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China’s national network to increase regulation of false news,

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/4 11:00:12 Browse times: 151 Comment times: 0

China’s national network to increase regulation of false news,(中国国家网信办加大力度整治网络虚假新闻,)

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China's national network to increase regulation of false news | false news-News and information

To further the fight against and prevention of false news, China National Network letter before issuing the notice on further strengthen the management to stop false information, request the site always adhere to correct guidance of public opinion, to take effective measures to ensure that news reports real, comprehensive, objective and fair, no blind pursuit of aging, unverified content directly on social network platforms such as tools, as news reports published.

The requirements of the notice, primary responsibility for the implementation of various websites, further specifications include mobile news client, micro-blogging, micro-various network collecting and editing news letter process, establish a sound internal management oversight mechanism. Web site is strictly prohibited without annotation or false labeling news source, fabricated news is strictly prohibited hearsay or distorted the facts by guess. NET letter at all levels should effectively implement Web content management responsibilities, strengthening supervision and inspection, investigation of false, with false information.

This year yilai, national network letter do continued increased network false news regulation efforts, for caused bad social effect of "Northeast village ' ceremony collapse Le bad '", and "Changsha bus was arson", and "Wei Zexi event follow-up: national petition Council for near hundreds of similar patients opened green channel", and "Shanghai girl Festival fled Jiangxi rural", and "city daughter-in-law home new year cannot Shang table dinner anger lift table", network false news information, ordered about place network letter do increased law enforcement efforts, Focus interviews has a illegal violations posted false news of website, and according to national people's Congress Standing Committee on strengthening network information protection of decided Internet news information service management provides, legal regulations, on manufacturing, and spread false news plot more serious of Sina network, and Phoenix, and Chinese network, and Yang child evening network, and Zhangjiajie online, and financial network, and Tencent network, and NetEase network, and today headlines, more than website for has punishment and disciplinary. Related sites in the law and regulations on processing, dissemination of false information "wants to say and not say" "agricultural circle", "Finance", "@KDS band" "@ WCC" dispose of the account.

National network Office official said the letter will keep the highhanded treatment of false news and information, further improve relevant laws and regulations and the work mechanism, continue to regulate the order of network news and information dissemination. Internet users are welcome to monitor the Internet illegal information reporting, and work together to maintain good network ecosystem.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Fake news
China NET information network
中国国家网信办加大力度整治网络虚假新闻 |虚假新闻_新闻资讯


  《通知》要求,各网站要落实主体责任,进一步规范包括移动新闻客户端、微博、微信在内的各类网络平台采编发稿流程,建立健全内部管理监督机 制。严禁网站不标注或虚假标注新闻来源,严禁道听途说编造新闻或凭猜测想象歪曲事实。各级网信办要切实履行网络内容管理职责,加强监督检查,严肃查处虚 假、失实新闻信息。

  今年以来,国家网信办持续加大网络虚假新闻整治力度,针对造成恶劣社会影响的“东北村庄‘礼崩乐坏’”、“长沙大巴被纵火”、“魏则西事件 后续:国家信访局为近百名相似患者开通绿色通道”、“上海女孩春节逃离江西农村”、“城市媳妇回乡过年不能上桌吃饭怒掀桌子”等网络虚假新闻信息,责令有 关地方网信办加大执法力度,重点约谈了一批违法违规登载虚假新闻的网站,并依据《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于加强网络信息保护的决定》《互联网新闻信 息服务管理规定》等法律法规,对制造、传播虚假新闻情节较为严重的新浪网、凤凰网、中华网、扬子晚报网、张家界在线、财经网、腾讯网、网易网、今日头条等多家网站进行了处罚和惩 戒。有关网站也依法依规对炮制、传播虚假信息的“想说又说不出口”“农地圈”“财经”“@KDS宽带社”“@华西都市报”等账号进行了处置。


责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117


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