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Waste village phenomenon is serious in the Yangtze basin, stream channel drains

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/1 8:22:15 Browse times: 177 Comment times: 0

Waste village phenomenon is serious in the Yangtze basin, stream channel drains(长江流域垃圾围村现象严重,溪流河道变下水道)

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Waste village phenomenon is serious in Yangtze River Valley streams, rivers become sewers | rubbish village _ news

Reporters recently deep basin of the Yangtze River's middle and lower reaches of the Xiang, Qing, Yu expensive places such as Anhui rural investigation learned that farmers huge changes in lifestyle and constantly improve the level of consumption, rural life has become an important source of pollution of pollution. Meanwhile, pollution control in rural areas relatively weak infrastructure, management systems, "short Board" also led to increasingly large gap between urban and rural ecological environment. Many experts and officials interviewed suggested that treating pollution in the Yangtze River basin should take the lead in advancing the lives, to build ecological civilization in rural areas.

This reporter has learned, many provinces in the Yangtze River basin since the beginning of 2010 to implement continuous improvement of rural environment demonstration projects to date covering the whole, national and local have invested a lot of money, pollution control in rural areas "are in progress."

In an interview, the reporter saw some "junk by wind, water by evaporation" still exists to varying degrees.

A riverside towns in middle reaches of the Yangtze River, a village doctor described to reporters, if there is no wind, village stench when closing the window is useless. Came to the village clinic for medical treatment two villagers told reporters that even the water undrinkable water drawn up near the village. Was home washing clothes at the door of a villager told reporters that when it rains, suffused with bubbles can often be seen on the ground water flows down the street, so the days they "have to get used to."

Located in kaili city, qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture, Guizhou province, near the railway station at tunnel Hill, has become the local residents "running dumps", all kinds of plastic bags, rotten, waste paper and other garbage has piled up a hill, the smell coming. Wu Liqiang residents told reporters: "looking for a place to trash, only here, the weather is getting hot, no one to deal with, this soil is eroded. ”

In some parts of the fragile ecological environment of upper reaches of Yangtze River, small market towns and villages along the river outlets in recent years, more and more, some aqua privies were built on the river. Turning domestic sewage bubbling with garbage and even feces into streams and rivers became a "sewer". Run garbage attracting flies buzzing, and free-range pigs, cattle and sheep in which grubbing.

Some local cadres in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River reluctantly told reporters, as the summer travel season, riding, trekking, self-drive tour people will flock. By then, roadsides, fields of plastic bags, bottles and other garbage is parallel with the road distribution, sanitation is even worse.

According to statistics from the Ministry of environmental protection, rural China annually produces more than 9 billion tons of domestic sewage and 280 million tons of solid waste, many indiscriminate discharge without effective treatment.

Expert analysis, resulting in "waste village" "sewers" there are two main reasons:

First, the comprehensive control of the rural environment investment, work slowly. According to the JIU San society in Guizhou Provincial statistics, is currently in the town (village) garbage disposal follow the "transit village collection, town and County" principle, but geography, transportation and other conditions of the objective difficulties of governance. Even where villagers live together, some wastewater treatment plants, cost nearly 1 million yuan each, but the beneficiary population is only about 100 families.

Three agricultural University in the Yangtze River provinces of Hunan, by 2015 in xiangjiang River basin town sewage treatment rate is only more than 30%, sewage and rainwater drains up to 991, formed basically in a State of natural emissions. In this case, relatively common in the Yangtze River Valley.

Changsha County, Hunan Province Environmental Protection Agency introduced Yang Xiping, Changsha County has a population of 400,000 or 500,000 agriculture, the Government has invested more than 80 million rural garbage disposal, this is largely used for pipe network construction and maintenance, but also to the market to buy services. "On one hand, basic network investment, high cost of maintenance. Government procurement of services, a company in the wastewater treatment project of huanghua town for 30 years, sewage Government subsidies 0.9 Yuan per ton. The other hand, the high operating costs of sewage treatment enterprises, have a certain strength of enterprises through large-scale operations in order to undertake the task. Changsha County, 18 sewage treatment plants, construction costs alone took 125 million Yuan. This burden, Changsha County, as the ' first County Central ' delight. ”

Secondly, rural life and local government indifference to pollution prevention and control of the masses.

"In the countryside, most people don't realize ecological civilization construction is closely related to their life and development. We work closely with life green actions not participate actively, voluntarily fulfil their responsibilities and obligations. "Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau said a cadre, and corresponding, but some place in the management of ecological environment," stresses cities instead of rural ", urban and rural ecological environmental protection and construction of ecological civilization gap appears to be widening.

Interviewed experts and grass-roots cadres believe that pollution problems of rural life has long been one of the most important expression of ecological civilization construction in urban and rural areas are not synchronized. Recommendations will be considered urban and rural areas, to pollution control in rural areas as an opportunity, from the following aspects in the lead in promoting the construction of ecological civilization in the urban and rural areas, especially those living in the Yangtze River basin development of pollution prevention.

First, promote the rural characteristics of the waste. "Rural waste reduction by open burning, by simple landfill, pollution, and some local domestic waste sorting select Terminal rather than a source, expensive, results are not good. In rural areas, garbage is important. "The national people's Congress representatives, shimen County, changde city, Hunan province, Deputy Secretary for housing and urban-rural construction of Dai Hairong said.

