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Harbin rural old-age research: Super 60% worry about the basic source of livelihood

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Harbin rural old-age research: Super 60% worry about the basic source of livelihood(哈尔滨农村养老调研:超6成担心基本生活来源)

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Harbin rural old-age research: Super-60% | | | old-age pension for the elderly the elderly worry about basic life sources _ news

Two-track system of pension reform, "the aged with housing" ... ... Recently, a range of pension issues continue to dominate public opinion Center. And the public is concerned about the treatment of towns for retirees at the same time, another problem seems to be "shadowed corners"-rural old-age pension.

"In the city, pensioner population about 86.8%, where the pensioner population accounting for only 18.7%, a lot depends on family and land retirement. "At Beijing University on th China aging industry forum, State Council revealed HP.

"Aging in rural areas than in towns in China, incidence of poverty in rural elderly (mean ratio of total population of poor people-journalists) is also a town more than 3 times. "Central State Youth Federation Standing Committee, Deputy Head of the Central leading group on rural work Ding Zhiyong told China Youth daily reporter, he found in recent years," as the young adult population a large number of ' brain drain ', cultivated land occupied by more and more, rural old-age issue all the more urgent. ”

Ding Zhiyong 2011 Harbin 12 County survey, over 60 rural "empty-nesters", over 50%, 60.8% of the rural elderly people as the basic source of livelihood to worry about.

  55 Yuan pension is only enough to buy a few boxes of cold medicine?

According to the national senior citizens ' work Committee Office: 1999 proportion of old people aged 60 and over in China, more than 10% the international "red line"; this year, that figure will exceed the 200 million mark, their levels will reach 14.8%.

One of the percentage of the elderly in the countryside? The sixth population census data, overall rural aging, 3% higher than in urban areas. According to another report in the people's daily, had the research group statistics, at the end of 2009, older rural population of more than 18.3%, the scale is 1.69 times times the city.

"Low fertility and the adult population exodus, was the cause of rural elderly groups ' growing ' the main reason. "Ding Zhiyong said," but the rural social security system is not perfect, the economic status of the elderly in the countryside, far worse than the town retirement ' vulnerable '. ”

Last May, some scholars refer to the national senior citizens ' work Committee Office data, urban per capita income of the elderly, is 4.7 times times the rural elderly. From the poverty rate perspective, about 10.1 million urban and rural poverty among older persons in the country, accounted for 8.6 million in rural areas, the incidence of poverty in the rural elderly are the town 3 times or more.

"At present, the rural elderly pension there are 3 main ways: social security pension and family pension and land retirement, sometimes also including social assistance. "Tang Jun, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of CASS told the China Youth daily reporter, but with 55 Yuan a month for" starting-point "new rural old-age insurance," apparently unable to meet the day-to-day needs of older persons. "

New rural old-age insurance, also known as "new farmers" is a country not rural elderly people participating in the basic old-age insurance for urban workers, providing basic protection for the main channels. As from 2009, in 10% county of the country pilot, basic old-age pension set at 55 dollars per person per month. In other words, a rural workers to pay 100 Yuan a year, after the age of 60, will be able to receive the 55 Yuan monthly. To pay more too.

"Due to uphold ' coverage, essential ' principles, when 55 standard is definitely lower than ' low ' (that is, minimum living guarantee of rural residents-journalists) are lower, which is 57 dollars a month. "Tang Jun said," now, 4 years later, this standard has not changed much catch up with prices rising sharply. ”

Ding Zhiyong in the survey, has run into a similar embarrassment.

An old villager told him that monthly basic pension "when not sick, sick are in big trouble." The villagers ' accounts: a box of cold medicine 17.6 dollars every time you want to cure colds, at least a dozen boxes, "a monthly pension will be gone."

"Fewer items, low coverage, protection levels. "Ding Zhiyong that summed up the new rural old-age insurance of the imperfections. In October this year, according to research reports published by the Institute of Gerontology, people's University, 2010, can rely on pensions as a major source of income for older persons in rural areas, only 4.6%, while this percentage among urban and rural old people in an average of 24%.

Reports also indicate that since 1990, more than 20 years, urban elderly activity rate has been falling, now maintained at around 5%, but "the 41.2% of old people in rural areas, still rely on earned income to feed themselves." Senior Vice President, Renmin University of China said Peng Du, Director of the Institute of Gerontology.

