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China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: strongly condemned Turkey Ataturk Airport terrorist attack

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/29 8:40:36 Browse times: 196 Comment times: 0

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: strongly condemned Turkey Ataturk Airport terrorist attack(中国外交部:强烈谴责土耳其阿塔图尔克机场恐怖袭击)

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China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs: strongly condemned Turkey Ataturk Airport terrorist attack

People's daily Beijing, June 29, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry's Web site, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei on 29th press briefing, on the South China Sea issues, Turkey Istanbul Ataturk Airport terrorist attack related issues such as the question and answer session.
Following is a press conference question-and-answer transcript:
An invitation, Premier Li keqiang, Greece's Prime Minister of the Republic of alaikexisi·qipulasi on an official visit to China from July 2 to 6th.
Second invitation, Premier Li keqiang, Prime Minister of the independent State of Papua New Guinea, Peter o ' Neill will be on an official visit to China from July 5 to 10th.
Q: it is reported, President of the Cambodian people's Party, Prime Minister Hun Sen, the 28th position on the South China Sea issue, pointed out that the Cambodian people's party opposed the ASEAN statement on Philippine Sea arbitration case, calling on foreign countries to stop interfering in the South China Sea issue, called on the national spirit of the correct implementation of the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea. How do you comment on this?
A: China Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Cambodian people's Party in the South China Sea's standpoint on the issue expressed appreciation. Cambodia's position once again, some countries use the arbitration case to provoke the South China Sea in the Philippines, China-ASEAN relations, and attempt to destroy regional peace and stability are unpopular, will not succeed.
Q: last night, Turkey serious suicide terrorist attacks in Istanbul Ataturk Airport, causing a number of casualties. Comment on this? There is no Chinese casualties in the incident?
A: the Chinese Government strongly condemns this terrorist attack against civilians. We are against all forms of terrorism, and called on the international community to strengthen counter-terrorism coordination and cooperation, maintaining regional peace and stability. Foreign Minister Wang Yi has been Turkey's Foreign Minister chawushiaolu called sympathy.
According to the Chinese Consulate-General in Istanbul, understood that currently no report of casualties of Chinese citizens. When the explosion occurred, about more than more than 90 Chinese passengers waiting, get in touch with the airport stranded personnel of the Consulate General, personnel security, Chinese Consulate-General in Istanbul will stay for me to provide active assistance.
In view of the serious security situation, China's Foreign Ministry and the Turkey Embassy reminded Chinese citizens cautious recently visiting Turkey, Chinese citizens to be on high alert, enhanced security and emergency preparedness.
  问: Reports that China is no longer 给予 Born in Hong Kong, Canada 来华 Ten-year 旅游 签证 How do you approach true?
Answer: first of all, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Canada Embassy visa reciprocity arrangements February 28, 2015, from March 9, 2015, other countries on both sides for a career in business, tourism, visit the active citizens of the other party to issue up to a maximum period of 10 years but no more than a passport validity of multiple-entry visas. China has always strictly comply with the reciprocal arrangements.
Secondly, with regard to China in diplomatic and consular for Canada issue licenses to Chinese citizens in Hong Kong, media recently about China's "policy" or "policy tightening" report is incorrect. We have always adhered to the People's Republic of China Hong Kong S.A.R. Basic Law, the People's Republic of China nationality law and the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress in Hong Kong S.A.R. implementation problems of interpretation of Hong Kong Chinese citizens on the basis of the license application and issuing certificates in accordance with the applicant's situation and related material to judge. Since China's resumption of exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, China's Foreign Ministry has asked the embassies and consulates by law, Hong Kong Chinese citizens residing abroad to provide services and assistance to facilitate their travel, work and residence in the world.

  Q: United Kingdom Prime Minister Cameron announced his resignation will have on China and the United Kingdom what is the impact?
A: China and the United Kingdom overall good momentum of development of relations. We are willing to join efforts with the British side, safeguard and develop the China and the United Kingdom.
Q: it is reported that, recently, the United Kingdom Conservative Party Human Rights Commission published a report, make rash criticism on China's human rights situation. How do you respond to the Chinese side?
Answer: great progress in China's human rights situation is forged by the Chinese people. How about the human rights situation in China, only the people have a voice. China notes that the United Kingdom Conservative Party within a very few members of the so-called report ignores facts, biased, distorted accused China's human rights situation, not worth refuting. We urge them not to interfere in China's internal affairs in any way, and to take concrete actions to maintain China and United Kingdom relations overall.
After the meeting, a reporter asked:
According to reports, the 28th, United States Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said that if he is elected United States President, to designate China as a currency manipulator and to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese goods. How do you respond to the Chinese side?
Hong Lei said China and the United States of economic and trade cooperation between the "Ballast" and "propeller", the essence of which is mutually beneficial and win-win, the Renminbi exchange rate is not caused by China and the United States trade imbalance causes. Hopes the United States some objective, rational view of China and the United States trade and economic relations and do more things conducive to mutual trust and cooperation, and jointly safeguard China and United States economic and trade relations have witnessed healthy and stable development, in line with the common interests of both sides.
(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-06-29 18:22:00
People's daily online

  人民网北京6月29日电 据中国外交部网站消息,中国外交部发言人洪磊29日主持例行记者会,就南海问题、土耳其伊斯坦布尔阿塔图尔克机场发生恐怖袭击事件等相关问题答问。



















(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-06-29 18:22:00

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