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Liu: China does not accept the arbitration case security of South China Sea in accordance with international law

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Liu: China does not accept the arbitration case security of South China Sea in accordance with international law(刘振民:中国不接受南海仲裁案安全符合国际法)

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Liu: China does not accept the arbitration case security of South China Sea in accordance with international law

According to Xinhua News Agency

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin in 2016 13th issue of the qiushi magazine titled the China does not accept the Philippines referred to arbitration cases in full compliance with international law of the Sea article, discussed in detail the Tribunal illegal and improper, and pointed out that the Philippines raised the South China Sea was an arbitration case covered with legal coat political farce, does not accept the Philippines referred to the South China Sea arbitration cases in full compliance with international law.

Arbitral tribunal in violation of international law

Article recalled that the national people's Congress that year in ratifying the United Nations Convention on law of the Sea (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) at the same time, declared the country will coast opposite or adjacent countries through consultations on the basis of international law in accordance with the fairness principle of delineation of their maritime jurisdiction limits. And in accordance with the provisions of Article No. 298 of the Convention to submit to the UN Secretary General statement for disputes involving matters such as maritime delimitation, China will not accept any compulsory dispute settlement procedure under the Convention.

But unfortunately is that the Philippines unilaterally request the establishment of an arbitration tribunal ruled the Philippines having jurisdiction over part of the appeal in late October 2015, and the remaining jurisdiction of arbitration matters to trial together with the merits of the case.

Points out that, on the question of jurisdiction of the arbitral award and performance over the past three years, and award of the arbitration tribunal a serious departure from the general practice of international arbitration, in violation of international law, including the Convention completely deviates from the purpose of the Convention, promoting the peaceful settlement of disputes, serious damage to the integrity and authority of the Convention, does not have the impartiality and legitimacy. Arbitral tribunal did note that China does not accept, does not participate in the Philippines referred to the South China Sea arbitration cases in full compliance with international law, and avoids the unjust trial.

Through many examples from four aspects in detail the Tribunal and its illegal behavior and inappropriate:

An arbitral tribunal powers abuses, undermining the integrity of the dispute settlement mechanism of the Convention, and violations of the State party the right to free choice of dispute resolution.

Second, the Tribunal found that the facts and the applicable law in the process of serious misconduct. On China's position by the arbitral context, distorted interpretation of; Arbitration Court for the determination of facts and law, contradictory; arbitral tribunal on the application of the rules of international law, controversial.

Third, the Tribunal did, contrary to the purpose of peaceful settlement of international disputes, intensified conflict and undermine peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Four, the Tribunal's composition and the operations themselves are contrary to the requirements of procedural justice.

Covered with legal coat political farce

In a nutshell, the Philippines raised the South China Sea was an arbitration case covered with legal coat political farce, which is unlikely to change, "old pattern", it is impossible to manufacture "new reality." In the South China Sea sovereignty and interests are formed in a long historical process, has full historical and legal basis for Chinese Governments insisted, protected by international law, including the Convention. An ad hoc arbitral tribunal had no jurisdiction on the case from the beginning, regardless of what decision naturally has no binding on China, is unlikely to affect China's sovereignty in the South China Sea and related interests.

Finally, China is an important member of the international community, is based on modern international law on the basis of the Charter of the order of the founder, defenders, and builders. On the basis of respect for mutual consultations, China, through the choice of dispute settlement methods, the peaceful settlement of disputes. As a State party to the Convention, China for the Convention's final great effort, and had always faithfully fulfil all the obligations under the Convention. China does not accept the Philippines raised the South China Sea arbitration cases in full compliance with international law.

China's Foreign Ministry voices

Do not accept any claims of States based on the so-called ruling

According to Xinhua News Agency

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said on 6th sea arbitration is illegal and null and void from the start, the Chinese side did not accept any country based on the so-called decision and action.

Hong said, so-called sea arbitration case brought by the Aquino Government in the Philippines from the outset is illegal and invalid. No matter what the Tribunal decision, the Chinese side does not accept, does not recognize. Meanwhile, the Chinese side did not accept any country based on the so-called decision and action.

In the South China Sea historic rights protected by international law

According to Xinhua News Agency

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said on 6th historic rights of China in the South China Sea, including the United Nations Convention on the law of the protection of international law, cannot be denied.

Hong said China in the South China Sea to the historic rights of the United Nations law of the Sea Convention are not contradictory. First, the historic rights is a general concept of international law. Rules of the regulation does not exhaust all the law of the Sea Convention, but on the contrary expressly part of general international law not covered by conventions. Secondly, does not in itself exclude the Convention before it had formed and continue to claim historic rights, many references to the Convention "historic bays", "historic property" is obviously respect for historic rights.

Hong Lei, historic rights in the South China Sea are formed in the course of history, has sufficient historical and legal basis of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the law of the protection cannot be denied. "The Tribunal has no jurisdiction and cannot comment. ”

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-07-07 02:13:01
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  中国外交部副部长刘振民在《求是》 杂志2016年第13期发表题为《中国不接受菲律宾所提南海仲裁案完全符合国际法》的文章,详细论述了仲裁庭裁决的非法性和不当性,指出菲律宾所提南海仲裁案是一场披着法律外衣的政治闹剧,中国不接受菲律宾所提南海仲裁案完全符合国际法。




  文章指出,从仲裁庭关于管辖权问题的裁决及过去三年的表现看,仲裁庭的行为与裁决严重背离国际仲裁一般实践,违反了包括《公约》在内的国际法,完全背离《公约》 促进和平解决争端的宗旨,严重损害《公约》的完整性和权威性,不具有公正性和合法性。仲裁庭的所作所为说明,中国不接受、不参与菲律宾所提南海仲裁案完全符合国际法,且避免了不公正的审判。


  一、仲裁庭扩权滥权,破坏《公约》 争端解决机制的整体性,侵犯了缔约国自主选择争端解决方式的权利。

  二、仲裁庭认定事实和适用法律过程中存在严重不当。仲裁庭对中方立场断章取义,歪曲解读;仲裁庭对事实和法律的认定,前后矛盾; 仲裁庭对国际法规则的适用,充满争议。





  文章最后指出,中国是国际社会的重要成员,是以《联合国宪章》 为基础的现代国际法秩序的缔造者、维护者和建设者。中国尊重各国在相互协商基础上,通过自行选择的争端解决方式,和平解决有关争议。作为《公约》缔约国,中国为《公约》的最终达成付出巨大努力,并一贯忠实履行《公约》项下的各项义务。中国不接受菲律宾所提南海仲裁案完全符合国际法。











(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-07-07 02:13:01

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