  More than half of the "empty nest" rate family support for the elderly become unsustainable?

There is an old Chinese saying goes, "old age". Newly enacted the protection of rights and interests of the elderly Act also expressly provides: "the elderly pension on a household basis. "The gerontology Research Institute at Renmin University research report shows that at present, China has about 40.7% of the elderly in family support. In rural areas, this proportion increased, accounting for 47.7%.

However, Professor of Peking University population Mu Guangzong told China Youth daily reporter, "empty nest" phenomenon (that is, their children because of work, study, marriage, long-term home, elderly couple alone in the nest. --Xinhua note) shocks her family's old-age care. In recent years, owing to "empty nest" rate rising sharply in rural family support for the elderly capabilities severely weakened, the rural pension "danger lurks everywhere".

"Rural compared to the problems of the city are more serious, because many of the once unable to care for the elderly in rural areas, there is no source of income, have to rely on their children's upbringing. "Peng Du said.

According to the national senior citizens ' work Committee Wu Yushao, Deputy Director of the Office said the number of empty nest elderly in China, for 2012, and this year will exceed the 100 million mark. According to Yan Qingchun, Deputy Director of the Office in September 2012, disclosure, at present, the urban rate of empty nest elderly in China by nearly half, to 49.7%, no such phenomenon in rural past, but with the large number of migrant peasant workers, their rate of the elderly in rural areas has reached 38.3%, "and rising faster than the city."

In the investigation of Ding Zhiyong, spreading to the countryside, "empty nest crisis", seems to have appeared.

Research shows that at the end of 2010, Harbin city domicile was 1.426 million of the elderly population over 60 years old, elderly population in agriculture to 698,000. The rural elderly, "empty nest" and "skip-a-generation empty nest" and "seasonal empty-nest" is higher than 50%, loss rate of 26.9%, disability, half lost to 17%.

"Rural youth to pursue their own values to work, resulting in a large number of rural ' empty nest '. "Ding Zhiyong found in Heilongjiang East South Korean Heung Village shangzhi city, 1580 to the village, are now left more than more than 100 elderly people, a truly" old village. " In fangzheng County of a village in Heilongjiang, leaving more than 30 more than staying at home for the elderly, "children not coming back once in 35 years. ”

"The ' empty nest ' who took care of the elderly? Sick who will care? House who is going to help? "This is Ding Zhiyong are worried about the problem.

Gerontology Research Institute at Renmin University study showed that some 40% urban and rural elderly, who was the family's burden. In the investigation of Ding Zhiyong, reflect "when no one cared for" the rural elderly, accounted for 52%. "Most of the elderly are alone at home, watch TV, play cards and chat with your neighbors, it really can't see the TV, can only listen to the radio. "This is Ding Zhiyong for rural" empty nest "drew a picture of daily life of the elderly," they take care of each other, have fun, have a serious illness before notifying their children come back home. ”

In addition, Mu Guangzong told China Youth daily reporter, reality, the rural pension "Tai Tau" relied on land and labour. However, with the advancement of industrialization and urbanization, "land endowment" mode is also constantly under attack.

According to statistics, China lost land or part of losing land farmers up to 50 million people, by 2030, the number will exceed 78 million. What does this mean for the rural elderly?

"Land is the farmers ' main source, is the main economic base of family support for the elderly. "Ding Zhiyong said," but with the increase of rural population and the high land consumption, ' no economic, no voice ', rural landless peasants front of elderly benefits due to the many ' marginalization '. In rural areas, the elderly with financial sources, scrambled to support their children, economic resources for the elderly ' deserted ' phenomenon is not uncommon. ”

Continues to hold land for the elderly, and count on a piece of land endowment, still resisted.

Ding Zhiyong of Harbin 12 County investigation found that his farm only 20% of the rural elderly, residual or land exchange for rations, or cultivated land to their children or relatives, the latter accounting for about 44%. "After the old man out land to their children, and children in accordance with the area of cultivated land to elderly living, eating and living for the elderly, could well give the old man a small amount of pocket money. Also called alimony, mostly symbolic, with very little profit. "And he told reporters that" there are still some old, House in the land, when my son got married to his son that he can only moved to outside renters. ”

  "The Government should be the first subject"

"Old" rural areas, are we going to do?

