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Global journal article: China’s choice of “Western democracy“ than United Kingdom

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/4 11:00:16 Browse times: 127 Comment times: 0

Global journal article: China’s choice of “Western democracy“ than United Kingdom(环球刊文:中国选择“西方民主”会比英国更乱)

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Global journal article: China's choice of "Western democracy" than United Kingdom | democracy _ news

Original title: Luo Siyi: United Kingdom out of the EU Council to China;

  Out of the EU referendum to tear off "Western democracy", "the Emperor's new clothes"

Has just been thrown out of the EU referendum to be held since the second world war United Kingdom's worst political crises, United Kingdom unity and therefore under serious threat, the crisis is expected to persist for many years. Since the referendum, China also appeared on "Western democracy" and "populist" and "separatism" is discussed. To understand current events, you need to understand the deeper reasons behind them, clarify the linkages between the two is essential.

Clarify the United Kingdom was central to this mess is their real "Western democracy" is just a symptom, is truly up behind its powerful economic groups. In this way, impenetrable is self-evident.

Despite the referendum has passed, but the United Kingdom remained the EU Member States. Out of the EU leaders against hasty made a formal application from the European Union--officially outside the EU only in accordance with the Treaty of Lisbon article 50th advance. Led by the previous Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom political leaders stressed the United Kingdom out of the EU must be held before the referendum or elections. In fact, even the referendum result was finally overthrown, that is not unusual, and is only the fifth of the European Union to overturn "democracy" the result of the referendum. Prior to that, have been put on Denmark joining the euro referendum, Ireland against a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty drama. In short, when the referendum results in line with the EU's main economic policy arrangements of the group, it is considered "democratic decision"; instead, it is likely to "mistakes" and overturned. Not only in the European Union, countries had similar situations in other parts of the world. "Western democracies" will only put on smaller issues "wrong" decision, but will set aside the events of any "wrong" decisions.

What methods will be used to ensure the victory of dominant economic groups, depending on the severity of the threat. If the threat is not serious, such as the United States elections, by Hillary the "right" candidate for injection to get the "right" result. If the threats are serious, such as the EU referendum, then overturned decisions. If the threats are serious, it is whatever it means, such as a military coup. Naturally want to obscure the fact that the Western democratic system, so that it will use "the minimum" necessary to achieve the objective. But as France philosopher aidian·balibaer said, while the West condemned Marxism as "the dictatorship of the proletariat", it was careful to hide his "dictatorship of capital" really are.

It is revealed by the fact that the deep reason behind the chaos of the EU referendum. United Kingdom the power class wants to stay in the European Union – United Kingdom industry Federation, the Prime Minister, Mr 3/4, London's financial center. They are United States President and the leaders of all EU Member States of support. The force can only be a similarly powerful and capable of ruling United Kingdom social forces to replace, but that power does not exist. The result, these forces defeated in the referendum has caused confusion, because in favour out of power was a lack of cohesion in the EU, "populist" Sanders.

Escalating crisis and out of the EU lacks cohesion, and gave representatives of the dominant economic groups the opportunity to call for a new referendum--because the EU has overturned "error" precedent of the referendum.

  "Western democracy" built on the unreal picture of the human

The ultimate reason for causing this mess, is that Western democratic model is based on a completely false picture of human. True there are countless complex human needs, from out of poverty, to ensure its own security and other basic needs to the culture, technology and other complex needs, these needs can only be met by society, thus producing a myriad of different social relations. Many evidences show that of the international community, access to the highest levels of life, characteristic way of life is the most suitable countries to achieve the goals. Political system really works is to meet those needs.

However, the "Western model" human "multidimensional" turn a blind eye to the fact that demand, but want to use some sort of fantasy "one dimension" angle instead, that humans care about is a single narrow set of things, such as having a parliamentary Republic or on "Facebook" site. And when this is not true of "Western democracy" system arising from the voting results during clashes with real economic and political power, as a referendum on the EU, it will cause confusion or cause the vote to be overturned.

  China's choice of "Western democracy" than United Kingdom more confusing

These vital lessons for China. China United Kingdom is more complicated: China is a developing country, not only has a large population and the nation, and Japan this not very friendly neighbours, faces United States neoconservatives containment attempts. China's existing system of these different factors are successfully integrated into the national development process itself, if we give up this "real" system, instead based on human vision and demand "the Western model of democracy", then its likely to face than the current United Kingdom more dangerous confusion.

Believe these lessons to the Communist Party of China will also be inspired. On July 1 this year happens to be the anniversary of the 95 anniversary of the founding of the CPC. From the establishment of new China, to lead this country create human history's fastest economic growth in the high-income economies, into the international set the threshold, then to lead 728 million people out of the international definition of poverty, the Communist Party of China always takes a heavy historical responsibility.

CPC has achieved unprecedented success, because it recognizes the multifaceted nature of the society and its unique Chinese characteristics. Of the CPC's understanding of their complex and real social relations, knows how to integrated development and meet the following requirements in order to maintain the cohesion of the country indispensable: economic development, protect the security, the development of science and technology and social culture. In order to do this, it has sensibly rejected the Western system errors, such as foregoing the phony picture, which holds that humans are "one-dimensional", only a small number of "political" interest, they were not very concerned about their development, including suitable lifestyle right to national identity.

With the further development of China, real social relations will become more complex, and needs better policies. However, in a large and complex country like China, if abandoned its true social attribute of the policy, instead seeking the Western system built on the unreal to imagine, it would be a disaster. From this point of view, China should study carefully the EU referendum this mess the system and avoid making any dangerous mistakes.

Author is et finance at Renmin University, senior researcher, United Kingdom London School of Economics and business policy department director before, this article translated by Xu Zhenzhen

Source: global times

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:

Report: China should have Chinese-style democracy























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