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Review: in the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade the heroic sacrifice of martyrs

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/19 10:54:37 Browse times: 158 Comment times: 0

Review: in the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade the heroic sacrifice of martyrs(回眸:在中国驻南联盟使馆被炸英勇牺牲的烈士)

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Looking back: the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade died martyrs | | | _ the bombing of the Embassy of the FRY news

Local time on June 17, had just arrived in Belgrade to Serbia for a State visit of XI Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, the first activity is visiting the site of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed, pondered in the Embassy bombing, China and United Kingdom brave sacrifice of SHAO Yunhuan and Xu XING Hu and Zhu Ying 3 martyrs. Rao Aimin Xinhua photo

Shao Yunhuan, Xu XING Hu, and Zhu Ying (from left to right)

The morning of May 12, 1999, 3 killed in the NATO missile attack of the martyrs SHAO Yunhuan, Xu XING Tiger, Zhu Ying's ashes and the injured back to Beijing by a special plane (file photo). Xinhua News Agency

Local time on June 17, had just arrived in Belgrade to Serbia for a State visit of XI Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, the first activity is visiting the site of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed, pondered in the Embassy bombing, China and United Kingdom brave sacrifice of SHAO Yunhuan and Xu XING Hu and Zhu Ying 3 martyrs. Rao Aimin Xinhua photo


On May 7, 1999, the United States-led NATO bombing against Yugoslavia, savage attack on China's Embassy in Yugoslavia with missiles, causing is working in the Embassy, Xinhua correspondent SHAO Yunhuan, Guangming daily journalists Xu XING Hu, Zhu Ying killed and wounded dozens of people, Embassy premises was seriously damaged. Chinese Government to lodge the strongest protest, points out that the United States-led NATO must take full responsibility for this. On July 30, China and United States delegations in Beijing reached a consensus on compensation for the incident, United States will be paid $ 4.5 million in compensation to the Chinese Government as soon as possible. The Chinese Government will put the amount paid to the three martyrs of the families and the injured. On January 19, 2001, the United States Government paid the Chinese Government's bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and property damages of $ 28 million. Let us look back 3 martyr's life story.

Shao Yunhuan

Shao Yunhuan, was born on June 19, 1951 in jiamusi city, Heilongjiang province. Joined the CPC in January 1985. February 1975 at Beijing Foreign Studies University after graduation to enter the editing Department of Xinhua News Agency, September 1990 and March 1999 on two occasions went to the reporter of the Belgrade branch.

Shao Yunhuan choose translation about the situation in the former Yugoslavia and is mainly engaged in research, accurate and timely translation and wrote a large number of valuable manuscripts, leaders and parties at home. In September 1990, she was appointed to the Belgrade Bureau reporter, interviewing many of the thoughtful, deep and have a sense of contribution. From May 1996 during the second series, Deputy Director of the reference news, her nurturing "news vertical and horizontal" version, has introduced a good column and products section. More than 20 years of work in the editing Department and SHAO Yunhuan also met political, ideological, business has improved quickly.

March 1999 very tight in the situation in the former Yugoslavia, Kosovo war, and SHAO Yunhuan volunteered to do a war correspondent of the Belgrade branch. 24th United States-led NATO launched air strikes, Shao Yunhuan date back to an article of battlefield communications and stirring Belgrade. In Belgrade for more than a month's time, Shao Yunhuan publicly reported at the same time, continuous written 3 article contributions, article with facts exposing the United States-led NATO war crimes, between the lines filled with righteousness of Xinhua.

Shao Yunhuan also met a work place air attacks occur almost daily, and SHAO Yunhuan also met a moment not concerned for his own safety, but manuscripts do not come back. She wrote a short essay of the manuscript is most afraid of is not sent out, published in the newspaper. As a female journalist, in the face of life and death test, still stick to their posts, show a high degree of professionalism and courage of courage.

On May 8, 1999, the United States-led NATO missile attacks my Embassy in former Yugoslavia, cause I was personnel casualties, premises was seriously damaged, were SHAO Yunhuan sits at unfortunately died, at the age of 48.

On May 15, the all-China Journalists Association SHAO Yunhuan's "people's good reporters," the honorary title.


Guangming daily's Belgrade correspondent. 1990 graduated from the Beijing Institute of languages in Eastern Europe Serbia in this major, then into the Guangming daily for international work. The party in February 1993. On May 8, 1999 in the United States-led NATO's missile attack on China's Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were killed, died, at the age of 31.

Zhu Ying

Born on November 2, 1971, Beijing. July 1992 graduated from the Tianjin Institute of light industry (now Tianjin University of science and technology), Department of industrial arts. January 1994 into the Guangming daily advertising department, art editor, his work was awarded the Beijing advertisement Association "Kunlun Cup" award of excellence. 1998 married to Xu XING Hu, Xu XING Hu soon after their marriage to work in Belgrade. Beijing time on May 8, 1999 in the United States-led NATO's missile attack on China's Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, unfortunately was hit by shrapnel and died.

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Yugoslav Embassy bombing martyrs

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  当地时间6月17日下午,刚刚抵达贝尔格莱德开始对塞尔维亚进行国事访问的国家主席习近平和夫人彭丽媛,第一场活动就是前往中国驻南联盟被炸使馆旧址,凭吊在使馆被炸事件中国和英国勇牺牲的邵云环、许杏虎和朱颖3位烈士。新华社记者 饶爱民 摄


  1999年5月12日上午,3位在北约导弹袭击中牺牲的烈士邵云环、许杏虎、朱颖的骨灰和受伤人员由专机接回北京(资料照片)。 新华社发

  当地时间6月17日下午,刚刚抵达贝尔格莱德开始对塞尔维亚进行国事访问的国家主席习近平和夫人彭丽媛,第一场活动就是前往中国驻南联盟被炸使馆旧址,凭吊在使馆被炸事件中国和英国勇牺牲的邵云环、许杏虎和朱颖3位烈士。新华社记者 饶爱民 摄















南联盟 使馆 被炸 烈士


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