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Former yan army, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Government of Guangzhou was prosecuted

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/24 9:36:41 Browse times: 144 Comment times: 0

Former yan army, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Government of Guangzhou was prosecuted(广州市政府原副秘书长晏拥军被提起公诉)

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Former yan army, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Government of Guangzhou has been prosecuted (figure)

Information: Yan army and yangcheng evening news reporter Zheng Xun photography
Beijing, June 24, according to the Supreme People's Procuratorate news, former yan army, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Government of Guangzhou (Deputy departmental level) suspected of corruption and bribery case, jurisdiction specified by the Guangdong provincial people's Procuratorate, recently by the people's procuratorates shall, to the Zhongshan intermediate people's Court in Zhongshan city to sue.
Prosecutors in investigation and prosecution stage shall inform the defendant of the Yan army litigation rights, and interrogated the defendant yan army. Zhongshan people's Procuratorate indictment allegations: accused yan Yongjun using its served as League Guangzhou Municipal Deputy Secretary of positions convenience, illegal occupies public property, law should to corruption crime held its criminal; accused yan Yongjun has using its served as Guangzhou liwan district propaganda long, District Government Deputy Chang, District Deputy Secretary, and Chang, Guangzhou Municipal Government Deputy Secretary-General of positions convenience, for others seek interests, illegal received, and obtained he property, law should to bribery crime held its criminal.
(Editors: Xu Yonggang UN006)
2016-06-24 11:56:31
China News Network

资料图:晏拥军羊城晚报记者 郑迅摄

  中新网6月24日电 据最高人民检察院消息,广州市政府原副秘书长晏拥军(副厅级)涉嫌贪污、受贿一案,经广东省人民检察院指定管辖,日前由中山市人民检察院依法向中山市中级人民法院提起公诉。

(责任编辑:徐永刚 UN006)
2016-06-24 11:56:31

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