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China’s accession to the International Organization for migration, do you want to receive refugees

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/6 13:11:19 Browse times: 168 Comment times: 0

China’s accession to the International Organization for migration, do you want to receive refugees(中国加入国际移民组织,要接收难民吗)

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China's accession to the International Organization for migration to receive the International Organization for migration of refugees | | international refugee-news

On June 23, the Libya coast, "immigration assistance at sea" ship in Libya 20 nautical miles off the coast to rescue the refugees. Maps/China Visual

On June 30, headquartered in Geneva, the International Organization for Migration held a special Council, through resolution, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu, China ratified an application to join. This also means, China officially became a member of the International Organization for migration.

An important function of the organization is organized the participation of refugee migration. China's accession to the International Organization for migration, does that mean that after starting to receive refugees? Whether the massive influx of refugees will be?

From application to approval took 17 days

Established in 1951, IOM is immigration the most important intergovernmental organization in the field. The Organization's main tasks is to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration flows, promote international cooperation for migration to help seek feasible solutions to immigration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need. Since 2001, China became the observer States of the organization.

The morning of June 13, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wang Chao met with the visiting Director-General of the International Organization for migration Swain. On the day of the Chinese Foreign Ministry at a regular press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed Lu Kang, Wang submitted to Swain was signed by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on China's application to join the International Organization for migration letters, China officially applied to join the International Organization for migration.

On June 30, headquartered in Geneva, the International Organization for Migration held a special Council, through resolution, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu, three countries, China ratified an application to join. From the application to be approved, only a short time of 17 days. With the addition of three countries such as China, the International Organization for migration also increased to 165 the number of Member States.

"This year saw 65 years of the International Organization for migration, Chinese lucky enough to become the 165th member of immigrant organizations. "On the day of the Council, Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and Switzerland in which other international organizations on behalf of Ambassador Ma said China officially became members of the International Organization for migration, is deeply involved in global governance in China, and deepen cooperation in international migration an inevitable choice.

Help solve the flow of population in China

China is not a country with high levels of immigration, why join the International Organization for migration? What it means for China to join the Group?

In this regard, China and globalization Research Center director Wang huiyao told the Beijing News reporter, China joined the International Organization for migration to enhanced immigration service and management, and building codes, and improve migration management system at home and abroad. He said, "China is not a country of immigration" is a great deal of misunderstanding.

According to United Nations Statistics, a total of 232 million international migrants in the world, and 740 million internal migrants, in recent years, China's international migrant stock and internal migration of the population continues to grow. From 2000 to 2013, China's international surged more than 50%. As of 2013, the Chinese expatriates have 9.334 million people to become the world's fourth-largest emigration; in terms of internal migration, 2010 China's internal migration of the population of more than 220 million.

"To join the International Organization for migration, we can effectively solve the problem of population movements. "Said, more than 300 million of China's migrant workers, migration of internal migration, resettlement, household management, integration into urban life and urban development and other problems to solve, can learn from the early experience dealing with related issues in the process of urbanization.

Wang huiyao, some of China's internal migration experience of successful projects such as the three Gorges reservoir area, can also be shared with the international community. In addition, China has more than 60 million overseas Chinese, frequent regional conflicts also makes nationals to protect the important topic of international cooperation. Join the International Organization for migration, will contribute to the foreign consular protection, and better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese.

Foreigners with a "green card" difficult to reduce

Earlier, the Chinese "green card" has been regarded as the world's most difficult to obtain a "green card". Statistics show that since 2004 China "green card" system, to 2013, 848,500 foreigners living in China, 7356 people get a "green card." On average, China issued a "green card" numbers to hundreds of images. Corresponding to this is that the United States each year nearly 1 million "green card."

According to data from the International Organization for migration, international migrants in the world average is 3%, in developed countries the average is 10%, China and the United States reached 20%, developing country average was 1.6%, but only 0.04% international migrants in China.

Said, after joining the International Organization for migration, for the foreigners who come to China, get a "green card" would be more difficult to reduce. In January this year, China's Ministry of public security launched 20 immigration policy, in February, the opinions on strengthening the management of alien's permanent resident services introduced. Said Wang huiyao, which already has a number of breakthroughs, but implementation still needs to learn from the International Organization for migration and the experience of other countries.

