Samaraweera.

Sri Lanka are traditional friendly neighbors of China, and China to build "along the way" important cooperation partner. In April this year during Prime Minister Wickremesinghe's visit, leaders of the two countries to consolidate the traditional friendship, and steadily push forward major projects cooperation and reached broad consensus. China hopes that his visit would promote the implementation of the important consensus leaders and further consolidate the two sides in the political, trade, investment, production, tourism, cultural cooperation and sincere mutual help and friendship from generation to the strategic cooperative partnership to a new height.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Kim Jong-UN on human rights

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China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website





  我要指出的是,中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权,这是中国政府的一贯立场。基于中国人民和中国政府的长期历史实践及历届中国政府 的一贯立场,根据1958年《中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明》、1992年《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》、1998年《中华人民共和国专属经济区 和大陆架法》以及1996年《中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于批准<联合国海洋法公约>的决定》等国内法律文件,根据包括《联 合国海洋法公约》在内的国际法,南海诸岛是中国固有领土,中国依据南海诸岛拥有相应的海洋权益,中国还在南海拥有历史性权利。中国在南海的主权和海洋权益 拥有充分的历史和法理依据,不容置疑。




  当前,中欧关系发展正日趋成熟、深入,和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系建设全面推进。去年第十七次中国欧盟领导人会晤决定对接“一带一路” 倡议和欧洲投资计划,建设中欧投资基金、互联互通、数字化、法律事务对话和便利人员往来五大合作平台。目前五大平台建设均取得积极进展。双方还在国际和地 区事务上保持密切沟通与合作。中方高度重视发展中欧关系,愿以第十八次领导人会晤为契机,不断开拓创新,增进相互理解,深化互利合作,推动中欧关系发展再 上新台阶。


  答:中方一贯主张在平等和相互尊重的基础上,通过开展建设性对话与合作处理人权领域问题,反对公开施压和对抗做法,反对一国动辄依据其国内法对 另一国实施单边制裁,并损及别国的正当、合法权益。当前朝鲜半岛形势复杂敏感,有关各方应避免采取相互刺激、加剧局势紧张的举动,多做有利于半岛和平稳定 的事。

  问:据报道,英国政府委任的伊拉克战争调查委员会公布报告指出,英国前首相布莱尔政府是基于错误情报加入以美国为首的入侵伊拉 克战争。英首相卡梅伦称,应从中汲取教训。美国并非在所有的事情上都正确。英工党领袖科尔宾称,没有联合国授权的战争是危险的,伊拉克战争促使恐怖主义在 中东传播。请问中方对此有何评论?

  答:我们注意到英方有关报告及相关人士表态。关于伊拉克战争的是非曲直及其后遗症已经不是什么新闻。这一报告再次表明,任何一个国家的行为,任 何一个政府的重大对外决策,都应尊重和遵守国际关系基本准则,尊重和遵守国际法,而不是打着国际法的旗号行违反国际法之实,更不能为一己私利,假借所谓国 际规则的名目扰乱地区的和平稳定,让地区人民乃至国际社会埋单。





  答:我们一贯坚持以一个中国原则处理台湾地区对外交往问题,坚决反对中国的建交国与台湾地区进行官方往来和接触。我们对美政府官员、国会议员与 蔡英文接触表示强烈不满和坚决反对,已经就此向美方提出严正交涉。我们敦促美方恪守一个中国政策、中国和美国三个联合公报原则和反对“台独”的承诺,慎重妥善处理涉台问题,停止与台湾地区进行任何形式的官方接触,不向“台独”势力发出任何错误信号,以免损害中国和美国关系大局。



  斯里兰卡是中国传统友好邻邦,也是中方共建“一带一路”重要合作伙伴。今年4月维克拉马辛哈总理访华期间,两国领导人就巩固中斯传统友谊、稳步 推进重大项目合作等达成广泛共识。中方期待通过此访推动落实中斯两国领导人重要共识,进一步夯实双方在政治、贸易投资、产能、旅游人文等领域合作,将中斯 真诚互助、世代友好的战略合作伙伴关系推向新高度。

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

金正恩 人权


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