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Chinese Japan wedding industry Savior, immigration and marriage tours

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/25 11:58:42 Browse times: 150 Comment times: 0

Chinese Japan wedding industry Savior, immigration and marriage tours(中国人成日本婚庆业救星,入境婚兼旅游)

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Chinese into Japan wedding Savior immigration and marriage tourism | Chinese couples | Japan | tourist marriage _ news

Original title: Media: Japan resort wedding Chinese wedding industry Savior

Summary: in China alone, married couples there are 12 million on an annual basis, is Japan about 20 times. Japan Gets the customer requirements is less than 0.01%.

Reference news, June 25, foreign media said June wedding season, the West "June bride (June Bride)" argument. But in recent years, Japan dressed women out of the wedding. As times changed, Japan's wedding is more and more simple, 1 out of every 2 couples-only license doesn't do weddings, Japan called "no marriage". However, in the withering away of Japan appeared in the wedding market Savior, that is, all the way to Japan, "immigration marriage" by foreign couples.

Japan economic news Web site on June 24 to shrink Japan wedding market under the title of Christ reported that journalists at the weekend went to the resort town of Karuizawa, and along the way is full of Wedding couples in China. A couple says "now especially popular to Japan the wedding. Both of us like to Karuizawa plateau, but Okinawa is more popular. ”

Reporters take advantage of on-site staff asked the Okinawa matter. According to the staff, "wedding and wedding couples in Okinawa, there is 1 in 10 to the foreigners (1458). "And foreigners increased sharply in the past two or three years, Okinawa resort wedding in 2015 the number hit a record high.

For brides all over the world, Hawaii and Bali is a longed-for overseas weddings, Japan it is not included in the selection. To find out, the reporters came to Okinawa.

June 4, facing the sea in the village of Onna in Okinawa within the chapel from Taiwan groom Zhao (36 years old) and bride Wang (27 years old) a happy face on the red carpet, people around clapping and send blessings: "congratulations! ”

Zhao said that 3 years ago he had travel to Okinawa, that left him for an unforgettable stay. "I want to dedicate my love such beautiful scenery. ”

After the wedding, everyone on to the white sand beaches and Okinawa lion photos. Hot in the day, Okinawa Watabe Wedding staff will always be ready to hand parasols and towels. Ms Wong said: "their services are very thoughtful, married want to recommend to friends when I returned to Okinawa. ”

Reporters asked the other couple from Hong Kong, the answer is Japan wedding and wedding were status symbols. New people say, when the bride walking staff attentive to help carry her skirt, guided the couple go to the photo place, in every possible way-daily service is "Oh, that's great." This may and Japan Women longing for Hawaii is how it feels.

Reported that the foreigner couple will not be stingy with money, they cost about 300,000 on the wedding ~40 million yen (about 19,000 ~2.5 million), Japan's several times, probably 1000 at a time.

"Immigration marriage" in most cases both tours. According to the projections, "immigration marriage" for Okinawa generate an annual economic benefit of about 2.86 billion yen. Japanese wedding held mostly on weekends, in Okinawa, Watabe Wedding, due to "foreigners wedding and wedding does not take into account the week" Chapel or close up shop.

Reported that in China alone, married couples there are 12 million on an annual basis, is Japan about 20 times. Japan Gets the customer requirements is less than 0.01%. Now comes as overseas weddings peak in Asia, Japan total RECRUIT BRIDAL Naoki Suzuki, Director of the Institute, "said immigration marriage support shrinking Japan strong players in the wedding market. ”

It was reported that in recent years, including Korea country joined the marriage, competition. Invite local media such as China visit in Okinawa, overseas to promote holiday wedding. Battle for the bride and groom have begun all over the world.

Source: references

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Chinese couples Japan travel wedding

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中国人成日本婚庆业救星 入境婚兼旅游|中国情侣|日本|旅游结婚_新闻资讯

  原标题:日媒:日本度假区到处是中国人拍婚纱照 成婚庆业救世主


  参考消息网6月25日报道 外媒称,六月是结婚的季节,西方还有“六月新娘(June Bride)”的说法。但近年来感觉日本盛装出席婚礼的女性越来越少了。随着时代变迁,日本的婚礼也越来越朴素,每2对夫妻里就有1对只领证不办婚礼,日本称之为“无婚”。然而,在日渐萎靡的日本婚庆市场中出现了救世主,那便是千里迢迢来到日本举行“入境婚”的外国情侣们。










  报道称,仅在中国,每年结婚的情侣就有1200万对,是日本的约20倍。日本获取的顾客需求尚不足0.01%。如今亚洲正值海外婚礼的高峰,日本RECRUIT BRIDAL总研究所的所长铃木直树表示,“入境婚是支撑不断缩小的日本婚礼市场的有力选手。”



责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

中国情侣 日本 旅游结婚


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