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Explore the second batch of Chinese astronauts participate in the caves of Europe training

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/29 8:40:44 Browse times: 155 Comment times: 0

Explore the second batch of Chinese astronauts participate in the caves of Europe training(探秘中国第二批航天员欧洲参加洞穴训练)

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Original title: European Space Agency reveals how Chinese astronaut cave training


Legal evening news (reporters Li Shixiang) 28th, our second batch of male astronauts Ye Guangfu is Italy participating in cave training message has attracted extensive attention, this is the first Chinese astronaut to participate in the project. By night (app ID:fzwb_52165216) the connection of the Organization caves in the first time training project of the European Space Agency experts, revealed this is a special training on how to proceed.

"We sent six astronauts to the altitude of 400 kilometers, also sent in Italy Sardinia 800 meters below the cave. "Recently, cave training organized by the European Space Agency astronauts officially began, before the curtain, the European Space Agency introduced.

In this year's six-member training team China's Ye Guangfu is a member, which is also China's astronaut training program participated in the cave for the first time. This morning, the ESA European astronaut Centre Director Frank de Pooh (Frank.De.Winne) and the European Space Agency cave training designers, training Task Manager bud Danna·beisen (Loredana Bessone) accepted by night (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter, said in an interview, the reason for such training, mainly in caves of the dark and unfamiliar environment and space have many similarities.

In an interview, Rachel Dana told reporters, after a few minutes, she will cave under the lead astronaut for training.

According to the arrangement, cave train takes about two weeks to 24th after a two-week study, learn how to experiment, and use a leash through the underground cave, as the spacewalk. On July 1, six nights training astronauts visiting the caves. There, they were cut off from the sunlight, depend on each other, as well as on the international space station to learn how to contact the ground and completes the task.

Strange cave

Sound and light deprivation "walls" as the spacewalk

By night: why astronauts training in cave?

Frank: caves of the dark and unfamiliar environment and space have a lot of similarities. In a deep hole, we can feel in our sensory deprivation of the many sounds and natural light. Walking along the walls of the caves cave training process, similar to the spacewalk, cave explorers need to remain vigilant, as in space, whether as an individual or a group, you need to make important decisions.

Astronauts on the international space station from Russia, Europe, Japan and the United States and other places, each of them has its own background, peacetime training conducted in geographically dispersed, and don't always have the time to get to know each other. Therefore, cave training provides an opportunity for them to meet, and learn how to find better cooperation in some serious conditions.

By night (app ID:fzwb_52165216): it is very helpful for team?

Rachel Dana: cave training courses to keep astronauts safe and effective conduct of the work. International team in danger in the harsh economic environment can learn how to effectively communicate, how to make decisions, and how to work as a team and, in addition, can also exercise leadership skills and learn to obey the command.

By night: the cave environment similar to the training and the extent to which spacewalk?

Frank: moving around in a cave, is moved horizontally using cables, using climbing equipment is moved vertically, this training requires constant attention, trust in the skills using tools and equipment. Underground cavern similar to walk and walk, because they need the help of safety rope, 3D positioning, to keep clear of the danger area, and careful planning and team work.

By night: such a unique environment where?

Rachel Dana: walking in a strange cave environment, like walking in a different planet. In the darkness, no plants and large animals, the cave is a strange environment for astronauts, has a lot of us are not familiar with the different geographical characteristics.

"High copy" training

Five experiments the astronauts practiced every day location

By night: walking apart from the cave, and what training?

Frank: Science (training) in the caves occupied the main part of the training course. As the international space station, astronauts in the cave a day about five experiments, these experiments are carefully designed by scientists in various fields. These efforts can produce substantive results, will eventually be rendered in published books.

This involves scientific work including access to geographic and microbial samples of cave drawings, photographs, and monitors air flow and levels of carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity measuring radon levels. In addition, it also includes a sampling of sediment, water, air.

