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Beauty revealed “human rights lawyer“ Lore: others pieces

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/7 13:49:38 Browse times: 194 Comment times: 0

Beauty revealed “human rights lawyer“ Lore: others pieces(美女揭“人权律师”黑幕:成为他人棋子)

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Beauty revealed "human rights lawyer" Lore: become pawns | bar | human rights _ news

[Global network comprehensive report] according to the Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau informed the official Micro-Blog @ peace Tianjin, July 7, for alleged crimes in 2015, was approved the arrest of sharp, Beijing law firm 24 years old female Assistant Wu Guanghua (network name Koala), because of his allegedly confessed crimes and better attitude, police agreed to change criminal compulsory measures to bail.

It is understood that Beijing sharp law firm 7 "human rights lawyer" or Assistant in January 2015, was formally arrested, 7 people had been charged with subverting state power or the crime of inciting subversion of State power. Was the previous charges included sharp law firm Director Zhou Shifeng, were later charged for 4 people, including Wu Guanghua. The gang from July 2012, has organized plans sensitive to speculation over more than 40 incidents, seriously disrupting social order.

July 7 at 20 o'clock in the evening, Wu Guanghua in their Twitter @ issued an open letter on a koala is a koala "na?ve" expressed deep repentance and reflection. She said, which worked on behalf of the institution is doing on "torture" research, is actually through the financing of projects to collect, collate and sensationalize sensitive incidents in our country, take this criticism of the Chinese judicial system and social system, encourage to change the existing system. They organized the so-called "seminar" is nothing more than "lawyers" and sensitive to provide awareness and communication platform, these people become their helpers and chess infiltrating peaceful evolution in China.

Wu Guanghua said: "I really didn't think his actions in betraying his ideals and hurt themselves the most beloved country, inadvertently become pawns people with ulterior motives. ”

Twitter reads as follows:

  In Australia there is an animal in the forest of eucalyptus, people called it the "Koala". Gentle temperament, posture and honest, slow, can stay on the tree for 88 hours a day, relax. Can rely on the tree, slowly, I really like this feeling, so my name is also called "Koala". But with "Koala" is different, with my heart full of pursuit and dream, dream through their own ability, become a socially useful, people who contribute to society.

In College, I majored in journalism. When a reporter or a media person, is to select students of this common desire. So, when I was in College, I started on the Web internship, looking forward to the future.

It is said that life is like a play, and I think that life is more like the news live. A lot of things, and simply have no time to think, to ask to understand, what just happened is not foreseen, such as love, marriage, and career ... ...

At the moment when it comes to love and marriage, career, with my fate today because they intersect with each other, make my life there have been turning, even avoid detours. Which is why I want to use an open letter, an important reason for sharing my journey with friends and relatives. Who would have thought after the girls, I was only 24 years old, are flowers is the most beautiful moment of my life, why does fate trick? It really is not going through trials and tribulations, he cannot see the Rainbow?

A year is a long time, and very short, and I would like to thank this year's experience. 365 days, 365 days, towards your dreams all the way I finally quieted down, wait-and-see inside, watching his dream, watching myself the way, allow me to travel through time, please allow me to jump over some life chapter, come back to me from a passionate young people step into the society at that moment. Because sometimes people will escape. And some things only hearts alone. Okay, I admit, I was not only a passionate young people, also used to be a cynical, I think I am full of positive energy, this agitation of style I gentle effeminate appearance and seems incongruous.

Compared with the girls of the same age, I used to be an independent loner out. After the birth of the child, is born enjoying niche and the well-being of the reform and opening up, born with the gift, so that we do not know the reclamation of the difficult years seniors pay, also missing a thankful heart. World said after the beat generation, and I'm not willing to become a member of beat, I'm the traitor in the group, I think for ourselves, for our generation's name! In my mind, I aspired to project the view in the community, projected to assume our generation in the country, social responsibility and role, this is what I have been affected by the school, the feeling of home and family education taught me naive sense of social responsibility.

