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Heavy rain in Fujian ended, falling streams of water full

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/19 10:54:10 Browse times: 210 Comment times: 0

Heavy rain in Fujian ended, falling streams of water full(福建强降水过程基本结束,江河水位全面回落)

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Heavy rain in Fujian ended falling streams of water full

Ling Yao keng village, Zhenghe displaced. Zheng Shi photography
CNS, Fuzhou, June 19 (reporter Long Min)-19th, there were heavy rains to rainstorms in parts of Fujian province. Fujian Provincial flood control Office said rainfall in Fujian province decreased, this round of heavy rains end, Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau rainstorm alert lifted.
At present, Fujian province, river water level has fallen to below warning level continues to drop.
According to statistics from 18th, at 7 o'clock ~19 and 7 o'clock, rainfall 50~100 mm in 12 counties in Fujian province, taining more than 80 mm 83 mm, jianyang 82 mm, and Nan ' an 80 mm.
Under the influence of persistent heavy rainfall, 18th min Riverside, tributaries and river flood warning water level. Among them, Jin XI jiangle standing flood water level warning of 3.3 meters, tunxi Fujian shunchang station, jiangyanfumen station, Fu XI Ta fu an standing flood water level warning, and about 2 metres. Shuikou reservoir 19th 4 o'clock inbound peak 19700 cubic metres per second, maximum out of 19000 cubic metres per second.
Fujian province against the minjiang River basin's water, sand, ponds and pools, sand Creek and other large scientific operation of the reservoir, to ensure that the reservoir downstream on people's life and property safety. Meanwhile, the rainfall and large counties (cities) is reminded of the point-by-point guidance requested to strictly guard against secondary disaster caused by heavy rains and, when necessary, act decisively displaced. Strengthen the monitoring and early-warning, on-duty patrol work, implementation of the transfer of risk aversion.
Fujian Provincial Observatory forecast today cloudy to partly cloudy across the province, the city of some showers and thunderstorms and locally heavy rain. But still at the edge of the subtropical high in Fujian province, in the northern areas are still possible dispersion area rainstorm.
(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-06-19 16:26:37
China News Network
福建强降水过程基本结束 江河水位全面回落

  图为政和县岭腰坑村干部转移群众。 郑时 摄

  中新网福州6月19日电  (龙敏)19日,福建省部分地区仍发生了大雨到暴雨。福建省防汛办称,福建省降水减弱,本轮强降雨基本结束,福建省气象局暴雨警报解除。





(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-06-19 16:26:37

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