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China and Venezuela opposition talks to ensure that debt responsibility

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/21 9:33:34 Browse times: 116 Comment times: 0

China and Venezuela opposition talks to ensure that debt responsibility(中国与委内瑞拉反对派会谈,确保偿债责任)

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China and Venezuela opposition talks to ensure that debt-servicing responsibilities | Venezuela | debt _ news
On June 14, 2016, Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela President Maduro attended the rally. Photo: vision China

As oil prices collapsed, "victim", Venezuela is experiencing an economic collapse and political stalemate, President Nicholas? Maduro (Nicol á s Maduro) or suffer recall referendum. Of more concern is China, if Maduro to step down, whether successor continued to meet their debt obligations to repay within 10 years, China to lend Venezuela $ 65 billion?

The country to Enrique? Henrique capriles (Henrique Capriles), led by the rising influence of the opposition, according to the United Kingdom by the financial times news, China has met with political opposition, prior to Venezuela's massive loans to restart the talks. The report quoted Venezuela opposition party members of the Knesset Finance Committee Jose? Guerra (Guerra Jos é) said one purpose of the talks was "facing the Maduro after age, maintaining a relationship".

Reuters reported last week that Venezuela hopes to get a grace period, during which takes interest payable on loans, China. However, China also wants approval from opposition party controls the National Assembly, so that any agreement reached on the opposition also constitute binding.

Earlier this month, the people's daily (overseas edition) has issued a document reading "Venezuela will not repudiate the Chinese loan" issue. The official attitude is not. Main reasons are: 1) the country's oil-rich, as long as the oil production and sales operation, economy will not collapse; 2) so far did not see Venezuela's intention to breach, "even under the very difficult economic situation this year, went ahead as scheduled to repay more than 5 billion dollars in the first quarter."

In addition, over the opposition came to power, or adopt a hostile attitude toward China, defaulted on the possibility of doubt. In this regard, the interpretation of people's daily says:

At present, the struggle fiercer, opposition claims that President Maduro to step down within the year. Politics is in to be "fun", but the community's generally friendly to China, that China's capital and technology is very important for national development, should continue to carry out cooperation with China. For any country, regardless of which party, developing economy and improving people's living standards are a top priority. Now, China has become the world's second largest economy, should have powers of self-confidence and strategic power. Around the world, which don't want to ride the express train of economic development? Furthermore, cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win, Venezuela won the international financing and export markets and resources into the development and welfare of the people and China enjoy a long-term and stable supplies of oil, led to a large number of enterprises "going out".

Venezuela's 96% export revenues come from oil, the fall in oil prices coupled with years of bad governance, has left the country's economy is in a State of collapse. Fortunately, the current level of oil prices have rebounded to nearly $ 50.

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that Venezuela's willingness to repay, most people do not doubt. The fact is that in recent years, us $ to the insolvency of a large part of them are saved by drastic cuts in imports of goods, and that naturally make the shortages even worse in the country. The trouble is, their repayment ability is approaching the limit.

Venezuela's economic woes, the people's daily said like Venezuela partners in economic hardship, think about the long term, China provided some help, in our hearts and in principle should be, this is the correct view of the proper meaning. Wei is mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation, Venezuela access to international finance and export markets and resources into the development and welfare of the people and China enjoy a long-term and stable supplies of oil, led to a large number of enterprises "going out". Bilateral cooperation in development today, large scale, well, thick, has become an important "Ballast" cooperation in ship does not, as some people put it, "says".

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Venezuela debt

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中国与委内瑞拉反对派会谈 确保偿债责任|委内瑞拉|偿债_新闻资讯

  作为油价暴跌的“受害者”之一,委内瑞拉正经历经济崩溃和政治僵局,现任总统尼古拉斯?马杜罗(Nicolás Maduro)或遭遇罢免公投。而对中国来说更关心的问题是,如果马杜罗下台,继任者是否会继续履行偿债责任,偿还中国10年内借给委内瑞拉的650亿美元?

  该国以恩里克?卡普里莱斯(Henrique Capriles)为首的反对派影响力不断上升,据英国《金融时报》最新消息,中国已经会晤了其政治反对派,针对之前提供给委内瑞拉的巨额贷款重启谈判。 该报道援引委内瑞拉议会财政委员会的反对党成员何塞?格拉(José Guerra)称,会谈的目的之一是“面向后马杜罗时代,保持一层关系”。


  本月稍早,《人民日报(海外版)》曾发文解读“委内瑞拉会不会赖账中国贷款”一事。官方态度是不会。原因主要是:1)该国石油储备丰富,只要石油生 产和销售运转正常,经济不会面临崩溃;2)目前为止,未见委内瑞拉的违约意向,“即使在今年经济十分困难的情况下,一季度也如期偿还了50多亿美元”。


  当前,委朝野斗争激烈,反对派宣称将在年内赶马杜罗总统下台。委政坛虽斗得“不亦乐乎”,但委社会各界对华普遍持友好态度,都认为中国的资金和技术 对委国家 发展十分重要,应继续同中国开展合作。对任何国家而言,不管哪个党派执政,发展经济、提高人民生活水平都是第一要务。现在,中国已成为全球第二大经济体, 应该有大国自信和战略定力。放眼全球,哪个国家不想搭上中国经济发展的快车?再者,中委合作是互利共赢的,委方获得了国际融资和石油出口市场,将资源优势 转化成了发展动力和人民福祉;中方则获得了长期稳定的石油供应,带动了大批企业“走出去”。



  对于委内瑞拉的经济困局,《人民日报》表示,对于像委内瑞拉这样处于经济困境中的合作伙伴,从长远考虑,中方提供一些力所能及的帮助,于情于理都是 应该的,这也是正确义利观的应有之义。中委合作是互利共赢的,委方获得了国际融资和石油出口市场,将资源优势转化成了发展动力和人民福祉;中方则获得了长 期稳定的石油供应,带动了大批企业“走出去”。中委两国合作发展到今天,规模大、基础好、底子厚,已成为重要的“压舱石”,中委合作巨轮不会像有些人所说 的那样“说翻就翻”。

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

委内瑞拉 偿债


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