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Chinese civil servants reached 7.167 million, is now “much less“

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/21 9:33:46 Browse times: 182 Comment times: 0

Chinese civil servants reached 7.167 million, is now “much less“(中国公务员达716.7万人,现“官多兵少”怪状)

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China reached 7.167 million civil servants are "much less" |-_ the civil service news

China's civil servants how many? Man released on May 30, 2015, the Department of human resources and social development statistics Bulletin (the Bulletin) show that by the end of 2015, there were civil servants 7.167 million.

Specifically refers to them? Compared with foreign countries, the data is more or less? China face pressure to expand the civil service? 18 since the high pressure under the background of corruption, because the public specification for the central civil service had high expectations, they naturally become the focus of attention.

  7.167 million is more or less

  Comparable with the developed countries is not strong

Trouble at any point on the civil service can trigger intense public attention.

Reporter combing over the communique issued by the Ministry found that it was first published in the Bulletin of the existing civil service, prior to the Communique, disclosing only the number of civil servants.

Zhu lijia, a Professor of State administration, told the China economic weekly reporter, total number of people released by the Department of civil service, mainly refers to the State personnel, staff members of the Government system, scope is national people's Congress, the CPPCC National Committee, Government, Court, public prosecutor's Office and other organs besides the service personnel, not including staff in public institutions. "Compared with developed countries, the number of civil servants in our country is not high. ”

Come to the conclusion that, Zhu lijia, a logic of judgement is: United States 2015 population is 320 million government civil service is about 28 million compared with 1.3 billion people in China, civil servants are 7.167 million. China's population is United States 4 times, while the size of the civil service is only for the United States of 1/4, "what is not more than."

7.167 million figure, and China's 1.3 billion population and nearly 800 million people in the labour force, the ratio is not very high, even with the developed countries of the United States, the European Union and other countries compared to the size of the civil service, the data is not very high. But Academy researcher Hu Xianzhi pointed out that, owing to different definitions of civil servants, and scope of each civil servant are not the same, so comparability is not strong.

However, due to 7.167 million only refers to the number of civil servants in State organs, if you count all of the public financial support staff, this figure is high.

So, just how many people in China "have fiscal meal"?

  Our financial support staff of about 50 million people,

  Expansion under a lot of pressure

Financial support staff, is defined by the State's financial burden on wages and benefits for public-sector workers, of a scope and be divided into special and General.

Narrow of financial dependent personnel, only refers to government organ personnel, and said civil servants, in abroad said government organ employees or civilian; General of financial dependent personnel, and said public personnel, in abroad said Government employees, not only including government organ personnel, also including by financial dependent of public institutions personnel, as public institutions of teachers, and doctor, and sanitation personnel, and library management personnel,, equivalent to China of institutions personnel.

According to authoritative statistics, our financial support staff is divided into two parts: one is the Government agency personnel, including national authorities, political parties and social groups officers; the second is public institution personnel, including education, health care, scientific research, cultural and other public sector staff.

From this position, it is clear that present the publication refers to the special financial support staff of 7.167 million civil servants.

"In my opinion, should be broadly defined in terms of financial support staff. "Shen Ronghua, Deputy Secretary General of China administration of society's acceptance of the said in an interview with the China economic weekly.

Our broad financial support personnel are how many? According to the National Bureau of statistics data, in 2008, the Government agencies of 13.28 million, 26.18 million staff in public institutions, the financial support staff total 39.46 million people, accounted for the proportion of the total population is 2.97%, is 1:34. According to press reports, after 2008, NBS again no statistics on the total financial support staff, Zhu lijia, told the China economic weekly reporter, at present China's financial support staff of about 50 million people.

There are about 50 million "have fiscal meal" with whether they are more or less? Shen Ronghua, told the China economic weekly reporter, digital does not by itself explain the problem, because the modest amount of financial support personnel, depends on many factors, so far there is no universally applicable standards at home and abroad.

Shen Ronghua, the basis for judging how much financial support staff, mainly to see whether compatible with national conditions, especially with their stage of development, population, government functions, government structure, financial factors such as fit, should not only meet the needs of government functions, but also to prevent too many people, and increased administrative costs.

He according to his years of research concludes that from a historical perspective, total financial support personnel are considerable, the expansion under a lot of pressure. "The party and Government organs and public institutions as a hot area of employment, facing into the pressure, as per year are required to accept a certain number of university graduates and army officials in the new employment and poor digestive channel of the institution staff, mainly through natural attrition, a limited number, is basically a little more financial support staff size expansion trend. "Shen Ronghua said.

  Civil service structure with current

  "Officers and soldiers" ratio

Compared to the size of the civil service, the civil service "officers and soldiers" ratio is a big problem.

Reporters learned from a provincial government personnel information. If the provincial science and Technology Department, preparation, main level 1, Deputy departmental level 8, the county or division level 44, section 8, section 21.

In other words, 82, section above 61, no ordinary civil service positions only 21 people.

In this case, is no accident. Journalists view the personnel information of Hunan provincial government offices. Shown the leaders of the provincial Department of Commerce, main level 1, Deputy departmental level 10, the provincial leaders were shown, main level 1, Deputy departmental level 12.

"What is less guanduo? This is a typical. "Zhu lijia, told the China economic weekly reporter, in China's provincial government, Office of General Services Bureau consists of more than 10 rooms, each Chamber has a Director, Deputy Director, one or two, Chief of the one or two specific things or ordinary civil servants. Business room at which are devolved upon the clerk.