Dai Hairong introduction, shimen, Hunan province, Hu Ping Shan Zhen in the pilot process, focusing on distribution of crack under the rural resources, establish more detailed waste separation and recovery system, has achieved a certain effect. "From pilot explore, only to mobilize the masses their own launch, recovery system market operation can solve the cost problem, therefore, enter into the heart of public education so that more rural people to establish environment building and sense of accountability for all, is the ultimate way to urban and rural ecological civilization construction. ”

Second, to establish clear responsibilities and project run funding secured, monitored use of rural environmental protection mechanism.

Director of Qinghai provincial environmental protection Bureau said Yang Rukun, sewage treatment facilities, difficult, and the high cost of operation, so in advance of the project should be abandoned in the future projects in the past, "one size fits all" deliberate pursuit of full coverage of misconceptions of sewage treatment facilities, construction should focus on farmers and herdsmen live a relatively dense, large water or sewage which have an impact on the water.

There are also grass-roots Government departments is recommended, as soon as possible from the introduction of rural environmental protection facilities operation management at the national level, on the premise of security personnel and funds to further strengthen Township government's main responsibilities in the protection of the rural environment, establishing rural environmental assessment mechanism. Meanwhile, grassroots environmental regulation, enforcement should be expanded, rural environmental protection "laws, money, some pipe", so that existing environmental protection facilities to play an effective role.

Third is to guide farmers ' autonomous form social mobilization mechanism for pollution treatment. Changsha County Environmental Protection Bureau Director Yang Xiping believes that rural life pollution control, relies entirely on government spending were not enough, should also guide the community to participate actively.

"Rural primary school boys clean operations supervisor, old post as environmental protection, rich farmers donated environmental protection investment and farmers than between the beautiful, clean and environmental protection around the world, form a Government and society to build ecological civilization in the rural situation, living in rural areas can receive long-term pollution prevention and control. "Changsha" two types of society "construction of comprehensive reform said Peng Jianxi, the Director of the Office.

(This version of the manuscript addition to signatures, are composed of journalists Su Xiaozhou, Wang Daqian, Zhou Mian, Zhou kai, Qin Huajiang, Li Qian Yu, and Yang Dingmiao, and Wang Xian interviews)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Garbage village

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Economic information daily
长江流域垃圾围村现象严重 溪流河道变下水道|垃圾围村_新闻资讯




  长江中游一个滨江乡镇的一名村医向记者介绍,如果没有刮风,村子里面恶臭味严重时,关上窗户也没有用。前来村医务室就医两名村民告诉记者,就连村子附近水井打上来的地下水也不能饮用。而正在自己家门口洗衣服的一名村民则告诉记者,下雨时候,地面上经常可以看到泛着泡沫的污水顺着街道往下流,这样的日子他们 “不得不习惯”。








  湖南省长沙县环保局局长杨喜平介绍,长沙县有四、五十万农业人口,政府对农村垃圾处理已经投入8000多万,这些钱主要用来做管网建设和维护,同时也向市 场购买服务。“一方面,基础管网投资大,维护成本高。目前政府购买服务的一家企业在黄花镇做为期30年的污水处理项目,每吨污水政府补贴0.9元。另一方 面,污水处理企业运行成本也高,有一定实力的企业通过规模化运营才能担起重任。长沙县有18个污水处理厂,仅建设成本就花了1.25亿元。这种负担,长沙 县作为‘中部第一县’都感到吃力。”


  “在农村,大部分群众没有意识到生态文明建设与自身的生活和发展密切相关。大家对与自己生活密切的环保行为不能积极参与,主动履行责任和义务。”重庆市环 保局一位干部说,而与此相对应的,却是一些地方在生态环境治理中“重城市、轻农村”,城乡生态环境保护和生态文明建设出现差距不断被拉大。


  一是推进有农村特色的垃圾分类。“目前农村垃圾的减量靠露天焚烧,处理靠简易填埋,都会造成环境污染,还有一些地方生活垃圾分类选择终端分而不是源头分, 代价昂贵,效果也不好。对农村来说,垃圾分类很重要。”全国人大代表、湖南省常德市石门县住房城乡建设局副局长戴海蓉说。

  戴海蓉介绍,湖南省石门县壶瓶山镇在试点过程中,着重破解根据农村资源分布的特征,建立更为细致的垃圾分类回收体系,目前已取得一定效果。“从试点探索来 看,只有发动群众自主投放,回收体系市场化运作才能解决成本问题,因此,通过入脑入心的宣传教育让更多农村群众树立起环境共建、人人有责的担当意识,才是 城乡生态文明共建的根本之道。”



  还有一些基层政府部门工作人员则建议,要尽快从国家层面出台农村环境保护设施运行管理办法,在保障人员和经费的前提下,进一步强化乡镇政府在保护农村环境 中的主体责任,建立起农村环保考核机制。同时,应扩大基层环保监管、执法队伍,让农村环保“有法可依、有钱可用、有人可管”,使已有的环保设施发挥有效作 用。




责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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