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Changping, Beijing, the former head mistress bribery must be sentenced to 5 years,

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Changping, Beijing, the former head mistress bribery must be sentenced to 5 years,(北京昌平原区长情妇受贿千万获刑5年,)

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Changping, Beijing, the former head mistress bribery must be sentenced to 5 years of |-corruption _ news

Legal evening news (reporter Hong Xue editor Wu Jie) Badaling, yanqing SAR Office staff Pang Jianzhen, Chang tonggenzhu, Changping District and former lover. Her with her lover and exploits its position is convenient, for the profit of others in the land development process to accept property of more than 11 million Yuan. The legal evening news reporter was informed this morning, two in the first instance of taking bribes and sentenced to Pang Jianzhen sentenced to 5 years and fined 1 million Yuan.

It is understood that his 9 years younger lover, tonggenzhu Pang Jianzhen's son married, send money, even when he was out of the Changping District, also reached out to developers to benefit for Pang Jianzhen. Late last year, the second intermediate court sentenced tonggenzhu to 11 years of imprisonment on charges of bribery.

  With lover Chang bribes, Chang Pingyuan 11 million

Pang Jianzhen, 55, of Beijing college graduate, a staff member of the Department of Badaling, yanqing County Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region before the crime was committed. (Legal evening news app, ID:fzwb_52165216)

Court identified, 2005 to 2012 between, Pang Jianzhen knows its specific relationship people tonggenzhu (has sentenced) using served as Changping District Chang, and Changping District Secretary of positions convenience, for history a business of Hong Kong International company gets land development project, handle land development procedures, matters seek interests, in history a to tonggenzhu said thanks of situation Xia, with tonggenzhu received history a give of property amounted to equivalent Yuan 11.21 million Yuan. It received three.

In 2005, the history of Pang Jianzhen not actual investment case, arrange Pang Jianzhen owns 40% shares of Hong Kong and international companies. In 2009, after Pang Jianzhen tonggenzhu consent, received a grant of 10 million Yuan to withdraw compensation history and personal.

In 2011, Pang Jianzhen with tonggenzhu about purchase history on the management and development of yanqing capital homes housing. Pang Jianzhen operation, a below-market price in the history of more than 820,000 yuan price, sell houses to tonggenzhu.

In 2012, the history of tonggenzhu by Pang Jianzhen received a golf card with the order given in the name of 390,000 yuan.

  Courtroom cried and pleaded guilty defendants do minor defense

On May 19 this year, Pang Jianzhen in second intermediate court, was brought into court on the day, see a reporter, Pang Jianzhen covered his face with his hands to avoid shooting.

During the trial, Pang Jianzhen pleaded guilty in court, advocates do minor for its defence.

Defender think, prosecution organ allegations Pang Jianzhen with tonggenzhu to equity transfer name charged history a of 10 million yuan in the, including has Pang in Beijing Hong Kong International real estate development limited of wage,; Pang Jianzhen by discipline staff phone notification case and truthfully for said bribery crime facts, has surrendered plot; Pang Jianzhen in common bribery crime in the up secondary, and auxiliary role, Department accessory; Pang Jianzhen has pleaded guilty, and penitential and active tuizang performance, recommends on Pang Jianzhen reduce punishment.

When the final statements in court, Pang Jianzhen crying repentance said the sentence commuted.

  Court: no active account cannot be found in time to surrender

The Court found that authorities has mastered Pang Jianzhen in partnership with tonggenzhu in the tonggenzhu investigation of bribery, call Pang Jianzhen recipient organizations after investigation.

Pang Jianzhen early in the investigation, did not shy away from its relationship with the tonggenzhu, but failed to timely, active account with tonggenzhu facts of corruption. Organized the education through criticism, Pang Jianzhen could faithfully explain its work together with the tonggenzhu of bribery. Pang Jianzhen in case authorities in the course of conversation, truthfully explain the case against which the authorities keep track of the fact that does not meet the provisions of surrender.

In this case, for the benefit of others solely by the tonggenzhu take advantage of their positions to facilitate implementation, Pang Jianzhen conveyed no merit, and history of receiving property is a bribe meant premise with tonggenzhu through Pang Jianzhen operation to complete. In the crime of bribery, Pang Jianzhen with participation, but compared with the tonggenzhu, Pang Jianzhen main assist, subordination, in line with standard accessories.

After the incident, Pang Jianzhen truthfully crime facts, take the initiative to pay back their share of the 10 million Yuan bribes and pleaded guilty in court, and repentance, may be given a mitigated punishment.

