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Wu Shicun: South China Sea arbitration case is not conducive to peace and stability in the region

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/26 5:46:41 Browse times: 156 Comment times: 0

Wu Shicun: South China Sea arbitration case is not conducive to peace and stability in the region(吴士存:南海仲裁案不利于地区和平与稳定)

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Wu Shicun: South China Sea arbitration case is not conducive to peace and stability in the region

News Agency, Haikou, June 26 (reporter Yang Xu Guan Xiangdong Wang Ziqian) Dean Wu Shicun recently in Haikou, South China Sea told news agency reporters in an interview, said that unilateral Nanhai arbitration cases filed in the Philippines, is not conducive to peace and stability in the South China Sea.

January 2013 unilateral Nanhai arbitration cases filed in the Philippines. Chinese officials from the outset did not accept the position does not participate in the arbitration proceedings.

Wu Shicun pointed out that arbitration in the Philippines really has two purposes, one is to negate China's sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands and maritime rights; the other is for its illegal claims put on "legitimacy". 4 military of the Philippines through the last century 70 's action illegal occupation of China 8 Island Reef in the Nansha Islands, I would like to take this time the arbitral tribunal to satisfy their illegal demands and attempts to legalize illegal claims.

Said Wu Shicun, the substance of the dispute of South China Sea between China and the Philippines is a territorial sovereignty dispute and the delimitation of claim disputes. Territorial dispute beyond the United Nations Convention on the law of the scope of arbitral proceedings issue of territorial sovereignty. China in 2006 in accordance with the provisions of Article No. 298 of the Convention to exclude declarations of ownership relating to maritime delimitation, history, military operations, administrative law-enforcement issues such as excluding the application of compulsory dispute settlement procedures. As a party to the Convention, China's independent choice of dispute resolution must be respected and protected.

Wu Shicun pointed out that proposed three broad categories of request for arbitration in the Philippines, contrary to maritime disputes on the basis of general principles of international law and international judicial practice. Arbitral tribunal referred to in the Philippines claims received to establish jurisdiction is totally wrong according to the order.

Said Wu Shicun, the United Nations Convention on the law of the specified in the article No. 280 and 281, respecting the rights of States parties free choice of dispute resolution. In the Philippines from 1995 to 2011 at least 6 bilateral government declarations and agreements, said consultations to settle the dispute through bilateral negotiations and ruled out third-party settlement mechanisms. States parties to the United Nations Convention on the law of the clear provisions of article 283 instituted mandatory arbitration proceedings, required a full exchange of views with the other person.

Wu Shicun says final results upcoming sea arbitration cases, arbitral decisions self-aggrandising, not only does not solve the South China Sea disputes between China and the Philippines, but will intensify further, or even worse situation in the region.

Part of Nanhai arbitration cases take on China's deliberate misinterpretation of public opinion and discredit, accused China of undermining the status quo, bullying the big bullying the small, the destruction of coral reefs in the South China Sea ecological system. In this regard, Wu Shicun pointed out that, since the truth is China has been to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, and courteous to the behavior of some countries to exercise restraint attitude and to abide by the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations and the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, through equal dialogue and negotiations to resolve the dispute. China peace of sea policy advocates also get world multiple national of support, as June 15, has near 60 a national has public said support China advocates; in sea environmental protection aspects, China as sea maximum of coast country, than any national are more care himself of Island Reef and waters of environmental protection, China Island Reef construction also take has concentrated processing construction garbage, and control construction cycle, measures, strictly comply with related of environmental standard, not on sea ecological environment caused damage.

"As a defender of the existing international order and peace and stability in the South China Sea, China's respect for international law, but will not accept decisions and participate in illegal. "Wu Shicun says China's sovereignty in the South China Sea, Ocean and historic rights cannot be denied. Way to resolve the dispute through friendly consultation and negotiation, in disputes before a final settlement to promote common development, protection shall enjoy the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and the security of the international community, will remain unchanged in the South China Sea, China's policies.

(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-06-26 08:50:25
China News Network

  中新社海口6月26日电 (记者 杨旭 关向东 王子谦)中国南海研究院院长吴士存近日在海口接受中新社记者专访时指出,菲律宾单方面提起南海仲裁案,不利于南海地区的和平与稳定。









(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-06-26 08:50:25

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