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Trial of Chinese companies in Nigeria railway, using Chinese standard

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/18 12:49:36 Browse times: 203 Comment times: 0

Trial of Chinese companies in Nigeria railway, using Chinese standard(中国公司承建尼日利亚铁路试乘,采用中国标准)

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Companies try Nigeria railway China China standard standard China | | _ Nigeria railway news

New train station

The train on the platform

International online coverage (reporter Zhang Weiwei): 17th, by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (hereinafter "Middle-Earth") construction of first section of Nigeria's railway modernization project--the capital Abuja-Kaduna Railway (hereinafter "aka" railway) test ride event to be held from Middle-Earth in the company's more than more than 100 staff and media representatives participated in the activities.

The same day, passengers from the Abuja station, all the way North, after a one-hour journey, the Dele station in Kaduna, returned after a temporary stay. This trial train running speed of about 80 kilometers, including pit stops, ticketing, travel, car, etc, all operational simulation processes. Middle-Earth the person in charge of the company, the main purpose of this trial is to let the employees further understand and feel aka railway project, and will begin official operation experience.

It is understood that Nigeria's railway modernization project, 1315 km, from the southern city of Lagos has been connected to the northern city of Kano, contracts amounted to $ 8.3 billion. As the first section of the project, aka 186.5-km railway project, total of 9 stations along the designed maximum speed of 150 km, is about to start in July this year governing operations. This article is the first in Africa by China import and export Bank loan funds, using the technology standard of the railway construction in China modern railway.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
China standard Nigerian railway

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中国公司承建尼日利亚铁路试乘 采用中国标准|中国标准|尼日利亚铁路_新闻资讯



  国际在线报道(记者 张威伟):17日,由中国土木工程集团公司(以下简称“中土公司”)承建的尼日利亚铁路现代化项目第一标段——首都阿布贾至卡杜纳铁路(以下简称“阿卡铁路”)举行试乘活动,来自中土公司的100多名中尼员工及媒体代表参加活动。

  当天,乘客们从阿布贾伊都站上车,一路向北,经过一个小时的旅程,在卡杜纳州的杰莱站下车,短暂停留后返回。本次试乘活动列车运行时速为80公 里左右,包括进站、购票、乘车、下车等,全部模拟正式运营流程。中土公司有关负责人介绍,本次试乘的目的主要是让公司员工进一步了解与感受阿卡铁路项目情 况,并为即将开始的正式运营积累经验。

  据了解,尼日利亚铁路现代化项目全长1315公里,从该国南部城市拉各斯一直连通到北部重镇卡诺,合同总额为83亿美元。作为项目实施的第一标 段,阿卡铁路项目全长186.5公里,沿线共设9个车站,设计最高时速150公里,即将于今年7月开始临管运营。这是非洲首条由中国进出口银行提供优贷资 金、采用中国铁路技术标准建设的现代化铁路。

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

中国标准 尼日利亚铁路


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