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Beijing “land King“ Chao: 59 King of historically accumulated premium of nearly 200 billion

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/23 8:43:46 Browse times: 155 Comment times: 0

Beijing “land King“ Chao: 59 King of historically accumulated premium of nearly 200 billion(北京“地王”潮:59宗历史地王累积地价近2000亿)

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Beijing "land King" Chao: 59 King of historically accumulated land premium of nearly 200 billion | | | premium in Beijing _ Wang news

King tide is rising total amount Beijing Wang. Data show that as of a few days ago, Beijing historical cumulative land management land plots of total floor price of more than 30,000 yuan, 59, 59 King land transfer was 191.938 billion yuan in total.

According to centaline research statistics, with a floor price of 30,000 yuan per square meter of land sold total of close to 200 billion yuan. This analysis of the industry, the data in the new record at the same time, in stark contrast to the present Beijing property sales. As of June 16, the Beijing property market sales only 22.48 billion yuan.

Statistics show that at present Beijing diwang floor price averaged 38,000 yuan/square meter. If simple according to the basic cost calculation, sale prices needed around 60,000 yuan/square meter. But House prices in Beijing selling price in about 35,000 yuan, King of this market of the future project, the difficulty can be imagined. Especially King 191.938 billion of statistics projects over the next three years if not more than 200 billion yuan in sales, is likely to risk funding part of the project.

Centaline's Chief Analyst Zhang Dawei analysis that, if current market sales profits properly, this total value is expected to be the King of 380 billion yuan. And the current housing market sales of 22.4 billion yuan, equivalent to a year's cost of capital.

Statistics show that 2016 is King appeared most frequently in a year, as a typical city in Beijing, Wang has emerged over and over. Nationwide, from Dan Zongdi price highest national 50 land total 228.51 billion yuan turnover in the 50. Among them, the sources of State-owned enterprises up to 65.3%, to 149.365 billion yuan. From the perspective of city block distribution, total up to 13 Wang of Nanjing, Suzhou, Beijing, Hangzhou, 7, 8, 4, are mainly distributed in one or two cities. Overall, State-owned enterprises in the land market boom holds the absolute leading.

Analysis of the industry, appear to Wang Chao's root cause is the shortage of funds under the tide of assets. One or two cities, prices don't rise in the coming year over 50% took Wang's enterprises will face the market challenges, enormous cost pressure will bring great risks.

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
Beijing Wang premium

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  统 计显示,目前北京地王楼面价平均高达3.8万元/平方米。若简单按照基本成本测算,销售价格需要在6万元/平方米左右。但目前北京房价销售均价在3.5万 元左右,这对未来入市的地王项目而言,难度可想而知。尤其是对统计中的1919.38亿元的地王项目来说,未来三年如果销售额不到2000亿元以上,很可 能出现部分项目的资金链风险。


  资料显示,2016年是地王出现最频繁的一年,北京作为一个典型城市,已经出现了地王遍地的现象。全国范围内,从单宗地总价最高的全国 50宗土地看,合计50宗地成交金额2285.1亿元。其中,国企来源的高达65.3%,为1493.65亿元。从地块分布城市看,南京总价地王最多达 13宗、苏州8宗、北京7宗、杭州4宗,主要分布在一二线城市。整体看,国企在这一轮土地市场热潮中占据了绝对主导。



地王 北京 地价


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