I am concerned with the social equity and justice, care about social welfare activities, this concern is like hitting a doomed, just my view leads to the surface, "human rights lawyer" group. From the time I started the online monitoring of their activities, and to participate in their organization's so-called public-service activities and solidarity, seminars and so on. Until one day in October 2014, I packed up and left their residence and is familiar with the city, to the capital Beijing. After you introduce, the Beijing lawyer Li Heping Gawain lawyer's Assistant. At that moment, I think that dream into reality, new life on the sail.

Imagine me on how this new job is the value, it's unsanitary environment. Is not a legal origin I, make every effort to display their abilities and talents, Li Heping lawyer and loyal. My main job is to help him organize the case materials, in his various social activities. I thought that top city lawyer, can assist in the case that the nation and the world attention, what a lucky thing, not even to think about why Li Heping promised me this Assistant a high salary. Until a few months later, I realized in my help Li Heping to handle some of the projects, these projects include my salary was funded by foreign institutions.

The Agency is done by name "against torture" research, is actually through the financing of projects to collect, collate and sensationalize sensitive incidents in our country, take this criticism of the Chinese judicial system and social system, agitating to change the existing system, to achieve China's peaceful transition. They organized the so-called "seminar" is nothing more than "lawyers" and sensitive to provide awareness and communication platform, these people become their helpers and chess infiltrating peaceful evolution in China.

Li Heping lawyer is working for the Agency. And, when I was applying for a job, Li lie to me this point. I once accompanied Li went to one event, he asked that I posted a message through a microblog, influence public opinion. At first I thought he was the boss, your too lazy to just let me, now know he is simply trying to avoid risks. Over time, I think Li Heping's work and more and more is wrong, then I asked him to resign. At this time, he should settle its arrears of my 3 months salary, but he said it was because the foreign institutions are no longer paying my salary, he can no longer pay. I'm atmosphere (Editor's Note: angry), I am very disappointed.

Now I laugh at your own na?ve, Li Heping lawyers work, loyal to him and accept his account of working according to the order, without any resolution is thinking, and also worked for the so-called "lawyer", "Democrat" group drums and shout, support and solidarity, also thought it was a love of country, service. This makes me feel wrenching pain. I really didn't think his actions in betraying his ideals and hurt themselves the most beloved country, inadvertently become pawns people with ulterior motives.

I am simple, younger babe, paranoid blind casting blunder feels regret and sincere repentance, I would like to take responsibility for my mistakes, I will be bidding farewell to the old me, not time, to show a new Lak.

Source: World Wide Web

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Lawyers for human rights

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  据了解,北京锋锐律师事务律所7名“人权律师”或助理于2015年1月被正式逮捕,这7人 被指控犯有颠覆国家政权罪或煽动颠覆国家政权罪。遭到前一指控的包括锋锐律所主任周世锋,遭后一指控的为4人,其中包括赵威。该团伙自2012年7月以 来,先后组织策划炒作40余起敏感案事件、严重扰乱社会秩序。




  澳大利亚桉 树林中有一种动物,人们称它“考拉”。它性情温顺、体态憨厚、行动迟缓,每天能在树上呆上十七八个小时,悠然自得。有可以依赖的树,慢慢悠悠,这是我很喜 欢的一种感觉,所以我的网名也叫“考拉”。但与“考拉”有所不同的是,我心中装有满满的追求与梦想,梦寐以求通过自己的能力,成为一个对社会有益、对社会 有所贡献的人。



  之所以在此刻谈到爱情婚姻、事业追求,就是因为它们与我今天的命运相互交集,让我的人生出 现了拐点,甚至走了弯路。这也是我今天为什么想要用公开信的方式,与朋友亲人分享我心路历程的重要原因。谁又能想到一个90后女孩、年仅24岁的我,正在 生命之花绽放得最美的时刻,命运为何要如此捉弄?难道真的是不经历风雨,就不能见彩虹么?

