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The tornado-prone areas of northern Jiangsu, Jiangsu, prediction is the world’s toughest problems

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/24 9:37:15 Browse times: 164 Comment times: 0

The tornado-prone areas of northern Jiangsu, Jiangsu, prediction is the world’s toughest problems(江苏苏北是龙卷风多发地区,预报是世界级难题)

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Tornado-prone areas of northern Jiangsu, Jiangsu forecast is a world problem | | Jiangsu Jiangsu Province _ a tornado news

Original title: Jiangsu tornado-prone areas, China is forecast to be the world's toughest problems

For around 22 o'clock, Beijing, reporters rushed to the scene, Yancheng solar – GCL sunshine electric power technology co., Ltd. Is still with light rain, a large number of fire and police in the rescue, pulling at the door line. Tents were put up at the entrance of the company, for use by the rescue workers, firefighters and ambulances keep. Beijing, Xinhua Gu Hua photography

CNS, Nanjing, June 24 (reporter Cui Jiaming)-Jiangsu China tornado-prone area. Why do tornadoes annually ravaged Jiangsu? The night of 23rd, Jiangsu provincial Observatory, experts say this is due to the low-lying flat, interwoven network of rivers and lakes in northern Jiangsu Province, in subtropical and warm temperate climate transition zone, easy accumulation of unstable energy, help to tornado formation.

"Tornadoes are funnel-shaped clouds of a thunderstorm cloud base extended to the ground, resulting in intense cyclones. Wind of 12 or more, the maximum can be up to 100 m/s or more, generally accompanied by thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by hail. It is the strongest Vortex phenomena in the atmosphere, sphere of influence may be small, but devastating. "Experts say strong tornado occurred mainly in spring, summer and early fall, with July up, followed by April. "China has the seasonal characteristic of the strong tornado. ”

The afternoon of June 23, Ning suffered strong convective weather in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, heavy rain, hail, and tornadoes combined attacks, casualties is huge, heavy losses. That night (23rd) at 22 o'clock, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced, according to preliminary statistics, deaths due to disasters caused by strong convective weather 78 people, injured nearly 500 people for disaster, which injured nearly 200 people and larger number of houses damaged in the affected areas, electric power communication facilities were destroyed, power outages in some areas, communication base station signal. Specific loss is further verification.

For the cause of the tornado disaster. According to meteorological experts, Jiangsu Province: 23rd in huanghuai area in northwest of subtropical high margin, high temperature, high humidity, convection potential well. The same day, cold Vortex Yancheng high altitude to cope with trough moving East South East to move lower in low shear, cyclones, cold air at the back. Lower Southwest jets, middle and upper Northwest jet stream, the strong wind shear, has strong wind direction and wind speed on the ground under a convergence trigger, producing tornadoes.

The hail, tornadoes, hazardous extreme weather occurred in Jiangsu, experts said, as it happens, this is not happened in the past.

Footprints left by Combs for more than 10 years tornadoes in Jiangsu, reporters found that tornadoes also have their own unique preferences: "sticky" in gaoyou, "bias", and yizheng baoying, jiangdu. In this regard, the meteorological expert analysis of Yangzhou, tornadoes can easily form in gaoyou's reason was simple, gaoyou is located in the most low-lying plains, because, like a big pot, surrounded by ditches and lakes, easy to create the conditions for the formation of a tornado. Due to special geographic environment and not only tornadoes and other extreme weather like "harassment" in gaoyou, baoying, Yangzhou, jiangdu etc, lightning like run these places.

Meanwhile, experts say, from a macro point of view, increase in severe convective weather, became the breeding ground for tornadoes and strong convective weather increased the culprit, is global warming.

Meanwhile, experts say, wind speed determination is the world's toughest problems, tornadoes, hail, thunderstorms are the product of weather, is very similar to their precursor, when one can have these kinds of weather phenomena for the convective rain clouds come, it's hard to tell what the cloud brings hail or tornadoes. "Even if instrument waiting for the scene, are often destroyed by the tornado. "(End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Tornado in Jiangsu North of Jiangsu Province

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江苏苏北是龙卷风多发地区 预报是世界级难题|龙卷风|江苏苏北_新闻资讯

  原标题:江苏苏北地区是中国龙卷风多发地区 预报是世界级难题

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  中新网南京6月24日电 (记者 崔佳明)江苏苏北地区是中国龙卷风多发地区。龙卷风为何年年肆虐江苏?23日夜,江苏省气象台专家说,这是由于苏北地区地势低洼平坦、江河湖泊水网交织,处于亚热带和暖温带的气候过渡地带,易积聚不稳定能量,有助于龙卷生成。








责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

龙卷风 江苏苏北


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