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Prices down in Hainan province fell for 5 years, housing inventory for sale 49 months

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/23 8:44:40 Browse times: 255 Comment times: 0

Prices down in Hainan province fell for 5 years, housing inventory for sale 49 months(海南房价一蹶不振连跌5年,楼市库存要卖49个月)

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Hainan prices down even the housing inventory for sale-5 years 49 month | property market _ news

Sketch map of house prices

  Investment by Hainan property market inventory of imbalance between supply and demand is higher than national

  Journalists practice Hu Yi Yao Yanan from Shanghai

Blue sky, an international tourism Island, world's longevity, these unique resources, does not rise in power of Hainan's real estate market, prices in one or two cities in the country was "up" the sound, house prices in Hainan Province has suffered continuous decline in 5 years.

Meanwhile, Hainan House sales, developers continue to launch of new real estates covered by a lively scene, was caused by the irrational investment in the local reality of the serious imbalance between supply and demand, which makes this a popular place for tourism in Hainan's housing stock was significantly higher than the national average. But some cities and counties in the growth of real estate investment is still blind.

House prices in Hainan "down"?

Record transaction data shown in Hainan, Hainan real estate prices get 13366 Yuan/square meters the highest point in 2011, 2012 slipped to 10140 Yuan/square meters, within the next 4 years, prices of around 11,000 yuan per square meter. In January-May of this year net check-9883 for Yuan/square meter.

Specific to the city, Haikou prices 2011 8934 Yuan/sq m, is starting to fall 2014 has rebounded, reaching to 8999 Yuan/sq m, more stable overall in nearly three years.

Sanya, but House prices over the last five years there has been a landslide in 2012, after reaching 27070 Yuan/square meter, fluctuations, up to April 2016, prices dropped to 17880 Yuan/sq m, drop ratio as high as 50%.

In this regard, e-House Research Institute think-tank, Center Director Yan Yuejin believes that Hainan's real estate market will be "down" effect, fact and of such cities is related to excessive speculative demand. In fact, the initial motivation for many people to invest in Hainan property buyers because this type of regional sea and sky, think demand for habitable. But the follow-up found it difficult to change hands, resulting in poor housing market. In addition, many real estate companies invested irrational frenzy, after massive land supply in the market is higher in General.

But for Hainan, even with closing, the occupancy rate is not high, resulting in lack of community atmosphere. "These factors may affect Hainan property market value, even restricting the rise in house prices in Hainan. "Yan Yuejin said.

Inventory remains high, investment continues to grow

Hainan Provincial Office of housing-related data show that 2016 first-quarter investment in real estate development grew in the province of 15.7%, real estate sales and sales growth over 70%, almost 100% growth than last year. In recent years, Hainan sold every year around 10 million square meters of commercial housing, but at the same time, construction area is as high as 16 million square meters of commercial housing each year.

According to reports released by the Hainan Jincheng shows the end of 2015, Hainan Provincial inventory of 36.3923 million square meters, average cycle 48.85 months, significantly higher than the national average. Haikou, the highest international tourist city of Sanya has become stock area, Institute data show that as of April 2016, the inventory of 5.94 million square meters of Haikou, Sanya inventory of 2.41 million square meters.

Department of construction of Hainan Province, according to surveys, except Haikou, Sanya, Hainan, sansha, Lingshui, Qiongzhong, lingao 6 cities outside the County and 13 other counties for housing digesting more than the provincial average.

E-House Research Institute think-tank, Center Director Yan Yuejin believes that Hainan inventory pressures reflected in three aspects: the first is the inventory cycle high, overall even if housing is loose, large inventory availability is unlikely to melt away in the short term. Second inventory, the pressure of larger number of cities, such as the cities of Haikou and Sanya, Lingshui, typically have high stocks pressure or investment projects around the coastline has become a focus for local investment. Third was the potential to pressure on the stock is relatively large. For example there are a lot of undeveloped land has been sold and, this makes Hainan's real estate market as a whole is facing all kinds of pressure on the stock. Part IV is a high vacancy rate, many houses have sold, but there will be a large vacant.

Last year, Hainan, local authorities often have to "rescue", but to little effect.

Habitat Yi Institute think-tank, Center Research Director Yan Yuejin believes that, from the perspective of subsequent market expectations are still difficult to significantly boosted, one of the major reasons is the supply of Hainan's real estate market is large in scale, shoreline development is too large, it is easy to form and pressure to inventory. However, such a feature of the market is, subsequent trading volume continues to rise, from the follow-up continues to boost the real estate market and development. And in fact, because the price is not too expensive, many people may be "ignoring" the transaction prices of such products.

Yan Yuejin said that Hainan's biggest advantage is that climate and geographical advantages, and not to force the biggest disadvantage is that industry import feature. From both sides, edge can make the pension industry to get a better development and follow-up of such planning should proceed. And weaknesses, you need to nurture new industries, such as the development of cultural industries, and so on.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

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The property market

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First financial daily
海南房价一蹶不振连跌5年 楼市库存要卖49个月|楼市_新闻资讯


  目投资致供需严重失衡 海南楼市库存比全国还高

  记者 胡易 实习记者 姚亚楠 发自上海







  对此,易居研究院智库中心研究总监严跃进认为,海南房地产市场之所以会有“一蹶不振”的效果,实际上和此类城市投机性需求过多是有关系的。从实际情 况看,很多人到海南投资购房的初始动机是因为此类区域碧海蓝天,认为适合居住等需求。但后续发现很难转手,这造成房产市场流通性较差。另外,众多房企投资 非理性的狂热,大规模土地出让后,市场供应总体偏高。



  海南省住建厅相关数据显示,2016年一季度在全省房地产开发投资同比增长15.7%,房地产销售面积和销售额同比增长均在七成以上,增速均比去年 同期提高近100个百分点。近几年,海南每年销售商品房面积1000万平方米左右,但与此同时,每年商品房开工面积也高达1600万平方米左右。

  据海南锦诚机构发布的报告显示,2015年末,海南全省库存量3639.23万平方米,全省平均去化周期48.85个月,显著高于全国平均水平。省 会海口、国际旅游城三亚成为当地库存最高的区域,易居研究院数据显示,截至2016年4月,海口库存量达594万平方米,三亚库存量达241万平方米。


  易居研究院智库中心研究总监严跃进认为,海南的库存压力体现为三方面:第一是去库存周期偏高,总体上看即便购房政策比较宽松,大规模的库存房源也不 可能在短期内得到消化。第二是库存压力大的城市数量较多,比如海口、三亚、陵水等城市,基本上都有高库存的压力,或者说围绕海岸线投资项目已经成为当地投 资的一个重心。第三是潜在的去库存压力比较大。比如说目前有很多已成交而未开发的用地,这会使得海南整个房地产市场面临各类去库存压力。第四是空置率较 高,很多房源即便已经销售,但也会有较大的空置现象。


  易居研究院智库中心研究总监严跃进认为,从后续市场预期看依然很难明显得到提振,一个很重要的原因是海南房地产市场的供应规模大,海岸线的开发力度 太大,这都容易形成库存规模和压力。但此类市场的一个特点是,后续交易量依然会上升,源于后续房地产市场的继续提振和发展。而且从实际情况看,因为房价不 算太贵,很多人可能会“无视”此类产品的交易价格下跌现象。


责任编辑:向昌明 SN123



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