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Guangzhou New China mansion case 4 involved was sentenced to 10 years

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/28 13:46:26 Browse times: 176 Comment times: 0

Guangzhou New China mansion case 4 involved was sentenced to 10 years(广州新中国大厦案主犯涉4宗罪被判10年)

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Guangzhou New China mansion case 4 was sentenced to 10 years in question | triad _ news

Information times (reporter Wei Hui Hui) sensation of Guangzhou New China mansion gang yesterday morning at the haizhu District Court trial in the case, the Court found that primarily, Song Zhiyong constitutes leadership organized crime 4 counts, sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined 30 million Yuan.

Excluded partner right to the upper grab

A trial identified, 2003 before and after, Guangzhou City 13 Road 1th, of new China building gradually development into clothing wholesale industry of core commercial circle, to gets huge economic interests, the building within of commercial competition increasingly fierce, the building developers Guangzhou country business building development limited (Xia said country business company) of corporate representative, and Chairman Pan Weixi (has sentenced) in rental to building within the owners of process in the, take made yin and Yang rental contract to hide actual rent income, and pour signed contract extended business term, way, The small part of the actual rent to the Court account, but most of the "thank you Golden" or "interests are divided into" into its own in the form of all.

October 2003, Pan Weixi flight Hou, its "spokesman" Chen Xuelin management business of Guangzhou ya Shi up trade limited (outside called times clothing wholesale market, Hou changed its name for Guangzhou vision Thai trade company, Xia said ya Shi up company) and country business company on a floor shop of delegate business contracts to when October 30 due, part will shop returned rent to country business company of owners in contracts due Hou not agreed renewed to ya Shi up company, instead signed to Xie Yaoqun actual Management business of Guangdong Yao health investment management limited (Xia said Yao health company) on behalf of received rent, and rental, and management, Chen Xuelin to made a floor of continues to right, and Song Zhiyong conspiracy, common organization chenbingkun and the co-defendants people Ni Fuxin, people, take nuisance, and pendulum field, and mention fruit basket came "visit", and track door, and speech intimidation, and violence beat, and forced pull seal Pu, way threat owners, bullying owners and ya Shi up company continued rent business.

Song Zhiyong in and Chen Xuelin conspiracy made new China building a floor of continues to right yihou, gradually realized that control new China building related floors of rental business and replaced Pan Weixi can grab huge economic interests, including sublet shops earned post, and speculation shops; to owners charged "thanks gold", and entry fee; charged property management fee, and parking management fee,, to reached above purpose, Song Zhiyong while placement himself of cronies chenbingkun, and Cui Shuangyi, and King safe and the co-defendants people Ni Fuxin, people into new China building, Other hand with huge interest as bait to draw the Pan Weixi loyalist Wen Yongkai human their use finally Chen Xuelin also successfully squeezed out of the building of new China.

Violent coercion households mob drive takes over

Period, in order to continue pursuing economic interests and excluding competitors, Song Zhiyong to steer its members organized by means of violence, threat, coercion in the building of new China Yao Mousun negative layer operation to exit the business. To maintain its deterrent force and a strong position to deter operators proposed a reduction in rent, requirements for stalls, aisle pendulum-like back, Song Zhiyong to steer its members organized and violent assault assault tenants on a wool, and Xiong Mourun and intimidated a low price to transfer its business of shops, deter local households.

April 15, 2011, Guangdong gold spike Feng industrial limited (Xia said jinsui Feng company) through court implementation took over has negative three layer to negative five layer parking of business management right Hou, Song Zhiyong for seek huge economic interests, directed its organization members forged negative three layer to negative five layer parking of rental agreement, and delegate business agreement, purchase modus operandi tool, plotting violence anti-method, employed more than 60 more than outlaws to new China building parking entrance build-up, will gold spike Feng company this work of employees forced away and containment parking entrance , Leading to a confrontation, causing large crowds of onlookers around, traffic jams, surrounding businesses, normal operation and lives were severely damaged, and 6 people were slightly injured, 35 people slightly hurt in serious consequences.

"Black boss" Song Zhiyong is accused of many sins


Harassment, intimidation, violence, assault, forcibly closes shop threatened owners leased operation


Deter rental operators, cheap transfer stalls, forcing tenants back shop

Yao Mousun

By means of violence, threats, bullying each other out negative layer management

Golden Spike


Competition for minus three to minus five-storey car park management, hiring more than more than 60 criminals confrontation encircling car park entrance

Court decisions

Primarily, sentenced to 10 years-30 million Yuan

Yesterday morning, the case publicly at the haizhu District Court Criminal Division of the largest, Song Zhiyong with 20 accused convicted. Song Zhiyong mafia-style crime organization, committed leadership, forced trading, intentional assault, crime of refusing to execute judgments or orders, was sentenced to 10 years and fines of 30 million Yuan.

It is reported that the remaining 19 defendants were sentenced to 1 year and 5 months to 6 years and 7 months of penalty and a fine. The Court also announced that freezing Song Zhiyong of the deposits of RMB more than 4.599 million Yuan, his daughters name on deposits of more than more than 8.56 million Yuan, wife's name in the deposit currency of more than 5.33 million Yuan, paper 2000 grams of gold, financial products, 13.5 million Yuan, of which 30 million Yuan for fine processing, balance refunded.

