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President XI visited Poland China Poland upgrade is inevitable _ the relationship between news and information

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President XI visited Poland China Poland upgrade is inevitable _ the relationship between news and information(习主席访问波兰,中国波兰关系再提升是大势所趋_新闻资讯)

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President XI visited Poland China Poland upgrade is inevitable _ the relationship between news and information

Original title: XI to visit Poland Polish relationships raise is the trend

International online coverage (reporter Li Meng): XI Jinping is Poland visit. Just as some analysts expected, the wave relationship with Mr XI in the first leg of this tour, also promoted from the previous strategic partnership to comprehensive strategic partnership.

According to Xinhua News Agency, during his visit, the Polish head of State in a frank and friendly atmosphere on bilateral political, economic, social and cultural cooperation and cooperation-Central and Eastern Europe, Central Europe, China relations and exchanged in-depth views on international and regional issues of common concern. XI Jinping and Poland President Duda agreed that deepening Polish cooperation conforms to the interests of both countries, and agreed to People's Republic of China Poland Republic of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership.

In 2004, when Chinese President Hu Jintao to Poland during a State visit, the two Presidents signed the Joint Declaration, will wave relationship as friendly and cooperative partnership. In December 2011, Poland President komorowski's visit, the two heads of State signed the Polish Declaration on establishing strategic partnership.

China Radio International, Deputy Director of the Center for Russian and East, Poland Yin Xiangfeng language experts believe that am improvement of relations is the trend. In 2011, since the establishment of the strategic partnership, bilateral relations have been developing "fast track", frequent high-level visits, deepening political mutual trust, exchanges and cooperation in fields of economy and trade, culture, education, continued to deepen. Therefore, Mr XI's visit Poland will further enhance bilateral relations.

Meanwhile, the media noted that Poland's ruling law and Justice Party in diplomacy, advocated Pro-us around Europe, good neighbourliness, and tough can safeguard its own interests. So, how Poland's high-level exchanges with China? In addition, the United States President Barack Obama plans next month to visit Poland, and attend the NATO Summit, China's first step in what meaning can the visit to Poland?

Yin Xiangfeng Express, Poland as an EU and NATO Member States, closer ties with Western Europe and the United States and other developed countries distance at the same time, cannot look down relations with China as the world's second-largest economy. Duda was elected in May 2015 Poland President, included in the first batch of countries to visit China is enough to illustrate the point. China's 12 years once again visit Poland, is on the medium wave sound and fast development and deepening China-Middle East-Europe cooperation mechanism under the background of. Poland actively participate "along the way" and founding member to join the Asia investment banking, and many other positive actions, reduce the distance between the two countries.

"Poland will maintain the economic bellwether of East European countries, must develop economic and trade relations with China and continuously improve their level for China, Poland is in Europe and opening the EU market gateway to China. "Yin Xiangfeng says Mr XI's visit Poland, will present two" local partnership "characterized by economic and trade exchanges to a new height," Silk Road "and the" Amber Road "organic combination.

Yin Xiangfeng pointed out that Mr Obama's visit to Poland was not the first time. "Against Russia, including Poland, parts of Central and Eastern European countries have become United States and NATO forces front. ”

Renmin University of China, European Research Center director Wang yiwei, the expected wave would likely rise to comprehensive strategic partnership. He said Poland there are a lot more pro-American, no doubt about it. Poland joined in 1999 NATO 2004 accession to the European Union, but it now to the European Union, however, very disappointed. European Union forced it to accept many refugees on the one hand, on the other hand is the EU itself does not live up to expectations, so Poland as EU Member States no longer so proud as they once were. United States missile defence system to use it against Russia, which was borrowed from Poland to Russia, and Poland became United States a piece of the strategy.

Wang yiwei said, in this context, Poland also willing to develop relations with China also take China further improve the consideration of regional powers. While China and Poland development the main consideration is that the Poland move in 16 Eastern European countries and advance "along the way" construction.

Professor, College of Foreign Affairs Zhou Yongsheng believes that Poland is a typical pro-American country, but Duda also need a balance of foreign representative of the President of the ruling party, so wanted and economic strength in the Chinese market, the further development of Poland's economy. From China's point of view, Poland is a country in Eastern Europe, and China wants good relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe must be to do with Poland.

"Poland in economic development and the Middle East European countries had better, more economic strength. Establish Poland's comprehensive strategic partnership, helps to increase bilateral economic and trade exchanges between medium wave, ' along the way ' strategy to establish a stable support. "Zhou Yongsheng said.

Responsible editor: Li Liangliang

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习主席访问波兰 中国波兰关系再提升是大势所趋_新闻资讯

  原标题:习主席访问波兰 中波关系再提升是大势所趋

  国际在线报道(记者 黎萌):习近平主席正在波兰访问。正如有分析所预期的那样,中波关系与习主席本次出访第一站的中塞关系一样,也从此前的战略伙伴关系提升为全面战略伙伴关系。

  据新华社报道,访问期间,中波元首在坦诚、友好的气氛中就两国政治、经贸、社会、文化合作和中国-中东欧国家合作、中欧关系及共同关心的国际和 地区问题深入交换意见。习近平主席和波兰总统杜达一致认为,深化中波合作符合两国利益,一致同意中华人民共和国同波兰共和国建立全面战略伙伴关系。


  中国国际广播电台俄东中心副主任、波兰语专家殷相峰认为,中波关系的提升是大势所趋。自2011年建立战略伙伴关系以来,两国关系进入发展“快 车道”,高层互访频繁,政治互信加深,各领域经贸、文化、教育、地方交流合作不断深化。因而,习主席此次访问波兰必将进一步提升两国关系。


  殷相峰对此表示,波兰作为欧盟和北约成员国,在拉近同西欧和美国等发达国家距离的同时,无法轻视与作为世界第二大经济体的中国的关系。杜达 2015年5月当选波兰总统后,第一批访问的国家中包括中国就足以说明这一点。而中国国家元首时隔12年再次访问波兰,是在中波关系全面快速发展和中国- 中东欧合作机制不断深化的大背景下进行的。波兰积极参与“一带一路”和以创始成员国身份加入亚投行等多个积极举动,拉近了两国的距离。

  “波兰要保持中东欧国家经济领头羊的地位,必须同中国发展经贸关系并不断提升其水平;对于中国而言,波兰是中国进入欧洲和打开欧盟市场的门 户。” 殷相峰说,习主席此访波兰,必将把两国目前以“地方合作”为特点的经贸往来提升到新的高度,将“丝绸之路”和“琥珀之路”有机的结合起来。


  中国人民大学欧盟研究中心主任王义桅此前就预料到了中波关系将可能上升为全面战略伙伴关系。他表示,波兰国内有很多人比较亲美,这一点毫无疑 问。波兰1999年加入北约,2004年加入欧盟,但它现在对欧盟却非常失望。一方面是欧盟逼着它接纳许多难民,另一方面是欧盟本身不争气,所以波兰作为 欧盟成员国不再像以前那么自豪了。美国利用它部署导弹防御系统以对付俄罗斯,这主要是借用波兰对俄罗斯的反感,所以波兰成为了美国战略的一个棋子。






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