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Foreign media focus plenary session Communique

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Foreign media focus plenary session Communique(外媒聚焦三中全会公报)

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Foreign media focus plenary session Communique: third plenary expressed concern about the role of the market | | | market reforms _ news

November 12, 12th CPC 18 plenary closing this plenary session Communique made "comprehensive reform" is raised by the target number of foreign media attention. Foreign Media believe that the communiqué outlined under the leadership of Mr XI's blueprint for China's reform in the coming years. Outside opinion predicted that this is China's new leadership is determined to reform the first attempt will be the world's second largest economy plays a decisive role in the economic development.

  Blueprint for the next 10 years outlined reforms

Many foreign media for the first time focus on China's official media reports. The associated press reported, during the four-day meeting is aimed at determining China's reform blueprint for the next 10 years.

United Kingdom the FT said communists in the programmatic document aimed at promoting reform released claim to uphold the constitutional authority of the law, and clear the party committees at all levels in promoting reform in the process of "leadership". This closely watched document outlines the vision for reform of China's top leadership for the future.

Reuters said, from the perspective of history, third plenary session are often far-reaching, is China's economic reform "springboard". And this can be seen as China's new leadership is determined to reform the third plenary of the first attempt.

For Central deepen reform leading group was set up, the associated press reported, many observers expect, there is no controversy to promote Communist leaders agreed to gradually resolve the explosive issue, and these issues are likely to lead to conflict between the parties.

Reuters also said, the third plenary refers to deepen reform, involving all aspects of the society as a whole, including the environment, people's livelihood and legal, is a comprehensive reform, and it was stressed that are major issues, comprehensive but not everything is actually about the important core issues facing the current solution.

Reports, we can see that economic reform remains a high priority, and is a leader, description of development is the core problem. The core idea is to resolve the relationship between Government and market, formulation is different from the past, it is the basic role of the market, is in mind, now is the decisive role, the market is up, as defenders of the market order of government functions, the NightWatchman, is more in line with the market.

United States the Wall Street Journal, citing analysts, said the communiqué included a number of State and local government officials, academics and others to discuss the results, in which consensus is much more than United States Union or United States presidential inaugural address.

Western mainstream media to XI Li regime reform is more determined now look forward to, as well as "key to implementation". However, there are already so many observers say, third plenary session to determine policy direction, its historical significance probably will not begin to emerge until after a few months, years.

  Market-oriented reforms will further

In addition, several foreign media focus on "China will lead the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources." In a policy statement in the past, Chinese official statements have been called on the market in the allocation of resources to play "an essential role", but the wording this time play "a decisive role". Reuters analysis, which means that in a market concept of the status of senior Chinese leaders have increased.

Observers believe, the Chinese are looking for market-leading, pathway out of Government control. In the past, goods prices in the Chinese market and the investment decisions made by the Government. "In China, it is a revolutionary theory".

Lianhe zaobao is considered, on the role of the market in resource allocation, 16 third plenary session Communique referring to the "greater play a basic role of the market in the allocation of resources", 18 major report referring to the "greater wider play a basic role of the market in resource allocation." 18 plenary session by referring to the "decisive role" and "give better play to the role of Government", goes a step further than in the past, shows market-oriented reforms further.

AP said, the Chinese Communists give strong support of private enterprises in the country, said China's economic "important components". China's leaders pledged to make the market play a greater role and trying to optimize the old economic growth mode. After 30 years of rapid economic growth in China, domestic entrepreneurs play a greater role in economic development.

Japan economic news has pointed out that, through the theme of this plenary session is to promote "market-oriented". As Premier Li keqiang previously emphasized that, "transforming government functions," the subject of more than one year to become an important task of this session. Although has been fully cancelled and reduce administrative examination and approval, but reducing government intervention in the economy, emphasis on the market, improving economic efficiency is an integral part of achieving steady growth.

  Reform than to more said than done

"The plenary session outlining a blueprint for the future of China, China faces a number of challenges, including environmental issues and the middle income trap. "AFP said China remains committed to economic reforms, although the pace has slowed.

The associated press quoted economists as saying that after 30 years of rapid growth, China's medium-term economic outlook depends on whether the Government can do to develop road.

United Kingdom financial times believes that implementation of the necessary reforms, to challenge vested interests. The best option is to partially State-owned enterprises should be privatized. At least, these State-owned enterprises should be forced to improve efficiency to compete. In addition, you also need to implement banking reforms.

Reuters said, stressing that "anti-corruption reform," XI Li Xinzheng on position opened at the beginning of prelude to the reform. Increases economic downward pressure this year, "opened the first transformation of government functions and the reform as biggie, both as a comprehensive reform of ' paws ', as the macro-control of the ' head cannon. "Li keqiang said four batches for more than six months the Central Government removed many items of administrative examination and approval and delegation of more than 300 such matters.

Singapore the Straits Times article pointed out that China's development today, once a miracle might have been getting smaller and smaller, but that does not mean that leaders don't have played space. Instead, white looks forward to strong requests from the community and the outside world, is leadership in a few specific people on issues that demand, showing "slipping through" courage, few is a project of reform and in essence, designed more to perform than to say, more needs to be done.

Article further stressed that, in addition to thinking of reform, but also to specific operational requirements. As long as the grip, if only for a reform is likely to make a global change; as long as the leader is determined to reform from no shortage of ways and means. (End text)

(Original title: foreign media focus on China's blueprint for reform: the market-oriented reforms will further)

(Edit: SN077)November 12, 2013 China News Network(外媒聚焦三中全会公报:市场作用表述引关注|三中全会|市场|改革_新闻资讯

  中新网11月12日电 中共十八届三中全会12日下午闭幕,本届三中全会公报提出的“全面深化改革”目标引发多家外媒关注。外媒认为,公报勾勒出习近平领导下的中国未来几年的改革蓝图。外界舆论均预测,这是中国新领导班子锐意改革的首次尝试,将对世界第二大经济体的经济发展起到决定性作用。









  西方主流媒体现在对习李政权推进改革的决心更多几分期盼,同时提出“关键要看实施”。 不过,已经有不少观察人士表示,三中全会确定政策方向,其历史意义或许要到几个月、几年之后才开始显现。
















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