3 the defendant in court to appeal Golden harvest will continue to pursue

Song Zhiyong and 3 other major defendants vowed to appeal. New China building took over party gold spike Feng company related head is said, respect Court of judgment, but the groups in gold spike Feng July 2010 buy by new China building overall project zhihou, using malicious collusion signed of rental contract, to triad violence means, refused to returned building shop of right, and management right, continues to illegal occupation, and took claimed I company in building enjoys of rent returns, makes its company suffered huge economic loss of crime behavior, case investigation organ does not to investigation, Court also not on made processing. To this end, the Golden harvest company reserves to pursue Song Zhiyong gangs the criminal responsibility, the rights of economic responsibility.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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Information times

  信息时报讯 (记者 魏徽徽)轰动羊城的新中国大厦黑帮案昨日上午在海珠区法院一审宣判,法院认定首犯宋志永构成组织领导黑社会性质组织罪等4项罪名,对其判刑10年并处罚金3000万元。

  排挤合伙人上位 巧取豪夺经营权

  一审查明,2003年前后,广州市十三行路1号的新中国大厦逐渐发展成服装批发行业的核心商业圈,为了获取巨额经济利益,该大厦内的商业竞争日趋激烈,该大 厦开发商广州市国商大厦开发有限公司(下称国商公司)的法人代表、董事长潘维曦(已判刑)在出租给大厦内各场主的过程中,采取订立阴阳租赁合同来隐瞒实际 租金收入、倒签合同延长经营期限等方式,将实际租金的小部分交到法院指定账户,而租金的大部分以“答谢金”或“利益分成”的形式收归其自己所有。

  2003年10月,潘维曦外逃后,其“代言人”陈学林管理经营的广州雅时达商贸有限公司(外称大时代服装批发市场,后更名为广州宣泰商贸公司,下称雅时达公司)与 国商公司关于一楼铺位的委托经营合约至当年10月30日到期,部分将铺位返租给国商公司的小业主在合约到期后不同意续签给雅时达公司,转而签给谢曜群实际 管理经营的广东耀生投资管理有限公司(下称耀生公司)代为收租、出租、管理,陈学林为了取得一楼的继续经营权,与宋志永合谋,共同组织陈炳坤及同案人倪福 新等人,采取滋扰、摆场、提果篮登门“拜访”、跟踪上门、言语恐吓、暴力殴打、强行拉闸封铺等方式威胁小业主,威逼小业主与雅时达公司续租经营。

  宋志永在与陈学林合谋取得新中国大厦一楼的继续经营权以后,逐渐意识到控制新中国大厦相关楼层的租赁经营并取代潘维曦能攫取巨额经济利益,包括转租商铺赚取 差价、炒卖商铺;向场主收取“答谢金”、进场费;收取物业管理费、停车管理费等,为了达到上述目的,宋志永一方面安插自己的亲信陈炳坤、崔双意、王安稳及 同案人倪福新等人进入新中国大厦,另一方面以巨额利益为诱饵拉拢潘维曦的亲信温永楷等人为自己所用;最后还成功将陈学林从新中国大厦排挤出去。

  暴力威逼经营户 聚众驱赶接管方

  期间,为了继续追逐经济利益和排除竞争对手,宋志永指使其组织成员有组织地通过暴力、威胁的手段,威逼在新中国大厦负一层经营的姚某孙退出经营。为维护其组 织的威慑力和强势地位,阻吓商户提出减租金、退档口、在过道摆样等要求,宋志永指使其组织成员有组织地采用暴力殴打的方式殴打租户许某毛、熊某润,并威逼 许某毛低价转让其经营的商铺,震慑当地经营户。

  2011年4月15日,广东金穗丰实业有限公司(下称金穗丰公司)通过法院执行接管了负 三层至负五层停车场的经营管理权后,宋志永为牟取巨额经济利益,指使其组织成员伪造负三层至负五层停车场的租赁协议、委托经营协议,购买作案工具,密谋暴 力抗法,雇用60余名不法分子到新中国大厦停车场入口集结,将金穗丰公司在此上班的员工强行赶走并围堵停车场入口,导致发生对峙,造成周围大量群众围观, 交通堵塞,周边商户、居民正常经营和生活秩序受到严重破坏以及6人轻伤,35人轻微伤的严重后果。
















  首犯判刑10年 罚3000万元


  据 悉,其余19名被告人分别被判处1年5个月至6年7个月不等的刑罚,有的并处罚金。法院还宣布,冻结宋志永存款人民币459.9万余元,其女儿名下存款人 民币856万余元,妻子名下存款人民币533万余元、纸黄金2000克、理财产品人民币1350万元,其中3000万元作罚金处理,余款发还。

  3被告人当庭要上诉 金穗丰将继续追诉

  宋 志永等3名主要被告人表示要上诉。新中国大厦接管方金穗丰公司相关负责人则表示,尊重法院的判决,但该团伙在金穗丰2010年7月买受新中国大厦整体项目 之后,利用恶意串通签订的租赁合同,以黑社会暴力手段,拒绝交还大厦铺位的经营权、管理权,继续非法侵占、攫夺我公司在大厦享有的租金收益,使其公司遭受 巨额经济损失的犯罪行为,案件侦查机关并未予侦查,法院也未就此作出处理。为此,金穗丰公司保留继续追究宋志永团伙该项犯罪刑事责任、经济责任的权利。

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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