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Fire accidents in XI ’ an eyewitness: fire approximately six-story-tall

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/18 12:48:40 Browse times: 163 Comment times: 0

Fire accidents in XI ’ an eyewitness: fire approximately six-story-tall(西安火灾事故目击者:火势很大约有六楼高)

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Fire accidents in XI ' an eyewitness: fire approximately six-story-tall | XI ' an explosion _ news

Western us (reporters He Tong Li Trainee journalist Liu Wang) today (June 18) around 0:20 A.M., zhangan district, Xian City, long an South Road, textile city regional blackouts, Xinhua learned from the XI ' an city power supply Bureau, blackout causes is a southern suburb of 330,000 volts transformer substation, third and fourth main transformer on fire. Learned from the 120 emergency personnel on site, there is no injury report has been received. Reporter on the scene saw in the West, there is the smell of smoke gushed out, but found no fire. Eight fire engines have arrived at the scene to rescue them.

According to eyewitness crowd introduces, probably in 0:10, saw flames inside the substation, then heard a loud noise, then caught fire, the fire was about six-story-tall.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
XI ' an explosion

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China News Network

  西部网讯(记者 贺桐 李媛 实习记者 刘望)今天(6月18日)凌晨0点20分左右,西安市长安区、长安南路、纺织城等多个区域发生停电事故,记者从西安市供电局了解到,停电的原因是南郊330千伏变电站三号、四号主变压器着火。从现场120急救人员获悉,目前还没有接到人员受伤的报告。西部网记者在现场看到,还有滚滚浓烟涌出,但没有发现明火。已有八辆消防车抵达现场展开救援。


责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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