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Dialogue Lady,Gaga Dalai Lama, Chinese Internet users in the accounts a message attacking

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Dialogue Lady,Gaga Dalai Lama, Chinese Internet users in the accounts a message attacking(Lady,Gaga对话达赖,中国网民在其账号留言抨击)

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Lady Gaga talks Dalai netizens in China in its account mail attack | |-Tibet _ the Dalai Lama news

[Global times report] "United States singer LadyGaga Chinese fans ' anger and resentment. "Local time 26th United States popular singer LadyGaga in Indiana to meet with the Dalai Lama, many foreign media reported that in social media, she was a move many Chinese netizens" denunciation ", she is meeting with national separatist attacks. Netizen speculation after LadyGaga concert in China. The National Committee of ethnic and religious Committee Zhu weiqun, 28th the global times reporters, some Western artists or businessmen want to see the Dalai Lama for hype, it's looked down upon. Such behavior can only be offensive to the Chinese people, its marketing and visibility will only backfire.

According to "Germany" on 27th, LadyGaga is at the 84th annual Conference of Mayors across the United States and met the Dalai Lama. Posted on social media such as Facebook she shook hands with the Dalai Lama, with photos, accompanied by "hope is the fundamental driving force of the world," those words to the Dalai Lama. In fact, this United States female singer in the 22nd meeting notices and the Dalai Lama, said he could "talk about friendly, feel honoured." At that time, Chinese Internet users have a message saying, "don't do anything stupid," "he was a separatist."

28th on Facebook to see the global times, LadyGaga has uploaded a video for another meeting with the Dalai Lama, whose views were 3.22 million, 160,000 people had commented. "Stupid and ignorant", United Kingdom broadcaster reported on the 27th, LadyGaga has many fans in China, but now, many people angrily accused her of. Internet message said: "she did not take into account the feelings of fans in China. "This comment got 1000 great. "VOA" 28th citing the findings of a number of Chinese Internet users leave a message-"like to see her shaking hands with bin Laden", "she likes and respects the Chinese people in the eyes of terrorists, she has underestimated the Chinese fans, despised all Chinese", "cloak of freedom of religion cannot be packaged under the brutal rule of Tibet, the Dalai". Reports said many Chinese fans are disappointed is injured, they wrote, "national front no idols", the words "shedding."

AFP and other foreign media reported that the 27th China Foreign Ministry spokesman asked about the incident, said they did not know LadyGaga. The Chinese side emphasized, hoped that the international community recognize the true face of the Dalai Lama and the essence.

Singapore Lianhe zaobao reported on the 28th, some netizens speculate that LadyGaga may be blocked by the Chinese Government. In April, United States singer Selena Gomez has canceled its scheduled for August in Guangzhou and Shanghai concert. There are rumours that this photo she posted on social media with the Dalai Lama about. Zhiqian, United States band Bon Jovi and Maroon band's concert in China also were canceled, it is learnt that is for the same reason.

Zhu weiqun says the Dalai Lama regardless of the status, he is a political group aimed at secession leader. Shen Yi, Deputy Director of cyberspace governance research center of Fudan University on 28th reporter for global times said all attempts to develop in China of foreign artists must understand one simple thing--don't see the Dalai Lama. Because this is a non-issue, is also a political issue, regardless of the culture this thing put on his coat. The Dalai Lama has never been a culture.

Reaction to Chinese Internet users, said Shen Yi, people think that Western artists should not see the Dalai Lama, artists can't make money and do things to hurt the interests of consumers. Zhu weiqun, said: "people of Western artists in China see the Dalai Lama expressing dissatisfaction is normal and legitimate, should we people wantonly in front of some people in the West keep silent? But I hope netizens expressing dissatisfaction, on the ways it should be noted that losing the style of our ancient civilization. ”

Lianhe zaobao said that about two weeks ago, United States President Barack Obama met with the Dalai Lama, a move that was condemned by China. Zhu weiqun said, some people in the past for political purposes to meet the Dalai, Dalai also wants to boost its own identity, but now more and doesn't work this way.

[Global times, global times special correspondent reporter Lin Pengfei Wu Zhiwei Ren Zhong]

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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The Dalai Lama in Tibet

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Lady Gaga对话达赖 中国网民在其账号留言抨击|达赖|西藏_新闻资讯

  [环球时报综合报道]“美国歌星LadyGaga引发中国粉 丝的愤怒和不满。”当地时间26日,美国流行女歌手LadyGaga在印第安纳州与达赖喇嘛见面,许多外媒报道说,在社交媒体上,她的这一举动遭到众多中 国网民的“声讨”,抨击她居然与国家分裂分子见面。有网民猜测,LadyGaga以后无法在中国开演唱会了。全国政协民族和宗教委员会主任朱维群28日接 受《环球时报》记者采访时表示,一些西方艺人或商家想通过见达赖进行炒作,这是很让人看不起的行为。这种行为只会引起中国民众的反感,对其开拓市场和提高 知名度只会产生反作用。

  据“德国之 声”27日报道,LadyGaga是在第84届全美市长年度会议上与达赖喇嘛会面的。她在脸谱网等社交媒体上发布了与达赖握手、同台的照片,并附上“希望 是世界前进的根本动力”这句出自达赖的话。其实,这名美国女歌手在本月22日就预告了和达赖的见面,称能和他“谈论友善,备感荣幸”。当时就有中国网民留 言说,“不要做傻事”,“他是分裂分子”。

  《环球时报》记者28日在脸谱网看到,LadyGaga还上传了与达赖会面的视频,其浏览量是322万,有16万人进行了评论。“愚蠢和无知”,英国广 播公司27日报道称,LadyGaga此前在中国有众多歌迷,但现在,许多人这样愤怒地指责她。有网民留言说:“她根本没有考虑到中国粉丝的感情。”这条 评论得到了1000个赞。“美国之音”28日引述了一些中国网民的留言——“如同看到她跟本·拉登握手”,“这说明她喜欢并尊重中国人眼中的恐怖主义分 子,她根本是轻视中国粉丝,轻视所有中国人”,“宗教自由的外衣也不能包装达赖在西藏实行过的残暴统治”。报道称,许多中国粉丝表示很失望很受伤,他们留 言说,“国家面前无偶像”,将“脱粉”。


  新加坡《联 合早报》28日报道称,一些网民猜测,LadyGaga可能会被中国政府封杀。今年4月,美国歌手赛琳娜·戈麦斯取消了其原定于8月在广州和上海举办的演 唱会。有传言说,此事与她在社交媒体上发布与达赖的合照有关。之前,美国邦乔维乐队和魔力红乐队的中国演唱会也被取消,据悉是出于相同原因。

  朱维群表示,达赖不管用什么身份出现,他都是一个以分裂国家为目的的政治集团的头 头。复旦大学网络空间治理研究中心副主任沈逸28日对《环球时报》记者表示,所有试图在中国发展的外国艺人都要明白一个简单的事情——不要见达赖。因为这 本身是一个是非问题,也是个政治问题,无论这个事情披上什么样的文化外衣。达赖从来不是一个文化人。

  对于中国网民的反应,沈逸表示,民众认为西方艺人不应该去见达赖,艺人不能一边赚 钱,一边做伤害消费者利益的事情。朱维群说:“我国民众对西方艺人见达赖表达不满是正常和正当的,难道要我们的民众在西方一些人的肆意侮辱面前保持沉默 吗?不过希望网友表达不满时,在方式方法上应当注意不失我们古老文明国家的风范。”


  [环球时报记者 林鹏飞 吴志伟 环球时报特约记者 任重]

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

达赖 西藏


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