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Fishermen clashed in the waters of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province, one person was shot dead

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/17 11:22:56 Browse times: 183 Comment times: 0

Fishermen clashed in the waters of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province, one person was shot dead(江西鄱阳湖水域渔民发生冲突,一人中枪身亡)

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Fishermen in the waters of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province one person shot dead in conflict | conflict fishermen | | Poyang Lake _ news

A mediation agreement.

Original title: waters dispute with fishermen in Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province was shot dead

Beijing News newsletter (reporter Lin WANG, Xiaolin striking interns painted autumn beans) the morning of June 14, new Nan ji Shan, Nanchang city, Jiangxi province, fishermen and Tong Yam Island fishermen in duchang County of Jiujiang city, due to disputes over fishery resources in the southern Rocky Mountains in the Poyang Lake water conflict. Today (June 17), the Beijing News (app ID:bjnews_xjb) reporter learned from the new party Committee propaganda Department in Nanchang, a fisherman was shot dead in the conflict, wounded at least 5 other people, at present both new and duchang police are looking into the matter.

  Both sides had several disputes

Nan ji Shan fishermen who requested anonymity told the Beijing News (app ID:bjnews_xjb) journalist, both sides of the conflict for a long time, because the two fishermen make a living rely on Poyang Lake, Tong Yam Island fishermen often go to places in the South Rocky Mountain shrimp fishing for crayfish cage, also took their lobster pots, this year the two parties have so many disputes. Roughly around June 13, southern Rocky Mountains to stray lobster pots, containment force by Tong Yam Island fishermen detained Tong Yam Island, and beaten.

Tong Yam Island fishermen, said Nan ji Shan fishermen took the lobster pots, was "caught by them", they promptly alerts, marine and Xinjian in duchang County, after police intervention, demanding compensation for Nan ji Shan Tong Yam 40,000 yuan.

Conflicts are taking place on the morning of June 14. Tong Yam Island fishermen, Nan ji Shan more than hundreds of people driving more than 10 iron ships and several speedboats and carry Fireworks, bottles and stones to ports such as provocation, the two sides clashed in the Poyang Lake on the domain, the wounded fishermen from drowning.

The Beijing News (app ID:bjnews_xjb) reporter access to sections of the filming of a video display, both fishermen wearing life jackets, on the speedboat tossed an unknown object and shouting.

Nan ji Shan fishermen, in the conflict, some villagers were gun attack, was shot dead, another wounded people were taken to hospital.

  Conflict in one shot and killed

The Beijing News (app ID:bjnews_xjb) reporter learned from family members of the deceased, the deceased, aged 48, has a son and three daughters, brain and lungs were shot during the conflict, died on the spot.

Jiangxi campaign official told the Beijing News (app ID:bjnews_xjb) journalist, given the vast Poyang Lake area, close to multiple counties in Jiangxi province, fishermen over fishery resources in conflict situations for a long time, many fishermen near the Lake rely on fishing, fishing season each year, Government will hold as much coordination, coordination.

Today at noon, the new district of Nanchang city propaganda Department official told the Beijing News (app ID:bjnews_xjb) reporter, June 13, two rural fishermen in the island dispute on tiger prawn shrimp cage problem, Nan ji Shan 2 fishermen after their cages were wrong, Tong Yam found by fishermen in duchang County. Into on the island, and people to ask for a deposit, Director of the village Committee talks on the island are, finally, villagers raised $ 40,000 to redeem the fishermen.

He said, South Rocky Shan fishermen on this discontent Hou, sailing to theory, both occurred has fighting, villagers million xxx body Middle-Earth Chong died, another has at least 5 name villagers wounded, after between police are has intervention this thing, due to Lake broad, involved personnel and vessels more, according to its understand du Chang Police yesterday has control more name suspects, Government aspects this morning also in do dead family of mediation work.

The Beijing News (app ID:bjnews_xjb) reporter obtained a conciliation agreement, according to the families of the deceased have signed the agreement.

Today at noon, son, sobbing on the phone told the Beijing News (app ID:bjnews_xjb) reporter, "this thing has been resolved. ”

Responsible editor: Li Tianyi

Article keywords:
Fishermen conflict of Poyang Lake

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The Beijing News
江西鄱阳湖水域渔民发生冲突 一人中枪身亡|渔民|冲突|鄱阳湖_新闻资讯


  原标题:江西鄱阳湖水域发生渔业冲突 一渔民中枪身亡

  新京报快讯(记者林斐然 实习生王晓琳 漆秋豆)6月14日上午,江西省南昌市新建区南矶山乡渔民和九江市都昌县棠荫岛渔民,因渔业资源纠纷在鄱阳湖南矶山水域发生冲突。今日(6月17日)中午,新京报(微信ID:bjnews_xjb)记者从南昌市新建区委宣传部了解到,冲突中一渔民中枪身亡,另有至少5人受伤,目前新建、都昌两地警方均已介入此事。















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