Rachel Dana: in addition to training how to discover, monitor, and record the cave environment, also need training in how technical activities organized throughout the mission, how to collaborate with your team. We have technical ropes and training, train members how to explore, to locate and how to take pictures in caves, the use of radio communication systems.

By night: astronaut what are the challenges and pressures?

Frank: cave provides a strange environment, astronauts need to learn to self awareness (the environment around), and collaborate with the team, in addition to customary lack of sensory, physical and psychological pressure, and multicultural environment. In addition, you also need new skills, such as language for Security keep the focus.

Rachel Dana: astronauts involved in scientific exploration in remote areas will face all the difficulties that could be encountered, such as carrying out new challenges, looking for path facing difficulties and how to assist with colleagues and finish the task.

By night: Why choose Italy Sardinia Sa Grutta cave?

Frank: first cave training should be safe, but at the same time, to be able to pose a challenge to the astronauts. Safety is the most important, but the actual environment is also very important. In addition, the cave needs to be able to relatively easily with the outside world closer, in order to provide logistical support for training.

Rachel Dana: it depends on the content you want to train. Cave choice is safety, technical requirements, considering the ability of the participants. Many cave provides us with a choice, we select this cave in order to accomplish our goal.

Selection of personnel

Recommended by the participating institutions may be sent in the future international space station

By night: astronaut training is how to choose?

Frank: astronaut is recommended by the participating institutions. The bodies involved in recommending United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Russian Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the European Space Agency and the China manned space engineering office.

By night: cave training for astronauts to be compulsory?

Frank: this is an optional training course, each flew to the international space station crew to go through "human behaviour and performance training," cave train is a project. In addition there are a number of other training programs such as Russia's survival training programs.

Cave training focusing on leadership, follow instructions, collaboration and policy decisions on the multicultural exploration. After the end of the course, astronauts multicultural teams to better understand their functions, as well as master the skills, areas in which the need for self improvement.

Rachel Dana: Although this is not compulsory, but training by the astronauts that the cave is one of the best courses, including the European Space Agency and United States Aeronautics and space agency astronauts do it.

By night: training astronauts will perform what tasks?

Frank: astronauts participating in the cave train, finally will be chosen to perform long-term task of the international space station, but they may also perform other tasks.

Rachel Dana: to date, the astronauts involved in the cave train, almost all are assigned to space missions. The cave task astronauts space flight is well prepared for a long time.

By night (app ID:fzwb_52165216): Chinese astronauts in training and performance?

Frank: this is the first time Chinese astronauts participate in the cave train. The training team is a great team, we were very good.

Rachel Dana: this team is terrific, they blend very well. They are a real team, like brothers and sisters to work together.

Chinese astronauts Ye Guangfu

Born in 1980, was born in China's Sichuan province. For air force pilots, flight instructors has four years experience, served as a jet fighter pilot, accumulating 1100 hour flight.

2010 Ye Guangfu is a Chinese astronaut Center recruiting trainers for astronauts in 2014, eligibility for the astronauts.

Responsible editor: Zhang Chenglei SN069

Article keywords:
Astronaut cave air force

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  法制晚报讯(记者 黎史翔)28日,我国第二批男航天员叶光富正在意大利参加洞穴训练的消息吸引了广泛关注,这也是中国航天员首次参加该项目。法晚(微信公号ID:fzwb_52165216)记者在第一时间连线了组织洞穴训练项目的欧洲航天局专家,揭秘这一特殊训练到底是如何进行的。


  今年六人训练团队中,中国宇航员叶光富就是其中一员,这也是中国宇航员首次参加该洞穴训练项目。今晨,欧洲航天局欧洲宇航员中心主任弗兰克·徳维尼(Frank.De.Winne)和欧洲航天局洞穴训练设计师、训练任务主管蕾丹娜·贝森(Loredana Bessone)接受法晚(微信公号ID:fzwb_52165216)记者采访时表示,之所以进行这样的训练,主要是洞穴里黑暗和陌生的环境和太空有很多相似之处。




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责任编辑:张承磊 SN069

航天员 洞穴 空军


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