For example, he said, began in March this year, Zhongguancun pilot foreign talents "green card" for the "through train", at present nearly two hundred or three hundred have been approved, of which quite a few people have been given a "green card."

"Now, China is exploring the integral system for foreigners in China, the points system would need to learn from the experience of foreign countries, such as how to conduct occupational classification, screening International had a mature, perfect solution. "Said.

Does not result in the influx of refugees, China

Another important function of the International Organization for migration is involved in refugee migration and receive. According to UNHCR statistics, the international refugee population in 2015 to reach 20 million, while Europe is currently experiencing the largest influx of refugees after the second world war. The International Organization for migration recently published data showing in 2015, has more than 1 million immigrants and refugees in Europe, most of them are fleeing fighting in Syria and the Afghanistan and Iraq and other countries of the refugees.

In fact, China has had precedent for receiving refugees, for example in the 780, received on Viet Nam's refugees.

Statistics from the United Nations refugee agency, by August 2014, China received about $ 310,000 refugees, most of them are late 70 and early 80 received on Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos refugees.

After China's accession to the International Organization for migration, will result in large numbers of refugees pouring into China?

The answer is obviously no. Last April, from China and globalization think tank, codified by the international migration report shows that China is becoming a refugee-receiving countries. However, from a global perspective, China received negligible number of refugees. The other hand, refugees are not a mandatory duty, consult Congress to determine the specific share.

Wang huiyao believes that in terms of receiving refugees, many of the International Organization for migration experience can learn from China, helping China become more organized, more formal in receiving refugees.

"When China is deeply involved in global governance, China hopes to take on more international responsibilities, which must be included to receive refugees. "Said, China is now the world's second-largest economy, international humanitarian obligations, receiving refugees are also big responsibilities appropriately reflected.

This version of interview/Beijing News reporter Yan Ying Zhuan

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
The International Organization for migration, the international refugees
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中国加入国际移民组织 要接收难民吗|国际移民组织|国际难民_新闻资讯

6月23日,利比亚海岸附近,“海上移民援助站”救援船在利比亚海岸20海里处营救难民。 图/视觉中国











  根据联合国相关统计数据显示,全世界共有2.32亿国际移民和7.4亿国内移民,中国近年来的国际移民总量和国内移民人口持续增长。从2000 年到2013年间,中国的国际移民总量增长了超过50%。截至2013年,中国的海外移民已达933.4万人,成为全球第四大移民输出国;在国内移民方 面,2010年中国的国内移民人口超过2.2亿。


  在王辉耀看来,中国一些国内移民的成功项目经验,如三峡库区移民,也可以与国际社会进行分享。此外,中国有6000多万海外华人华侨,频繁的局 部冲突,也使得侨民保护成了国际合作的重要议题。加入国际移民组织,将有助于海外领事保护的开展,更好地维护海外侨胞的合法权益。


  此前,中国“绿卡”一直被视为全世界最难获得的“绿卡”之一。资料显示,中国自2004年实行“绿卡”制度以来,至2013年,居住在中国的 84.85万外籍人员中,只有7356人拿到了“绿卡”。平均下来,中国每年发出的“绿卡”数量为几百张。与此相对应的是,美国每年发放近100万张“绿 卡”。


  王辉耀表示,加入国际移民组织之后,对于来中国的外国人来说,获取“绿卡”的难度会降低。今年1月,中国公安部推出了20项出入境便利政策,2月, 《关于加强外国人永久居留服务管理的意见》出台。王辉耀说,这些政策已经有很多突破,但具体的落实仍需要借鉴国际移民组织和其他国家的经验。




  国际移民组织的另一个重要职能是参与对难民的迁移和接收。据联合国难民署的统计,国际难民人数在2015年达到2000万,而当前欧洲正经历二 战后的最大规模的难民潮。国际移民组织不久前公布的数据显示,2015年有超过一百万移民和难民进入欧洲,其中绝大部分是为逃避战火的叙利亚、阿富汗和伊 拉克等国家的难民。







  本版采写/新京报记者 颜颖颛

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

国际移民组织 国际难民

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