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Taiwan missile attack on the people’s Liberation Army to stop? Experts fear it no

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/5 9:49:50 Browse times: 175 Comment times: 0

Taiwan missile attack on the people’s Liberation Army to stop? Experts fear it no(台湾导弹偷袭解放军怎么拦?专家:最怕它打不准)

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Taiwan missile attack on the people's Liberation Army to stop? Experts fear most it no | PLA missile | | Taiwan _ news

Being "hung three" missile shot throughout Taiwan fishing vessels (source: "Central News Agency")

Original title: missile attack on the people's Liberation Army to stop? Experts fear it no

[Global network military reported on July 5 global times special correspondents Zhang Yichi global times, MA] Taiwan the "Hsiungfeng-3" supersonic anti-ship missile shooting fishing event triggered strong reactions on both sides in recent days. Many people are concerned, if this "fishing boat killer" does not fall but went straight to the city, people's Liberation Army to intercept it? 4th said in an interview with the global times a number of Chinese military experts.

One expert said that anti-ship missiles before launch, first by ship-borne radar or an external target indicates the source that indicates the target for the fire control system, and according to the target range, azimuth, speed and their own missile flight data, calculate the encounter of the missile and the target and missile radar boot time. First climb after the missile launch, and then into a cruising altitude, with inertia or procedural guidance toward its target, at a predetermined location search, lock open Terminal seeker, finally further reduce high dive attack.

Male III supersonic anti-ship missiles as well as high trajectory and very low altitude trajectory points. Due to the supersonic anti-ship missile to fly at very low altitude the Mach 3 times will cause huge wave drag, making effective range greatly reduced, so most of the supersonic anti-ship ballistic missiles using high altitude, after firing the first climb to the altitude of 20,000 meters. The height of the thin air, resistance is greatly reduced, coupled with the high trajectory can be the initial kinetic energy into potential energy, and at the end to converting potential energy into kinetic energy, maximize the rational use of energy, may extend missile range 2-3. Island media revealed that males three missiles using low altitude ballistic maximum range of about 120 km, high altitude ballistic can reach 300 kilometres or more.

China's Li Jie, a military expert said, to block male three high altitude ballistic missile, is fairly easy. Compared to the very low altitude flight mode, high altitude ballistic 4-5 additional minutes of warning time for the opponent, so as to make full preparations. Ruoxiongsan flying high, city, the radar may not be under the influence of the curvature of the Earth, find incoming missiles in the far distance, air defense system has sufficient conditions to achieve multiplayer.

Canada the Han and defense review, earlier reports said, PLA deployed a large number of S-300 on the southeast coast and "red flag 9" air defense system. S-300PMU1 and S-300PMU2 on the aircraft's maximum range of 150 km and 200 km of ballistic missile intercept distance is about 30-40 km. According to the analysis, dealing with male three missiles to fly at Mach 3 times, between the difficulty of interception of aircraft and ballistic missiles, S-300 should be intercepted for the first time in the 100 kilometres. Plus the PLA ships of "sea red flag 9" air defense system, if well prepared, can 2-3 the flying males three interceptions. Taking into account the three is a male head and body separate missiles, even if the interceptor missile debris hits, can also ensure that it lost control and crashed, so the success probability of intercept considerable.

In contrast, the intercept altitude pattern flying missiles more difficult. Three errors from the male shooting incident, the play may well be using low altitude flight mode, its placement and firing points in the 70 km distance of males within three 120 km maximum range of the low altitude flight. This distance has exceeded the ship on the horizon of the sea search radar, the missile may only enter a mock combat areas, results in the relevant region has a fishing boat suffered. It also tallied with the results released June.

Li said that block male three first on the early warning of low altitude flight. Because no high mountains along the southeast coast, the radar deployed on the ground under the influence of surface of the Earth, not far from detecting sea-skimming flight's target. Reportedly, the male only after three missed shot after a second, city, radar will react, but mistakenly shot by distance from the Mainland, unless the PLA radar deployed in the high mountains, to detect the launch. In addition, as a male three low flying height, target distance, S-300, "red flag 9" air defense system, such as only one interception, increases the difficulty of interception. If the male fly three to Navy or strategic objectives, the carrier "sea-red flags-16" and 30 mm rapid fire guns and defend the important goal of prevention systems as well as intercept opportunities. But as users said, is really worrying, "not afraid to beat males three, afraid no, far off target into air defence system to protect areas. ”

Li believes that under normal circumstances, against cruise missile raid is a worldwide problem. United States to guard against cruise missiles by terrorists using container shipments to the United States Coast RAID, had plans to deploy large loft airship near the coast, forming a along the border for 24 hours to detect air surveillance network, but because the cost is too high, the project was overruled by Congress.

Of course, the so-called "low altitude missile raids to guard against" only for times of peace. If they are on high alert, or in time of war, Hung three is much easier to intercept low altitude flight. First, the continuing air patrols of AWACS or pre-deployment balloon-borne radar missiles launched can be found for the first time. In terms of interception, AWACS early release of information, can organize multiple rounds of ground air defense systems to intercept, plus relying on fighters from air-to-air missiles involved in the intercept.

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
PLA missiles Taiwan

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