Mu Guangzong believes that "old before it grows rich" era, ' old age, should no longer be followed, "only to land and family" the traditional model, "rural old-age should be more funding and multi-layered, diverse, State and Government to take on more responsibility, the first responsibility of Government should be ' old age."

As early as in April 2011, the people's daily published an article suggested that the proportion of social security expenditure in fiscal expenditure in China, far below the per capita GDP levels similar to those of other countries, while the vast majority of social security expenditure for urban residents. "At this stage of construction of urban and rural social security system, with a focus on rural" and called for "raising finance for social security expenditure as a percentage of, and by urban and rural population ratio configuration."

Tang Jun told China Youth daily reporter, future, Government has increased financial input into the rural old-age problems, is the academic consensus.

"Recommended that pensions for the elderly in rural areas and urban residents alike, from ' basic ' and ' supplementary pensions ' two-part, and to guarantee their basic living standards, according to the necessities around spending figures may be, not to engage in a ' one size fits all '. "Tang Jun said," by 2009, identified $ 55 worth of basic old-age pension, affordability considerations, taking into account the farmers ' land after all ' back '. And now, system for a few years, also appears to have changed some, you might consider refining the criteria problems. ”

Ding Zhiyong believes that, in addition to "keep", "doctor" is the current most urgent needs of the elderly in rural areas, often has overwhelmed them.

"Now of ' new agricultural collection ' (is new rural cooperation medical--reporter note) policy, although eased has rural elderly of doctor difficult, and doctor your condition, but reimbursement ratio low, and into reimbursement range of project less, County township place of medical conditions limited, ' local see bad, field reported (PIN) can't ', still is rural elderly reflect up of problem. "Ding Zhiyong, told reporters," just imagine, if a rural man needs to live in cities, provinces, and certainly not small, average statistics, at least 10,000 ~2 million. And doctor fees, hospital bills need to advance their own, can't afford to pay for the elderly, and low claims ratio, part of the rural elderly ' poverty resulting from sickness '. ”

This reporter learned that, in recent years, China has stepped up protection for rural health, such as "new rural cooperative medical" standards increased to 240 Yuan per person per year, and treatment costs are especially high for "serious illness", supplement the Medicare reimbursement system was established. Ding Zhiyong proposes in the future, can also be granted to rural older people with more health benefits and care: "relief for destitute, senior citizens in rural elderly people to participate in the ' new farmers ' costs of participants, improve ' new farmers ' expense ratio, expand the scope of reimbursement. ”

For the landless rural elderly, Ding Zhiyong further suggested that can be considered "basic measures to protect the landless farmers": "for example, the landless farmers ' old-age insurance, the implementation of ' insurance policy insurance before they are enlisted, rigid ' approach and guarantee their basic living, relieved after they lost pension peace of mind. ”

"Empty nest" remarkably rural, pensions for the elderly to do? Mu Guangzong idea is to speed up the transformation of the rural old people's home, rural "scattered Endowment" to "focus on care for the elderly" rural "empty-nesters" open a green channel.

This coincides with Ding Zhiyong's proposal.

"Can take advantage of the rural old-age playroom or idle school buildings, the establishment of rural aged-service '. "Ding Zhiyong said," by the village Committee or Association of rural old workings. In life, medical, nursing, and other aspects of cultural life, focus on senior citizens, empty nest, and disabling difficulties in the needs of the elderly, and actively promotes neighbors helping each other. ”

China Youth daily reporter search found, Governments have begun to explore the road of new type rural endowment. Jindong district, Jinhua city, Zhejiang village of idle sites, built a "unified care during the day, night scattered" aged-service centers in rural areas; in Enshi, Hubei Province has established mutual care centres for the elderly in rural areas, "rural mutual aid pension."

"All in all, to solve the rural old-age dilemma, public finances in part to tilt, tilt to farmers in rural areas. "Mu Guangzong concluded by saying," this may be the ideal, requires the Central and local governments ' stand together ' but this depends above all on the cake in the Center is much larger, otherwise it is a pipe dream. We moderate Pratt welfare, senior citizens ' power-sharing should not be ignored. ”

(Original title: rural old-age pension, where road)

(Edit: SN022)November 13, 2013 China Youth daily(哈尔滨农村养老调研:超6成担心基本生活来源|老年人|老人|养老_新闻资讯

















































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