"In the United States, will set up a mayor of a city, and then configure two or three deputies and municipal leaders in our urban configurations generally have five or six or even seven or eight deputies, Deputy Municipal cadres may be much higher. A leading cadre, offices, car repair, and other mess of treatment, may not add up to even higher than the five or six individuals of the civil service costs. "Zhu lijia, laments.

  Although enrollment low,

  Civil servants are still hot jobs

One Department's bulletin also shows that the 2015 national civil servants a total 194,000 people. Among them, organizations directly under the central authorities and its 21,000 people, 173,000 people. Open selection 232 officers of the central organ, the provincial authorities open selection 1726 civil servants.

Public data show that from 2009 to 2015, the total number of civil servants were more than 130,000 people, more than 180,000 people, more than 190,000 people, 188,000 people, 204,000 people, 202400, 194,000 people. Among them, the 2014, 2015 for two consecutive years of decline. 2015 falls much more than the highest year of 2013 fell by 10,000 people, also a civil service exam registration number and intake 3-year low.

In addition, since 2013, news about civil service voluntary turnover constantly exposed, people feel that civil servants leaving will become an increasingly common phenomenon. So, someone less attractive linked civil service retirement surge and the civil servants, on the grounds that: since the system outside of the enthusiasm for the civil service have declined, as civil servants are really tough, civil servants leave the tide is also a natural thing.

The first problem is, civil servants leaving the tide appears you can reduce the size of the civil service?

"Of course not. "Researcher at the National School of administration, Hu Xianzhi decisively to the China economic weekly reporter said that even if leaving tide appears, there will be a large number of new civil servants come in retro, the addition of new staff will keep the stability of the civil service establishment and the number.

"Individual choice, choice, there are a lot of different situations, but selection is not directly equivalent to the result of collective choice, based on individual civil servants who choose to leave, does not represent and is equivalent to social collapse and disintegration of the civil service as a whole. Civil servants to apply for the past two years and the proportion of employed compared to the previous decline reflects the college graduates to apply for civil servants on the whole rational, also reflects the efforts of the relevant departments to control the overall size of the civil service. "Hu Xianzhi said.

If not resignation tide, nearly two years reduced the proportion of applicants and hiring of civil servants is true, does this mean that civil service began to cool?

"Civil servants are still hot jobs. Compared with other jobs, career in the civil service is relatively stable. "Zhu lijia, said.

Communiqué also said the full implementation of adjusting the basic wage work institution staff, implemented in the sub-county authorities the establishment of the civil service system working in parallel with rank, town government organizations and institutions staff subsidies, continued its public servants and enterprise staff salary survey comparison test, improve the system of post performance salary in public institutions.

This pay reform is undoubtedly related to civil servants ' salaries, which Hu Xianzhi says, "because of the level of economic development as a whole, civil servants ' salaries will grow in the future, which are civil service posts attractive places. Therefore, the civil service will continue in the future. ”

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
The number of civil servants

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China economic weekly
中国公务员达716.7万人 现“官多兵少”怪状|公务员人数_新闻资讯















  狭义的财政供养人员,仅指政府机关人员,又称国家公务员,在国外称政府机关雇员或文官;广义的财政供养人员,又称公职人员,在国外称政府雇员,不仅 包括政府机关人员,还包括由财政供养的公共机构人员,如公立机构的教师、医生、环境卫生人员、图书馆管理人员等,相当于我国的事业单位人员。




  我国广义的财政供养人员到底是多少?根据国家统计局统计的数据,2008年政府机关人员1328万,事业单位人员2618万,财政供养人员合计为 3946万人,占总人口的比重为2.97%,比值为1:34。据记者了解,2008年以后,国家统计局再没有对财政供养人员总数进行过统计,竹立家向《中 国经济周刊》记者介绍,目前我国财政供养人员约5000万人。



  他根据自己多年的研究得出结论:从历史上看,财政供养人员总量已不少,膨胀压力很大。“党政机关和事业单位作为就业的热门领域,面临巨大的进人压 力,如每年都需接纳一定数量的高校毕业生和军转干部等新增就业人员,而机关事业单位人员的消化渠道不畅,主要是自然减员,数量十分有限,基本上是出少进 多,财政供养人员规模存在扩张趋势。”沈荣华说。












  公开数据显示,从2009年到2015年,全国共录用公务员人数分别为13万余人、18万余人、19万余人、18.8万人、20.4万人、 20.24万人、19.4万人。其中,2014年、2015年连续两年下降。2015年下降更多,比最高年份的2013年下降了1万人,也创下公务员国考 的报名人数和录用人数3年以来的新低。

  除此以外,自2013年以来,关于公务员主动离职的新闻不断曝出,让人感觉公务员离职会成为越来越普遍的一种现象。于是,有人把公务员离职潮和公务 员吸引力减弱联系起来,理由是:既然体制外的人对公务员的热情都已下降,说明公务员的日子真的不好过了,公务员出现离职潮也是自然而然的事情。



  “个体的选择、取舍,可以有好多种情况,但个体选择往往不直接等同于集体选择的结果,基于个体公务员选择的离职,不代表和等同于整个社会公务员队伍 会发生锐减和瓦解。近两年公务员的报考和录用比例相比以前有所下降,反映出大学毕业生报考公务员总体上比较理性,也体现出有关部门在控制公务员总体规模做 出的努力。”胡仙芝说。








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