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Chinese tourists to travel to the United States was accused of bad temper: a case study by United States media amplification

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Chinese tourists to travel to the United States was accused of bad temper: a case study by United States media amplification(中国游客赴美旅游被指火气大:个例被美国媒体放大)

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Chinese tourists to travel to the United States was accused of bad temper: a case study by United States media amplification | | | Chinese tourists visitors quality United States tourism _ news

Legal evening news (reporter Li Shixiang) according to United States World daily reported, in English vocabulary in the, put with anger drive called "road anger" (Road Rage), put passengers in aircraft Shang of rude behavior called "empty anger" (Air Rage), recently birth "tour anger" (Travel Rage) a Word, is is used to description in journey in the occurred anger behavior of. Reports that the number of Chinese tourists in the United States when they took "anger", "wrath of the tour" to describe very apt.

For reported in the mentioned of China visitors "tour anger" phenomenon, legal evening reporter interview has had to United States Tourism of visitors, and China and United States two Guide and tourism experts, reporter from was informed that, reported in the of phenomenon just case, culture differences is which a big incentives, and to beauty tourism of Chinese quality does not low, if prior has Guide right to grooming, will will avoid this class event occurred.

  "Wrath of the tour"

Photographed in the area to seize the two fight each other

The world journal reports, in the United States of Antelope Canyon, two Chinese tour groups because there is no guide, Manager, English is not good, let the members followed the Indian tour guide into the Antelope Valley. Visitors take pictures in order to seize the position of the two quarrel, then evolved into a physical confrontation.

In addition, the United States Universal Studios parks recent Chinese tourists fight with another tour event. According to Mr guide who might have witnessed the incident, when two Chinese tourists missed a class before Chinese tour bus, stood in the front line. When the bus arrives, one seems to be "and" the Chinese tour guide, full guide and local guides, led a team of Chinese tourist group, greeted and park staff will directly take the guests aboard. The two Chinese tourists standing in line is not pleased, directly going to tour, but was pulled from the car by tour guides holding collar down, both sides argue on this.

Zhang Mr said, some "full and to" of Chinese Guide, not understand local culture, like global shadow city transformers of "single ride line" was is to fell single of visitors queued using of, but some "full and to" Guide directly put more than 30 multiple visitors of mission put in here, himself in side rest, not assist staff maintenance order, led to scenes a chaos, disputed constantly.

Rob is the reason Chinese tourists frequent strife. Tour guide Peter said some Chinese tour guide told tourists to Rob buses side window seat, therefore whether Universal Studios tour or a Hollywood tour bus, some Chinese tourists got on both sides of the position occupied, some tourists helped people blocking the aisles behind, not to let other visitors aboard.

  Journalists after visiting

Visitors say it's not Chinese misconduct is magnified

United States travel Begum by women reporters late, but the content of the reports referred to in "can't believe it". Li Tian said their tour guide quality is very high, there are more than 10 years of experience, knowledge is also particularly profound, astronomy, geography and local customs will give members a detailed explanation, and remind all kinds of considerations.

She told reporters in the United States played nearly half a month, followed by tours all the way and there have been no instances in the above-mentioned report. She was also with the Group reports mentioned in Universal Studios, the team lined up to take a tour Cart order were very good, "we have 140 people, hundreds of people in front, we all lined up for two hours, there is no such situation."

In addition, Begum said, they sat and cable car without Windows, and do not know report said Chinese visitors grab a window seat from where it came.

Currently United States traveling EPPs accepted by later reporters, in the United States travel and encounter fewer people, but have also failed to find the reports in the case.

Epps said, the Chinese came to the United States do not understand the United States culture, coupled with poor English, it may be wrong. Many reports said Americans how high the quality, how bad, "but yesterday I saw foreigners threw up twice in a row on the grass of phlegm."

Epps said, may in fact be just such an event occurred in Chinese, then zoom in. Some of these reports is to a large extent to the Chinese before wear a hat gradually "Chinese" became a special present.

  Tour guide

People low quality

Need a guide guide

United States the United States Vacation Guide Peng accepted by late journalist said in an interview he had seen before the news. But he said that most Americans are very good, especially the possible United States visas is proof of quality Chinese tourists can be. The low quality of the people is one of the few, to United States fewer people are of low quality.

He further pointed out that different visitors are not the same. Their proposal would kill such acts give visitors a lesson early.

United States tour Archer accepted by later reporters this morning, reports of similar cases is there, but for the most part due to the uneven quality of the guided tour. Many travel agencies in China are not placed too much trust in United States side guides, so they are mostly used "and" Guide.

Archer believes that "and" Guide English skills, knowledge of attractions are all too familiar with, but for local rules and customs are not very well. Therefore, there will still be some Chinese tourists queue or tip less.

