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Fireworks factory explosion killed 5 people in Hunan, charge transfer body

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/17 11:22:50 Browse times: 246 Comment times: 0

Fireworks factory explosion killed 5 people in Hunan, charge transfer body(湖南烟花厂爆炸致5人死亡,负责人指使转移尸体)

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Fireworks factory explosion killed 5 people in Hunan province head of charge transfer corpses | | | Fireworks _ news

Original title: Hunan Liuyang fireworks factory explosion killed 5 people in charge transfer body

Beijing, June 17, according to the saws website, released today by the Office of the administration of the export fireworks factory Liuyang city, Changsha city, Hunan province, on the Lotus "5·17" Bulletin of the large explosion. Reported that accident killed 5 people killed, 1 wounded, after the accident, firms mainly responsible for instructing their relatives 3 dead bodies, concealing deaths. Local government in the rescue in the disposal process, no serious investigation to verify the number of casualties of enterprise hidden problem oversight.

On May 17, 2016, Changsha city, Hunan province, Lotus, Liuyang Fireworks export factory explosion accident occurred, killing 5 people were killed and 1 wounded.

Saws released today by the Office of the export fireworks factory Liuyang city, Changsha city, Hunan province, on the Lotus "5·17" Bulletin of the large explosion. Reported that after the accident, firms mainly responsible for instructing their relatives 3 dead bodies, concealing deaths, nature.

Communications also pointed out that Government rescue in the disposal process, no serious investigation to verify the number of casualties of enterprise hidden problem oversight.

The accident the lessons learned for deep, take effective measures, giving top priority to prevent the recurrence of similar accidents and cover-up, saws Office requirements, all localities should strictly black powder and other drug safety management; strict Fireworks trial safety management verification and incident information reported to work in serious casualties, it is strictly prohibited to conceal, misrepresent or late-reported accidents.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Fireworks, head saws

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China News Network
湖南烟花厂爆炸致5人死亡 负责人指使转移尸体|事故|负责人|烟花_新闻资讯

  原标题:湖南浏阳一烟花厂爆炸致5人死亡 负责人指使转移尸体

  中新网6月17日电 据安监总局网站消息,安监总局办公厅今日公布《关于湖南省长沙市浏阳市荷花出口烟花厂“5·17”较大爆炸事故的通报》。通报称,事故造成5人死亡、1人受伤,事故发生后,事故企业主要负责人指使其亲属转移3名遇难人员尸体,瞒报事故死亡人数。当地政府在事故救援处置过程中,未认真调查核实伤亡人数,对企业瞒报问题失察。






事故 负责人 烟花 安监总局


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