  一年的时间很长,也很短,而我要感谢这一年的经历。365天,365个日夜,朝着自己的梦 想一路狂奔的我终于安静下来,观望自己的内心,观望自己的理想,观望自己来时的路,请允许我穿越时光,也请允许我跳跃过一些人生的篇章,回到我从一名热血 青年踏进社会的那个时刻。因为,人有时候是会逃避现实的。而有些东西,只有内心独自承受。好吧,我承认,我不仅是个热血青年,也曾经是一个愤青,我觉得我 满正能量的,这种激荡的风格仿佛与我温顺柔弱的外表有些格格不入。

  与同龄女孩相比,我曾经是一个格格不入的独立独行者。90后出生的孩子,一出生就享受着改 革开放带来的利基和福祉,与生俱来的恩赐,使我们并不懂得艰辛岁月里前辈的开垦付出,亦缺失一颗感恩的心。世人都说90后是垮掉的一代,而我并不甘心成为 垮掉的一员,我是这个群体里的叛逆者,我想为自己,为我们这代人正名!在我的意识里,我有志将视角投射于社会大众,投射于承担我们这代人对国家、社会的责 任和担当,这是我一直以来所受的学校、家庭教育教会我的家国情怀和朴素的社会责任感。

  我关注着社会的公平、正义,关注着社会公益活动,这种关注,就像命中的一种注定,把我的视 线引领到了表面正义的“维权律师”群体。我从开始网上关注声援他们的活动,到主动参加他们组织的一些所谓公益活动和声援、研讨会等。直到2014年10月 的某一天,我独自背起行囊,离开自己居住并熟悉的城市,来到首都北京。经人引荐后,担任北京高文律师事务所李和平律师的助理。那一刻,我想,梦想终于照进 现实,新的人生就此启航了。

  可想而知我对这个新的职业是如何珍视,简直是如获至宝。不是学法律出身的我,竭尽全力施展 能力和才华,对李和平律师也是忠心耿耿。我的工作主要就是帮他整理案例素材、参与他的各种社会活动。我当时觉得,跻身京城律师圈,能协助办理那些全国乃至 全世界关注的案件,是多么幸运的事情,甚至都没有去想李和平为什么要答应给我这个助理一份高额的薪酬。直到数月之后,我在帮李和平办理一些项目时才明白, 原来这些项目的资金包括我的工资都是某境外机构资助的。

  这家机构名义上是做“反酷刑”的研究,实际上是通过资助项目来搜集、整理 一些国内敏感案事件的资料并进行炒作,借此抨击中国的司法体制和社会制度、鼓动改变现行体制、实现中国和平转型。他们组织的所谓的“研讨会”无非是给“维 权律师”和敏感人士提供认识和交流平台,使这些人成为他们在中国进行渗透和平演变的帮手和棋子。

  李和平律师就是在为这家机构工作。并且,在我应聘工作时,李律师对我隐瞒了这一点。有 一次我陪同李律师去参加一个活动,他要求我通过个人微博发布消息,制造舆论影响。刚开始我还认为他是老板,自己懒得发才让我发,现在才明白他是刻意在规避 风险。时间久了,我便觉得李和平的工作和为人越来越不对劲,随后我向他提出辞职。这时候,他应该结清拖欠我的3个月工资,但他说是因为国外机构不再支付我 的工资,他那也无法支付。我很气氛(编者注:气愤),也觉得非常失望。

  如今,我好嘲笑自己的天真幼稚,为李和平律师工作期间,对他忠心不二,他 所交代的工作我照单全收,没有任何分辨思考,还曾为所谓“维权律师”、“民主人士”群体鼓与呼、支持与声援,还以为这是热爱国家、心怀公益。这种被利用的 感觉让我揪心痛楚。我真的没想到自己的行为恰恰在背叛自己的理想,伤害自己最热爱的祖国,不经意间使自己成为别有用心的人的棋子。



责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

律师 人权


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