Archer said that this phenomenon also exists in the American, who travel when there is anger, and the people of the two countries in different ways. China may soon put out the fire, United States tourists may be back on social media called Express.

Archer told reporters, mainly guide questions, guide as long as the note says in advance, everything stopped, visitors are also not the case.

For example, Archer said, many blacks in the United States star attractions fees are charged by helping tourists taking pictures, if the Guide does not inform visitors, tourists will not knowingly refused to pay, if hot may appear as numbness and even fights.

  Reasons analysts say is reported only for cases caused by cultural differences

Jiang Yiyi, head of the China Tourism Academy International Tourism Institute accepted by later reporters, reported the case statements in the case, is not universal, and these case studies derived from "wrath of the tour" the word embodies a culture of conflict.

Yiyi Jiang says, this phenomenon occurs to some extent are related to weak awareness of the Chinese public space without queuing, noise in public places, as well as the reports mentioned in the fight because of Queuing to grab blocks, which is a manifestation of cultural differences.

"Chinese people's personal space and the public space is often blurred. In European countries and emphasized the equality of public space, these cultural difference becomes more pronounced. "She said.

The reason for this phenomenon may have a relationship with a guided tour of dredge. Yiyi Jiang says, the Guide should, of course, on the customs of destination advance introduction, visitors can know in advance.

Finally Yiyi Jiang believes that, with the increase of Chinese tourists leave the size and frequency, and the globalization of culture, this cultural conflict is temporary. The quality of the Chinese people has been improved, such incidents will decrease. Yiyi Jiang said Chinese tourists travelling abroad should also pay attention to civility, respect the local customs.

  If lawyers reminded, because "you anger" in the United States sentenced re-entry will be difficult

According to the United States, the newspaper reported, in August last year when we had Chinese tourists robbed on a bus in Los Angeles fighting, physically hurt the innocent and even alerted the police. Police said at that time, because the parties had not been criminally charged, and no criminal record, or does not affect the client to enter the United States.

Criminal lawyers said Deng Hong, United States beat others belonging to a felony, if someone is injured, according to the sentence of 16 months to 3 years of imprisonment. In this case, because the victims were not seriously injured, and police have not seen the fight, therefore does not have to arrest the party's conditions, but if any party at the time of the incident insisted exercise of citizen's right to arrest, the police arrest the perpetrators can still be.

Deng Hong said that if it hit the victim in the case of children under 18 years of age, United States law will also append child abuse crimes, once a child was injured, and associated with the family, the child welfare authority will be involved in the investigation.

Deng Hong again said that in recent years, Chinese tourists and foreign students in the United States more and more people are involved, once it enters the criminal proceedings in such cases, and the accused was convicted, it must be in the United States serving his sentence and then be repatriated. Chinese citizens in the United States have a criminal record, want to enter United States difficult.

Text/reporter Li Shixiang cartographic/Zhou Jianwen

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Chinese tourists visitors quality United States tourism

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Legal evening news

  法制晚报讯(记者 黎史翔)据美国《世界日报》报道,在英文词汇中,把带着愤怒开车叫做“路怒”(Road Rage),把乘客在飞机上的无礼行为 叫做“空怒”(Air Rage),最近诞生“游怒”(Travel Rage)一词,则是用来描述在旅途中发生愤怒行为的。报道指出,一些中国游客在美 国旅游时总带着“火气”,用“游怒”来形容非常贴切。



  在景区为抢占拍照位置 两团互殴


  另 外,美国环球影城园区近日发生中国游客和另外一团导游打架事件。据目睹事件发生的导游张先生说,当时两名华人游客没有赶上之前一班的中文游览车,就站在队 伍前面排队。当游览车到达时,一个貌似是“全兼地”的华人导游,即全程导游兼当地导游,带着一队中国游客旅游团来,和园内工作人员打了招呼就直接带客人上 车。这两名排队的中国游客不高兴了,直接就要上游览车,没想到被导游抓着衣服领子从车上拉下来,双方就此争执起来。




  游客说事实并非如此 中国人不良行为被放大

















  原因分析 专家说报道仅为个例 文化差异所致






  律师提醒 若因“游怒”在美被判刑 再入境会很难


  刑 事律师邓洪表示,在美国殴打他人属于重罪,如果有人受伤的话,依据情形可判16个月到3年的监禁。在上述这起案件中,由于受害人没有受重伤,而警察也未目 睹这场殴斗,因此不具备逮捕当事人的条件,但如果双方任何一方在事发时坚持行使公民逮捕权,警察依然可将肇事者逮捕。



  文/记者 黎史翔 制图/周建文

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

中国游客 游客素质 美国旅游


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