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Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: Programming skills(编程技巧) Time: 2014/2/1 0:20:08 Browse times: 346 Comment times: 0


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如何在SQL Server中保存和输出图片_[SQL Server教程] 建表   


   Column Name    Datatype    Purpose    ID    Integer    identity column Primary key    imgTITLE    Varchar(50)    Stores some user friendly title to identity the image    imgTYPE    Varchar(50)    Stores image content type. This will be same as recognized content types of ASP.NET    imgDATA    Image    Stores actual image or binary data.
保存images进SQL Server数据库  

为了保存图片到table你首先得从客户端上传它们到你的web服务器。你可以创建一个web form,用TextBox得到图片的标题,用HTML File Server Control得到图片文件。确信你设定了Form的encType属性为multipart/form-data。  

   Stream imgdatastream = File1.PostedFile.InputStream;    int imgdatalen = File1.PostedFile.ContentLength;    string imgtype = File1.PostedFile.ContentType;    string imgtitle = TextBox1.Text;    byte[] imgdata = new byte[imgdatalen];    int n = imgdatastream.Read(imgdata,0,imgdatalen);    string connstr=    ((NameValueCollection)Context.GetConfig    ("appSettings"))["connstr"];    SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connstr);    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand    ("INSERT INTO ImageStore(imgtitle,imgtype,imgdata)    VALUES ( @imgtitle, @imgtype,@imgdata )", connection );    SqlParameter paramTitle = new SqlParameter    ("@imgtitle", SqlDbType.VarChar,50 );    paramTitle.Value = imgtitle;    command.Parameters.Add( paramTitle);    SqlParameter paramData = new SqlParameter    ( "@imgdata", SqlDbType.Image );    paramData.Value = imgdata;    command.Parameters.Add( paramData );    SqlParameter paramType = new SqlParameter    ( "@imgtype", SqlDbType.VarChar,50 );    paramType.Value = imgtype;    command.Parameters.Add( paramType );    connection.Open();    int numRowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();    connection.Close();   



   private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)    {    string imgid =Request.QueryString["imgid"];    string connstr=((NameValueCollection)    Context.GetConfig("appSettings"))["connstr"];    string sql="SELECT imgdata, imgtype FROM ImageStore WHERE id = "    + imgid;    SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connstr);    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);    connection.Open();    SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader();    if(dr.Read())    {    Response.ContentType = dr["imgtype"].ToString();    Response.BinaryWrite( (byte[]) dr["imgdata"] );    }    connection.Close();    }   


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