The Court found that Pang Jianzhen tonggenzhu as a national staff of a specific person, knowing that the tonggenzhu use of bribes to seek benefits for others, in partnership with tonggenzhu illegally accepting other people's property, their behavior had constituted the crime of taking bribes, and a huge amount of bribes, punishable by law.

Court considers Pang Jianzhen's accomplice, truthfully, tuizang and pleaded guilty to plot, for its mitigation, Pang Jianzhen was established and the defender made the relevant sentencing advice, the discretion of the Court to adopt. Pang Jianzhen occupies and uses most of the bribe money to get long-term interest, the courts discretion in its application property of the plot to be taken into account. According to the old laws and the principle of lighter punishment and time validity of criminal judicial interpretation of the relevant provisions, in the second instance of taking bribes and sentenced to Pang Jianzhen sentenced to 5 years and fined 1 million Yuan. (Legal evening news app, ID:fzwb_52165216)

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Discipline Inspection Commission informed grass-roots corruption corrupt mistress top

In July 2015, the city discipline Inspection Commission set 7 released the grass-roots "Xiao Guan" illegal cases. According to the bulletin, Pang Jianzhen formerly staff of the Badaling Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Since 1994, Pang Jianzhen, Changping District and tonggenzhu, the Secretary of the Committee maintaining an improper relationship for a long time. From 2005 to 2012, Pang Jianzhen in partnership with tonggenzhu is a company providing help in land development, acceptance of the company's stock transfer fee of 10 million Yuan, and 390,000 yuan asked the company for cash.

July 2015, the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Commission for discipline inspection meeting decided punishment imposed Pang Jianzhen expelled. Transferred to judicial organs for hearing on alleged crime.

End of December 2015, Pang Jianzhen's lover, Chang tonggenzhu, Chang Pingyuan was taking bribes more than 15 million, was convicted of bribery and sentenced to 11 years. (Reporter Hong Xue editor Wu Jie)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Beijing's anti-corruption

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Legal evening news
北京昌平原区长情妇受贿千万获刑5年 |北京反腐_新闻资讯

  法制晚报讯(记者 洪雪 编辑 吴洁)延庆八达岭特区办事处普通工作人员庞建贞,与昌平区原区长佟根柱是情人关系。她伙同情夫并利用其职务便利,在土地项目开发过程中为他人牟利收受财物 1100余万元。《法制晚报》记者上午获悉,二中院一审以受贿罪,判处庞建贞有期徒刑5年,并处罚金100万元。




  法院查明,2005年至2012年间,庞建贞明知其特定关系人佟根柱(已判刑)利用担任昌平区区长、昌平区委书记的职务便利,为史某经营的中港 国际公司获取土地开发项目,办理土地开发手续等事项谋取利益,在史某向佟根柱表示感谢的情况下,伙同佟根柱收受史某给予的财物共计折合人民币1121万 元。这些钱分三笔收受。







  辩护人认为,公诉机关指控庞建贞伙同佟根柱以股权转让名义收取史某的1000万元中,包括了庞在北京中港国际房地产开发有限公司的工资等;庞建 贞经纪委工作人员电话通知到案并如实供述受贿犯罪事实,具有自首情节;庞建贞在共同受贿犯罪中起次要、辅助作用,系从犯;庞建贞具有认罪、悔罪和积极退赃 表现,建议对庞建贞减轻处罚。





  本案中,为他人谋利由佟根柱利用职务便利单独实施,庞建贞无转达请托等行为,收受财物则是在史某与佟根柱之间具有行受贿意思的前提下,通过庞建 贞的运作最终完成。在共同受贿犯罪中,庞建贞虽有参与行为,但与佟根柱相比,庞建贞主要起帮助作用,处于从属地位,符合从犯认定标准。



  法院综合考虑庞建贞所具有的从犯、如实供述、退赃及认罪情节,对其予以减轻处罚,庞建贞及其辩护人所提相关量刑意见成立,法院酌予采纳。庞建贞 长期占有并使用绝大部分受贿款项获取利益,法院在适用财产刑时对该情节酌予考虑。根据从旧兼从轻原则以及刑事司法解释时间效力问题等相关规定,二中院一审 以受贿罪,判处庞建贞有期徒刑5年,并处罚金100万元。(法制晚报微信公号ID:fzwb_52165216)



  2015年7月,市纪委集中公布7起基层“小官”违法案件。据通报,庞建贞原为八达岭特区办事处工作人员。自1994年起,庞建贞与昌平区委原 书记佟根柱长期保持不正当两性关系。2005年至2012年,庞建贞伙同佟根柱为一公司在土地开发方面提供帮助,收受该公司给予的干股转让费1000万 元,并向该公司索要现金39万元。



责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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